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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P


    OH another member suffering from MBS Enjoy your new companions.(OH pictures pleaes)
  2. Crickets choice of travel was not by air but by foot. She would fly now and than, but for the most part she would walk and or climb. When Cricket came to us she was very over weight and was kept in a very small cage. It was after we changed her diet and she lost a lot of her weight that she would fly at all. From time to time she would fly a lot for a day or two and than go back to walking or I would take her to where ever she wanted to go. For the most part it was Hay TAXI and I would come to her rescue. The cage she came with was 16wx16dx24t no room to flap her wings. We did a upgrade with a larger cage until she got her big cage a month later.
  3. If you were to choose a memory of your fid, Grey, Amazon, Macaw or any of the many species of Parrots we love and keep as companions what would it be ? The first day home, their first words or their first trick that they learn ? My fondest memories with Cricket were the many nights up in our bedroom as I was on the computer and she would be on her tree stand. she would jump down to my shoulder and preen her feathers and than she would start to nibble on my ear and I could feel her tongue as she nibbled all around the edge of my ear for about ten minutes. She would than lean forward to get my attention and when I turned to look at her she would sat Hi, Hi, and put her head down for a head scratch as if to say I just scratch your head, now you scratch mine. I would always stop what I was doing and give her my full attention and scratch her as she moved it all around so I would not miss a spot. I would give a year of my life for just one more hour with Cricket, to have her on my shoulder so she could nibble on my ear and I could feel her tongue. To have her lean forward to get my attention and when I looked at her, to hear her say Hi, Hi and put her head down for a head scratch. It was that one special moment when life was great and all was right with the world All Crickets memories are important to me, but this one memory that we shared over and over I will cherish for the rest of my life. Corky also has her time with me as we have built our own special memories over the years with our own tender moments. What are some of your chosen memories with your fids? I would really like to hear them.
  4. Hi and welcome to the grey forum to you and Fifi. OH that look in her eye.
  5. Hi Alexa and Levi, Welcome to the grey forum. There is no finer forum or better group of people and fids any place. OH and as luvparrots said we love pictures
  6. All she needed was for you to check it out and say it`s O K. She knows you are her protector and if you say it`s ok, than it`s ok
  7. So sorry to hear this. I know exactly how you feel as I just lost my loved amazon. You have my heart felt sympathy.
  8. I loved the video. She worked very hard at it.
  9. To day I`m putting Cricket to rest. My wife picked out my favorite t shirt to wrap her in. On the front it said, I Know I`m Not Perfect, but I`m So Close It Scares Me. I wore it for about an hour before I wrapped her in it. RIP my love.
  10. I came home from work around 4:25 and said hi to Cricket as I came into the house and she was jumping around saying Hi over and over like she always did. At ten till 5: I let her out of her cage so she could eat with us. She climbed up onto the back of the kitchen chair and went into like a seizure and as I held her in my arms she looked at me and than passed away. I am so sick. It was Cricket that changed the way I felt about Amazons. She is in my lap as I type this. I am going to miss her so much.
  11. Great pictures of her new adventure.
  12. Happy hatch day Ruby and I hope you have many, many more each better that the last.
  13. THAT WAS AWESOME I loved it and I am going to save it. Thanks Judy.
  14. Hi TN Mamma and welcome to the grey forum to you and Scarlet. Give her time to settle in to your home as every thing is new to her. You are going to hear about a thing called grey time. when they are ready things happen, but not until than. It sounds like things are going well for the short time you have her.
  15. It`s to the point that she is saying, look what I can do and you can`t. You will be never be out of her reach form this point on.
  16. One step at a time and they do get there.
  17. That Quaker is in tune with its flock. Great video.
  18. Ray P

    My Experiment!

    The family that eats together stays together. It`s not what you eat. It`s what you share.
  19. My grey Corky loves to fly and can hit a fast moving target (my shoulder) with no trouble. Now Cricket my amazon is kind of lazy. When she wants to go someplace she will lift her foot for a step up and look in the direction she wants to go and say giddy-up.
  20. Hi and welcome to the grey forum to you and Gabby. Your life is about to change and change for the better. I also have a cockatiel and have had cockatiels for over 42 years. they are awesome. A grey is living in a new world. You will love it.
  21. There is nothing like a quiet afternoon with your fids enjoying the sun and the all outdoors.
  22. Happy hatch day Josey and I hope you have many more each better than the last.
  23. Nilah just wanted her share. Remember you can never leave a amazon out when it comes to food.
  24. We love seeing every ones fid talking up a storm.
  25. With kindness and love they all come around in do time. Love the picture.
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