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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd

    My confusion

    Thank you, it's a NO-NO....
  2. Jayd

    My confusion

    This is where you use both hands and have them keep stepping-up from finger to finger. Here's a good and interesting thread.... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot
  3. Dee, the reason for this is because of you and your selflessness...And as we all admire, your strength.....
  4. Thank you all. Please move on to this thread now, Wish Dee and Kopi the best...Thank you http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?191168-Kopi-is-in-the-hospital
  5. Bless you..... All you've done and all your doing is the best for both you and Kopi, I know Juno and every one envolved thanks you... Love Jay d and Maggie and Spock
  6. "You just can't imagine how lost I would feel having so many questions and no source of good information." We have all felt this way my friend......
  7. Jayd

    My confusion

    In agreement with Dan, "Palming, Laddering" are considered by some as a form of punishment. It is far better you concentrate on the parts of your body he is comfortable with. We all want good thing to happen with or Grey's rapidly, in reality, some of the things we think of as the easiest, take the longest.
  8. If there new to going outside, take it easy, if it's to hot for you, it's way to hot for them, if in a cage, cover half the cage so they can seek protection, same if harnessed, have it so they can move in and out of the shade. Watch for signs of being overheated, wings held away from body, panting.....Jayd
  9. Thank you, no one "rambles" to much...Welcome
  10. This is great, keep the variation no more then 10 degrees f. Let him get some direct sun to...
  11. Jayd

