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Everything posted by jessdecutie18
Nice replies, and awesome videos Luvparrots! That's an awesome climbing net!
Lol I think my husband thinks I'm crazy. Practically every time we go out I'm looking for something for Yoshi, no matter where we go... Yoshi has had the best from day one and I'd like it to stay that way. We spent a lot of money initially, with a huge cage and tons of different perches and toys and foraging games... the rolling play-stand that enables her to be all over the house with us... etc etc etc I know I'm not the only one, these guys are just so cute and lovable we can't help it. I'd love to hear how you guys spoil your baby and who thinks you are crazy, lol... Yoshi is hanging upside down right now from one of her toys being goofy... I love seeing her happy... can't wait till she can fly
So Yoshi has been eating a mix in one bowl of seeds and Zupreem Pellets... of coarse she eats all her seeds first, and then the pellets when she has to. Feeling this a little inadequate for her I went to Incredible Pets and talked to someone there for a while, and in the end brought home a big bag of Roudybush for Yoshi and a conversion paper. It basically says, feed normal and put a handful of Roudybush on her food for a week, then just feed Roudybush. Well, yesterday and today I've been doing that, and she is definately doing something to some of the Roudybush, as I keep finding half eaten/or chew up pieces of Roudybush on the ground. Of course her seeds are still her priority... Am I doing this right? The lady said to end up with just Roudybush, but will it hurt to give her some of her seed/zupreem mix in another bowl as well? She also gets to eat slivers of whatever we eat, she will try anything we try really. She has the cuttlebone and mineral treat in her cage too, but doesn't really touch them except once nibbling on the cuttlebone. I don't want just Roudybush in the cage because it looks so BORING... but maybe that's just me lol... Any advice would be great...
Thanks guys It's always nice being able to talk about my birdie baby on here without people thinking I'm retarded, lol.
And yet another poop I just figured it had been awhile, took her off my shoulder, and held her over our trash can lol, and kept saying Eww Poop! and there she went She's set
Just had to post that I'm proud of my Yoshi I have been trying to potty train her and it's been going okay... about half the poops away from her cage have been on the floor, easy to pick up, but I have to watch her and being that she is on me a lot, I was still getting pooped on a lot. As much as I can bear a little poop, it was starting to bug me because I love having Yoshi on my shoulder while on the computer or roaming the house, that way she gets lots of time with me, but I don't want poop on everything I wear. So I've been trying hard the last couple days and making sure I stood with her 1 or 2 minutes and said 'Eww Poop!' a couple times before I took her with me. Well today, I've been home all day studying hard for an upcoming test, and Yoshi has been on/around me all day. Well, I've taken her off of my shoulder 3 times now, about every 30 minutes and said 'Ew, Poop!' and EVERY TIME so has pooped! I haven't had any poop on me all day, and that's amazing considering we have been together all day All the praise Yoshi is getting for pooping, I even gave her a Pistachio (her favorite) that last time, she must think I'm crazy (I'm sure my husband does, lol)
I watched all three parts, and yes it is very sad... I'm confused though Why is this still going on with all the breeder's out there? Who is looking for crazy wild-caught Greys? I would hate to take a bird that hasn't grown up in captivity and trap it like that
Wow, poor thing, that's a long time to be stuck in a cage! Karma to you for adopting him and I hope you can make his life better with some love, patience, and attention. I'd like to see a picture or two Go slowly, and make sure he has lots of fun stuff in his cage to play with!
Cute Yoshi will be loved by us 'to the very end'
I know what you guys are talking about Yoshi has brought some fun and a lot of love into our house... she is so sweet and so playful and fun... I don't know what I'd do without her! She will have a spot in our house and in our hearts forever <3
Top 10 Common Foods that Can Poison Your Bird
jessdecutie18 replied to timotian's topic in Bird Food
Bread is fine Hamar... Yoshi likes penut butter toast -
I know reading some of those books can worry the crap out of you, I read them all before I got Yoshi because I wanted to do everything right. But I've had other birds before, and Yoshi ended up the same. While all those books contain very important information, and these parrots DO require a lot of attention and buying one isn't to be taken lightly, if you are willing to put in the time and effort, and don't expect everything to be perfect straight away, and are willing to work with any problems that crop up, you will be just fine Also, I read your other post... we were also told that Timneh's were more hardy to change... I do not know if there is scientific evidence behind this, but I can tell you Yoshi is living in an even changing environment, and does not get afraid of room changes, new things in or on her cage, etc. I rearrange the cage every other week and she goes all over the house, as I know our lifestyle is always-changing, especially in the military, so I want her used to it. The only thing she will fly away from is our 'automatic vacuum' the Roomba, probably because it's loud and hits the walls and moves around on it's own lol. She is fine with the hand held vacuum... You also mentioned that your breeder clipped your baby's wings before you could decide for yourself. Mine did the same thing unfortunately, and by now Yoshi is flapping like a maniac, she loves her wings and trys so hard to fly. Don't worry, they will grow back eventually, and think VERY carefully before clipping them again. Birds are meant to fly Sorry for the bombardment of replys, lol, I just feel you are in a similar situation that I was in not long ago
Also, about being away a lot. I understand the worry, and only get a Grey if you have time to spend with it. But if you want one badly enough, I believe you can make it work. My husband is at home half the day doing college work while I am gone, so Yoshi isn't actually totally 'alone' that long, but my husband is busy and she doesn't get much attention until later when I am also home. What did I do to help with this? Many things: We bought an awesome $400 large cage for her to explore, with a playtop and a big amount of toys and perches and foods. Initially it was expensive, but it's worth it for our Yoshi. Second, we have a 'Birdy Media Center' set up so that we can play movies, music videos, and just music anytime we want for our baby. Third, whenever someone is home, Yoshi is with them, either out on her cage playtop while my husband and I study, or on her rolling playstand that goes all over the house with us. She loves being where we are Dinner is a big deal with Yoshi, she loves being all over the kitchen counter, tasting everything we make (as long as it's safe) and giving kisses and turning around and learning for tidbits of cheese and chicken and almond... I believe Yoshi knows that we love her and spend all the time we can with her, and she is a very happy (and probably a bit spoiled ) bird.
