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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Prayers for you and yours, yes, fingers crossed, make sure to tell Vet if anything around the house or food or anything new... Hows the poop and eating?
  2. White vinegar is great for cleaning, it doesn't have to be rinsed off, no residue, and it sanitizes, use it for everything.. Organic Apple Cider Vinigar is good for cleaning food and water bowels, soaking veggies, the birds love it. Jayd
  3. Suggestion, no bleach it's absorb into the wood, try Apple Cider Vinegar... Good idea about the catcher....Jayd
  4. Green Leafy Veggies are the main course for Grey's, this is where most of the calcium comes from, try feed it different ways....
  5. Thanks for spending more time with us Greywings...
  6. That's great, strawberry's should be given a small piece every other day or so, no top's. Green Leafy Veggies: Kale, Turnip Greens, Mustard Greens, Dandelions, Beet and Carrot tops, Bok Choy, etc....No lettuce, very little Chard and Spinach... Thanks Jayd
  7. Jayd

    Toe Fetish

    http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190382-Issac-Week-35ish-Toe-Lover&highlight=fetish http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189683-Murphy-has-a-foot-fetish&highlight=fetish LOL
  8. I'm sorry, I couldn't recommend her, Her style is for some other kind of animal..You said:She did use some stressful force measures and says she needed to see where he was at already as far as training. QUESTION? What did she need to see? You can do that with out stressing a Grey! If she "clips" that explains she still has to learn about Grey's...To make a blunt point, You need to train her, no one else... A week our two isn't a long time...This can take months to years, no trust no step-up, or anything else...Sorry...Jayd
  9. Hi there's a lot of good opinions on clipping on this forum. " need clipping because we want to tame her, does she have to have them clipped?"... This is a Myth, if anything , clipping has nothing to do with taming, if anything, it has the opposite effect. No you don't have to clip.... If you do, how will you know the excitement of getting your head pooped on? Thanks Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?191022-Why-a-Clipped-wing-Bird-can-Fly!!!&highlight=clipped+wings http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...ective-Neutral Clipping http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...ective-neutral http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...ective-neutral http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...ective-Neutral
  10. Jayd

    My confusion

    How true my friend..
  11. In my case... I don't toss it, they eat it fresh....It's fingers, palms and arms lately....lol luv-ya....
  12. Jayd

    My confusion

    Hi, the key to success is patience and time...Put the clicker up for now, sit back and let Neptune drive.. Let him decide what and what not to do, at his pace, to bond hi first must trust you, thats why he backs away, slow don, sit by him cage open and just talk, now and again try to offer him a treat, there's no set time limit on how long this can take, you can't rush it.......He can sense your frustration, and disappointment, clear your mind and approach him in a new light, with out expatiation, just love...jayd
  13. There's a lot of good post here about whats good for our fid's here, check them out....Thanks Jayd
  14. It has just begun! The flood gates are open! You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet........Keep it up, your doing Grey't.....One day your husband will say "What?' and it will be Sully speaking in your voice......
  15. Thank you, and welcome, and what a wonderful baby you have. Some good people have given you some good advice, there Grey't.
  16. Thank you birdhouse............Jayd Maggie and Spock......................
  17. I'm sorry I don't understand why your using two arms, all your doing is causing a detraction, causing more stress, you causing him to make a decision, step-up, jump or bite! You shouldn't press your body so close, again your causing stress..When ever he bites, don't jerk or make a noise, just walk away, don't reinforce what he's doing, What Pearllyn said is more than true....sit back, let him tell you when he's ready, don't be in a hurry to change him, we also need to make more changes for them...Jayd, p.s. to many people in the room, take him alone into your bed room, and just sit and talk with him...
  18. Please do not set a time limit. When the stress gets to much, please stop for a while, your baby's in no hurry...Jayd
  19. Thank you for helping this baby..we also have a 'AMAZON ROOM" please stop by. You might be interested in this. Thanks Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?191122-please-i-need-some-advice
  20. Welcome to you and yours. Yes, asking questions is useful too!
  21. Welcome Frozenfox, Both Azzie and Janet are correct, Spock, now at bed time will fly to a curtain rod that's 4 inch below the ceiling, above a table that we can't reach, he'll freeze and pretend to be hiding...lol
  22. Good advice, try 1 piece of fruit every couple of days, try Zupreem natural pellets, Feed him a little cooked pasta, [Orzo, elbow] Looks like diet to me. Jayd
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