    My confusion

    Least we all forget, A Grey, like a child can be taught, in most cases, that what is his is his, and what he can have or can't have. Aplay shirt is that, his, and your Sunday best isn't.....Remember, on this forum, a suggestion or advice, is just that, not a competition of who's right in a mater like this...Out of the mouth of babes....
  12. Someone's Grey isn't doing well, [not Spock] If everyone could give best wishes, or a prayer, or what ever you would like to wish this Grey well would be grey'tly appreciated and much needed.......Will keep you informed.....
  13. To realize The value of a sister/brother Ask someone Who doesn't have one. To realize The value of ten years: Ask a newly Divorced couple. To realize The value of four years: Ask a graduate. To realize The value of one year: Ask a student who Has failed a final exam. To realize The value of nine months: Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn. To realize The value of one month: Ask a mother Who has given birth to A premature baby. To realize The value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize The value of one minute: Ask a person Who has missed a train, bus or plane. To realize The value of one-second: Ask a person Who has survived an accident. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when You can share it with someone special. To realize the value of a friend or family member: LOSE ONE. Remember..... Hold on tight to the ones you love!
  14. Orzo and star are small pasta, [spaghetti] Garbanzo [CHICK PEAS] are a bean. Chicken and turkey you can boil, bake, roast, no seasoning, white meat only. Tuna, caned tuna packed in water, low sodium if yo can find it, serve right out of the can..You can also give about a 1/4 slice of a wheat bread with natural peanut butter on it... Thanks...Jayd
  15. Thank you, sounds good, try very little tomato,[i'll explain later] very little water melon, orange, pomegranate's are grey't..Boil the beand till done, not real mushy...check this over, we can adapt it for you....Thanks Jayd :cool:We Feed Our Fid's!!! Breakfast and Dinner: Yum, they gets, Yellow or Red Sweet-potato, [cut, put in pan, fill 1/2 full with water, cook till mushy] then we add to 1 tbsp: Natural unsweetened Applesauce, or, mashed Fresh Pear,[1 thin slice], or, 1 slice of Banana, to this we ad 1/4 teasp of "Natural Peanut Butter" [skippys], mix it all together, warm it in a microwave,[under 110 degrees]. This is served on a saucer along with: 1 tbsp each of lightly cooked, Lentils, Split Peas,[yellow or green] Orzo and Star pasta, and 4-10 Cooked plain Garbanzo beans. During the Day: Fresh Veggie Time!!! Each bird gets, depending on what there favorite is: Some Chopped Dark Green Leafy veggie, slice or 2 of Squash, [Zucchini, Yellow, Chayote] 1-2 Grapes, A couple Pieces of Pepper, [Red, Yellow, Orange, Anaheim, etc] 1-2 Sweet Peas in pod. Once or twice a week they get their Egg, cooked Corn on the Cob, Chicken Drum Stick, Bites of Turkey and Fish. Seed and Pellets are kept in there cage after dinner till breakfast! Note: this alone, with Dark Green Leafy veggies, and Sunlight for Calcium absorption,has more dietary needs then pellets or seeds! Ad a little Protein, ie: White Chicken/Turkey/Salmon/Tuna, and a Well Done Hard boiled egg, shell and all, a couple times a week for a complete healthy diet. Keep a little pellets and seeds available, our large fid's are given approx 1/8 cup a day.:rolleyes: Hi, Maggie here...chief cook, bottle washer and Jay's other half...Thank you...it is easy. We prepare it fresh daily and refrigerate it. The cooked sweet potatoes, rice, orzo, beans, lentils last about three days. (Of course, they have eaten it all by then anyway...LOL) The night before, I mix the sweet potato with the peanut butter and apple sauce and when Jay gets up in the morning (five days a week), he puts everything on a plate (in nice little globs) and warms it in the microwave before adding his choice of fruit. Then he divides it on to 4 plates, one for each of the Fids except for Joey and Spock (they are fed from the same plate). It is so easy to prepare that we like to make them fresh. Every three days, I make the food the night before. What is so nice about about this is nutritionally, they are getting what they need along with the fresh veggies, green leafy veggies and small amount of pellets/seeds they get. And...say you have a small amount of cooked carrots or small amount of boiled white potatoes, you can add or substitute for the sweet potato. Peas, carrots, any of the good veggies can be substituted. If you have spaghetti, you can sub chopped for the Orzo. The main reason we don't freeze is some of the veggies can take on a different taste once frozen. Final note: Cooked Garbanzo Beans ( Chickpeas) we always feed them last, otherwise they don't eat their meal (they like them WAY too much...LOL) ****Beans and rice make a complete protein****
  16. Thanks, no alcohol, use hydrogen peroxide diluted 10-1 [1 part HP, 10 parts water,] rinse using about a cup of this, then rinse with fresh water...Jayd
  17. Here's two sites that might explain Grey's behavior.... http://www.alexfoundation.org/ http://www.africangreys.com/
  18. This isn't completely correct, yes seed lack certain things, that's why you give a wide variety of seed's, most all calcium is received from green leafy veggies, and the sun,[d3] 1/2 teaspoon sunflower seeds a day is great for Grey's, Grey's aren't Quakers or pigeons or even Amazons...Have you ever read whats in Pellets?, Harrison's, Zupreem? TOP's [ are the best pellets.] It's mostly seeds with man made chemicals, and poisons. Each kind of bird has a different requirement... Did you know a Grey absorbs very little d3 from food? A excellent complete protein for a grey is brown rice and beans!!! There's fantastic food threads on this forum, Give you baby 1/8 cup or seeds/pellets a day, plus leafy green veggies, orange veggies, yellow/red/orange bell peppers, brown rice, lentils. black-eyed peas, Almonds walnuts,,,,,[some extra hard boiled egg, shell and all, white meat chicken/turkey/ tuna a couple times a week] and a small piece of fruit every couple of days....Check out the threads on food here....seeds and nuts have "EFA's" [Essential Fatty Acids] There's a lot of Smash and Mash diets on the net, Tell me what veggies you can get where your at and I'll make you a diet...
  19. Bug and weed killers, etc....
  20. Make sure it's safe wood, no bugs, no pesticides.....
  21. Hi, and welcome, thanks for the photo's. Here's what we feed our fids....Jayd Maggie and Spock and the flock. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update
  22. White vinegar is Grey't, here's a link to safe wood.... http://www.mdvaden.com/bird_page.shtml
  23. Yes, the smell dissipates and is non harmful. For really nasty clean-ups, get 2 spray bottles, fill one with vinegar, the other with Hydrogen peroxide, spray either one on the area, then spray the other one on it and wipe. It's totally safe, and sanitize.....
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