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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. How cool I'm sure you were proud! I can't wait until Yoshi's wings come back, they were clipped while young but hopefully new feathers will grow in soon so she can learn before she turns one
  2. Yoshi has taken a liking to sleeping on her steel food bowl (the fourth one in the cage used for treats that usually has nothing in it). Before I'm up every morning though she is up high on either her cement perch half asleep or her rope perch monkeying around
  3. I'm quiet and shy like a Pionus, but love cuddles and stuff like a Cockatoo more
  4. So recently we rearranged our 'den' where Yoshi's cage is and our big new desks are. We ended up moving Yoshi's cage to the opposite end of the room, and since then (for 3 days) she has been sticking to one side of her cage (she has a LARGE cage) staying as far away from the closet as possible. The thing is, her food and water bowls are on the side she has been avoiding. Well yesterday I gave her an almond, and then made it obvious that I put another in her food bowl, which she stared at and made no attempt for. Today, it still wasn't touched, so this morning I put a pistachio in there too (her top favorite ) and she just looked over longingly. Well, I came home for lunch and 'tadaa' she was being a monkey on the other side of her cage on her multiple ropes and when I looked in the bowl both the almond and the pistachio were gone. I guess temptation overcame her fear, and now she is acting like she was never afraid of the closet By the way, I found a nice new desk, with a long board in the middle set up just for Yoshi It has her Walmart toy, the pen (no ink) she likes to occasionally chew on as I do homework, and is in a perfect position for her to watch over me as I do my computer work and stuff. My husband has the exact same desk, and since we spend a lot of time at our desks space for Yoshi was a must
  5. I too considered adopting an older bird(I used to have a parrokeet and a quaker) but my husband had never even handled a bird before and I didn't want him to have to deal with a problem bird from the beginning. Plus both of us fell in love with our Yoshi when we saw her at just over 4 months old I am glad there are people out there adopting these older greys though, and they need a stable loving home too! I'd adopt them all if I could!
  6. I can't wait for Yoshi to molt and grow in some new flight feathers! It's past time she learnt to fly
  7. My Yoshi is pretty good at staying on her play-top or play-stand, but I believe any bird is going to get into trouble if they are not watched for long enough. Each bird is different. You can teach them to come to you with repitition, and reward them for staying on their cages, but I wouldn't leave him unsupervised and expect him to just stay put too long.
  8. Alright no mushroom for Yoshi! I don't think she ate any luckily, just tore apart some of one... Yoshi was doing to same thing this morning... but I'm glad to hear Harvey also does this and he is older than my Yoshi.
  9. So Yoshi has been off of formula for a week now, and I believe has been just fine. Eating her own food, and tasting pretty much anything we put in front of her. This afternoon though I went to pet Yoshi and she did the 'duck, touch fingers, and jerk head up and down' thing she did when she was hand-feeding from a spoon. She has done this randomly a couple times, but today was persistent... soon after my husband and I were preparing dinner, so as a treat I put an apple slice and a couple pieces of pasta on the counter and she joined us in the preparing, tearing apart that and hopping over to grab cooked chicken and mushroom from where we were preparing 'human dinner' She had a great time... We ate dinner and watched a bit of TV with Yoshi on her play stand, then upstairs into our computer room with Yoshi chilling with us on top of her cage. I go to pet her and she still does the hungry begging thing, if that's what that is? Maybe she is just getting over hand feeding, maybe she is just being a baby begging and I shouldn't feel worried, but I need some advice on this. I don't want Yoshi to be deprived! Later on, before bed, she was totally normal again, flapping her wings and nibbling on her toy before giving goodnight kisses to me and Mike, and lights out. So at least I don't feel she went to bed hungry or anything like that.
  10. How old is 'Chicken'? Just though I'd ask...
  11. That gave me a laugh But hey, it's a good question!
  12. Yoshi is one of the calm ones before bed Usually my husband and I are in the room with our laptops before bed, and she will sit and preen and slowly raise her foot and close her eyes and open them every time we say something only to close them again. She knows it's past her bedtime!
