It may take a bit of adjustment for them and for you but they are more flexible and forgiving that you might imagine. At our house I get up at 5:25 a.m. make hubby a lunch feed the dogs, take care of the cats then uncover the birds and get them clean water and food making sure my Mom (87 yrs) eats as well. I talk to each of them and give a little love to those who are interested. The off to work, come home at lunch and let them out (except for Harry U2 and Whisper CAG due to agression issues) for the after noon as I only work half days. They get some fruit or nuts while out of cage and get turns playing and getting scritches. Bed time for birdies about 8p.m. then family time before bed. You will find a schedule that works for you and your flock. some where in there I do dishes, laundry, sweep and give Harry and Whisper some time alone.