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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Here's a couple of links that might interest you....Jay d http://www.africangreys.com/ http://www.alexfoundation.org/
  2. A lot of re-homes occur because one of the house members doesn't like birds the bird in question, which usually ends up in " The bird goes or I go". Another situation, is noise factor or can no longer have pets because of moving, death, etc... It doesn't matter to who [sex] the Grey was bonded to. We have abused birds who still bond to the same gender as who abused them... Thanks Jay d
  3. Wonderful opinion, excellent, except we have no stupid people here!!! Sorry, not a opinion, a fact.....Thank You.....Jay d
  4. Thank you, what a sweetheart..He has no handicap, he has you....
  5. Please reply to ''Angel has flown over the Rainbow Bridge" Thank You
  6. Angel has flown over the rainbow bridge., Karen's friend, Barbara, her Grey Angel has taken flight. Karen [Karcar] un-selfishly took on the responsibility of helping her friend Barbara care for this Grey that they rescued from a Drug house, with all odds against them. They loved and cared for this poor drug abused baby. In his passing, he new love and was calm at the end. Karen wishes to not answers questions concerning Angel right now, while she takes this time to grieve. If any one wishes, they can contact me. Fly Free my Grey Friend Angel
  7. Get your spray bottle out...lol Do it lightly the first few times, then saturate him....Remember, they don't have the oil, they wet good...lol
  8. What a beautiful wonderful baby........THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Thank You Arjadaga.........
  10. Thank you and welcome, and welcome for getting a older Gray. Yes, keep your cage open when your around, sit by him and talk, or read or sing to him. It will take a while to gain a older Grey's trust, thers some wonderful currart post's and threads about getting your Grey back into his cage....
  11. Bear with me please, I'm going to try and explain this in short form.....White mutation a natural mutation.. How? it is a sex-linked recessive gene. A bird, hen has 1 X gene, a male has 2 X genes. The Y gene of the hen is to short to carry the gene, so she can carry it on the X, The male if this gene is carried only on one X, you have a normal colored bird, if it's carried on both X on the male, you male a white bird. So , if you remove the melanin [gray] and the color gene, you have a Albino of White Grey.
  12. What more could Kopi want or need then you...
  13. Another Grey friend has taken flight over the Rainbow Bridge, he'll remain anonymous. Please, a little prayer for this Winged friend and his parront and friends.....
  14. This is common, more so in Amazons, just take a time out.....
  15. I don't mean to be negative. One of the symptoms of calcium deficient is constant head shaking...[besides fluid] It won't hurt to mention this to a Vet, if I'm right or wrong doesn't matter. Sorry every one...
  16. Sometimes it's a nervous trait, please have you Vet check it out, has she ever fallen? Jay d
  17. Sometime, watch you baby eat a pomegranate fruit. It's has 4 layers, the the outer skin,the fruit, the inner shell and seed. This info, is passed down, the same as humans, from generation to generation, it's ingrained in the genes...Not the same as eating a piece of toast, or Cheerio's....
  18. Birdnut reply is "Spot on", Make sure to say "I love you and Thank You when you walk away, then come back shortly as if nothing happened...
  19. If you'd like to check through the posts and thread, you'd be surprised at how many "Breeders" are selling "Un-weaned " baby's in the UK right now, I'm coaching 3.....The way you wrote your reply is a "blanket statement, 12 weeks!" We have many Grey's on this forum receiving formula over 20 weeks old. Most Grey's are not comepletly fledged at 12 weeks. Roseanna inquire was a good one, the same as your's Thank you... Jay d
  20. Please don't stop asking questions. Jay d
  21. I would advise going to a different Vet. A knowledgeable bird caretaker [Avian Vet] would take all steps to ensure this wouldn't happen...My opinion...Jay d
  22. This was also stated: "The baby should be fully weaned before you can take the bird home thats usually when there 12 weeks so you wont have to worry about that side of things." In response to both of these questions, There is no set age at which a baby is guarantied to be weaned. All questions deserve the best possible answer's, regardless of motive, that's why were here. The majority of the forum members are against hand-feeding by a novice, but jf and when this occurs, were here to offer all our support. Poshey22 question was very good. Dan's reply was on the spot, as was Roseannas. You'd be surprised what you can learn on this forum with positive responses... Thanks Jay d
  23. ;)Are dog Rollo, eat all tossed veggies, Lafaber Avi-cake, dumped nuts, and TOP's pellets and last but not least, Zupreem Natural Pellets.....LOL;):eek:
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