  13. So I don't know how many of you are into cute stories, or cute stories about birds But if you have never seen 'Paulie' the 1998 movie, you should! I used to love that movie, and just re-watched it recently. It's not about a Grey unfortunately but still very sweet... even made me cry a little bit... Just thought I'd share. Has anyone on here seen it? Here is the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txigIDFlLV4
  14. Yoshi is extremely quiet most of the time... occasionally the squeaks at a 1 or 2 if she is in a playful mood... she yells at about a 4 if we are leaving the house and saying 'bye!'. I know she would be fine in an apartment. She hasn't started talking yet though...
  15. Aww that's cute Char... we have only had Yoshi a little while but I know after a long day at work she is always excited to see me I'm glad to think if I have to stay home sick from work and my husband isn't here, Yoshi will be and will find it a treat to be outta the cage all day on a week day lol.
  16. Sorry for the confusion, she doesn't say "I wanna kiss," I say that, she just has the kissing down, not the words
  17. So after just posting on the forum this week about how I've never seen Yoshi just hang upside down, that she is probably still too clumsy for that... yesterday afternoon I come home, rush to open her cage up and give her a cuddle, come into her room and see her just dangling from the very top of her cage, and she stares at me and squawks a couple times before scuttling across the top and side back down to one of her closest perches... It was like she was saying "See Mommy, I CAN do it, I'm not too clumsy!" Then as I reach in and she steps up she falls off and hits the ground... jumping right back up and looking expectantly at me to pick her up... like it never happened and she isn't clumsy at all I gave her some sunflower seeds for the effort Also, while Yoshi usually plays on her playstand totally happy while my husband and I eat and watch TV, she made a leap of faith onto the edge of the couch, fell in between a pillow face down, and then scuttled back out and ran up into my lap... all that effort for some scratches and cuddling... and some of my broccoli and cheese too! She hasn't been that much into cuddling with me lately so it was a nice change! She surprises me sometimes... I love her so much We went out yesterday and bought two more long intricate wooden perches so we can put stuff higher up in her cage now, I think she is ready Also found her a small swing and another destructable toy... can't help but get things for our baby This weekend I'll be rearranging her huge cage and I'm actually pretty excited Also soon we shall be getting new furnature for the room (new desks) and I'm glad because I want to keep her used to change, as I'm in the military and might move with her or have someone else take care of her if I'm gone a couple weeks doing training or something. Sorry for rambling... but I can't help but talk about Yoshi She has 'I wanna kiss' down as far as training, and does it almost every time you ask her to now. Still no words, but time will tell
  18. I enjoy looking what birds are for sale on Craigslist... not that I have room for another right now... but I saw this today and thought it odd lol. The cage is a strange shape (don't strangle me if you have this cage and love it please lol) and the raccoon is taking over? Just thought I'd share lol. http://spacecoast.craigslist.org/for/1378185179.html
  19. Char wrote: That's how Yoshi is with Pistachios, lol. So will be your best friend while your giving her those, no matter who you are
  20. We also have a PetLand... and it's the exact same type of senario I'm afraid. It always makes me a little sad. They have a Cocatoo in there that is completely clipped and in a big raised cube... One small perch and one small toy... and all the workers say he is totally evil and they can't touch him. Well after talking to him softly and going slow with him and not minding a couple nips, he got on my hand and seemed glad for the attention. People don't understand that this bird seems 'evil' because he gets no love and attention, no real toys, nothing. I hate it when people blame the birds... They also have a new batch of Sun Conures and that's the worst... seeing those babies with nothing in their cube, no interactions at all... wishing so bad I could adopt them all... I'm just hoping they are sold before long. Unfortunately we cannot save every pet store bird... at least we can take the very best care of the ones we have and give them a wonderful home. I love my Yoshi <3
  21. BTW Jillybeanz is right seriously the portable vaccuum is a necessity. We bought a Roomba electronic vaccuum that's a blessing because I really don't want to vaccuum every night
  22. #12 Be prepared to fall in love instantly Everything they do is so cute, and the unexpected suprises are the best
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