Don't let making sure they get a perfect '12 hours' of sleep drive you away from getting this bird. Yoshi almost never gets that much sleep straight and it has never been an issue, they adapt pretty darn well to your schedule (at least my experience with birds). Looks like we have a similar schedule... I'm in the Air Force, at work by 7:30 and home by 5pm... no weekend or overtime usually, just the odd occasion... Yoshi is awake till 11 with us most nights, and we wake up and go to work at from 6-8 am... if Yoshi is tired she takes naps... if she is on her playstand downstairs and is tired she cuddles up on one foot to her favorite fluffy toy, and if we are all upstairs near her cage, she lets us know she is ready for lights out by climbing back into her cage and onto her sleeping spot (which right now is her treat bowl lol). She is such a lovable bird... and although there is lots going on early morning and late night interrupting her sleep, I suspect she makes up for it whenever she feels like it. Greys are awesome pets, I love my Yoshi to death, good luck and I hope this helped! <br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2009/10/06 20:44
Aww ouch... my birds have never broken a toe nail so I'm not any help but this is sure something I'd like to know too just in case!
Good thing the store is going out of business, hopefully all the birds go to good homes... she seemed like she was just fed up of dealing with her birds... I'll have to try some toys on the bottom of the cage! Any ideas besides boxes? What do you guys have on the bottom of their cages that they like most?
How the African Grey got it's red tail
jessdecutie18 replied to Graehstone's topic in The GREY Lounge
I finally got enough time to read this, and I have to say it's very cute -
So my husband and I went to this little bird store that we heard yesterday was going out of busness... and saw a couple things I wanted to comment/ask about. We walk in and there is the little one room store, and a lady behind the counter working on making a bird toy with beads and leather and plastic rings. There are 4 Congo's sitting out in separate corners on playstands, and other birds in cages. While we were there, one of the Congos (who had plucked the feathers off of her right wing) jumped off the playstand and, wham, hit her right side on the floor... two of her growing in wing feathers were all bent and hanging afterwards, so the lady went to go get the pizza guy next door and had him hold down the bird with a towl (to which he went ballistic) and she pulled the now bleeding feathers and put some powder on them. She said this was a normal occurance, that the bird keeps breaking his growing in feathers, but I was quite shocked. Also, all her birds cages had lots of toys sitting on the bottom as she said some love to get down there and play. I've never seen Yoshi on the bottom of her cage voluntarily, and I haven't really heard of that, maybe I should put some toys down there? She told me that her birds all switch cages all day, that they all live in different places throughout the day, so they are used to change. Is that sanitary though with different birds? I guess I just wasn't ready to see the Congo dealt with like that, but perhaps it's a normal occurance...
Do your greys sleep during the day?
jessdecutie18 replied to Janfromboone's topic in The GREY Lounge
Yoshi will chill on one foot and relax... but very rarely does she close her eyes... if we are watching a movie in darkness though she also cuddles up and naps, blinking at sudden noises on the TV or laughs from us -
Is this a moult? - Have I even spelt it right? LOL
jessdecutie18 replied to Joolesgreyuk's topic in The GREY Lounge
No molting here yet... but Yoshi is only 6 months old -
If you think you have problems with frisky greys
jessdecutie18 replied to Mistyparrot's topic in The GREY Lounge
Lol... weird looking parrot! -
It's always nice to hear another member's thoughts and stories, glad you are on the forum I haven't had my Yoshi that long, but I love this forum
Hope you guys enjoy