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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd

    My confusion

    Give him time, some Grey's are cage territorial, your doing right, let him come to you, he's building his trust of you. Jayd
  2. I'm sorry just keep doing what your doing, pad the cage the best you can. We've had a Crack bird for over two years now, it takes a lot of time, thank you for doing this.. Make sure you keep a lot of fresh water, this is important... Keep as much fresh veggies as possible in the cage, don't try to do any bonding or training at this time, if[?] the baby don't stress out with you a round, sit in the room with him, it's best if the baby is in a quiet area....Don't worry about diet to much right now, getting food down him is more important, you can get Chamomile tea, [good brand, pure] and at first mix 1/2 tea to 1/2 water, increase it daily till it's all tea, make sure he's drinking it, if not, add a second bowl of water to his cage, this works and is safe for birds...Try Broccoli stalks for him to take his nervous out on, or a soft piece of thick safe rope... This brings tears to my eye's, this is hell on these baby's. I'll help any way I can...He needs space and area and 1 low perch, don't over load his cage...Most of the time you'll just have to stay back, play soft music.......Jayd
  3. Arjadaga, Janet know from experience... good question....
  4. Yes he is, thank you, you gave me the idea for this thread......
  5. Jayd

    Stupid Question

    It might have been Columbus...:confused:
  6. Jayd

    Stupid Question

    Grey's and other parrots can taste spices and the hot in peppers etc, it's just that humans can distinguish many different levels of hot, where as a parrot might go from a Red pepper to a Jalapeno, to Mesabi...So don't go to hot, remember, Grey's relish there foods...Thanks Jayd
  7. How about everyone posting a photo or two of there "Wet Zon" :confused: Thanks Jayd
  8. This is good, thank you so much....
  9. If I may, we have to remember, metal or metal cap's with paint on them can be poison. A small jar with a plastic hard cap is far safer....Thanks Jayd
  10. No problem...Our fids play with each others fallen feathers.lol Jayd
  11. Our prayers are with you..Jayd and Maggie
  12. Thank you, very beautiful................
  13. Azzie, good point, thank you Janet. These suggestion are a head start in the right direction......
  14. Welcome, Please join us in our home, all our fid's are flighted, it's so fun to have them all land on you at once, I have my own cage to go into to escape them....Jayd
  15. Here's one link to some puzzle toy's, You do have a smart one.. Jayd http://www.birdsupplies.com/Enriching-Bird-Toys-s/88.htm
  16. Welcome....The red around the bottom is normal for most Grey's, When seeing red feathers in unusual places on Grey's you also shold have them checked for other problems, it's not always the "Red Factor" causing it. Jayd
  17. Jayd

    Stupid Question

    If I remember right, a parrot has 400 taste bud,'s [?] as compared to many more we have. No stupid question.. Yes they go by taste. Try "Mung beans, sunflower seeds" Jayd
  18. Take the baby to the Vet ASAP.........Jayd
  19. NO SUGAR!!!, Read the ingredient of anything you feed your baby.....Iron, salt, sugar, Vit A, must be kept to a minimum....Jayd
  20. I'm sorry guys, my purpose for using aloe in this instances is not for abrasions or dry skins, it is being used on the feathers to help eradicate any fungus or a virus that might have attached itself to the feathers.....The Aloe needs not to be absorb into the feathers to work. New uses are being found daily for this plant. We no longer us "Aloe Vera Juice" but make our own, [1 part Aloe gel "fresh" to 4 parts distilled water] due to the fact that the citric acid in it has and caused irritation on some birds. Some store bought "Aloe Gel's" have "thickeners", so read the label please.... There is so much yet for us to learn, each days a new day.... Jayd
  21. Jayd

    My confusion

    This is all normal, he's testing the water. When you can, sit by him, read to him, sing, tell jokes, tell him everything you doing. When you go to put your hand in his cage, tell him what your doing, greet him each day, sing him a song. When he calls you, say"Gimme a kiss" and make a kiss sound, treat him like a young child whose home in bed for the day...Patience is the secret.....
  22. Thank you, you should limit the amount of regular potato and egg you feed your baby, to much white potato isn't good for them, sweet potato is Grey't. Baby cereals once in a while is ok, to much Iron, try instant oatmeal, you can even mix other things in with it.....Jayd
  23. Yes, by all means, give him a 50cc bedtime feeding of formula let him eat as much as he wants. You might want to try the smash in the mornings also we've had good luck with it on babie's....Here Ya Go....Jayd :cool:We Feed Our Fid's!!! Breakfast and Dinner: Yum, they gets, Yellow or Red Sweet-potato, [cut, put in pan, fill 1/2 full with water, cook till mushy] then we add to 1 tbsp: Natural unsweetened Applesauce, or, mashed Fresh Pear,[1 thin slice], or, 1 slice of Banana, to this we ad 1/4 teasp of "Natural Peanut Butter" [skippys], mix it all together, warm it in a microwave,[under 110 degrees]. This is served on a saucer along with: 1 tbsp each of lightly cooked, Lentils, Split Peas,[yellow or green] Orzo and Star pasta, and 4-10 Cooked plain Garbanzo beans. During the Day: Fresh Veggie Time!!! Each bird gets, depending on what there favorite is: Some Chopped Dark Green Leafy veggie, slice or 2 of Squash, [Zucchini, Yellow, Chayote] 1-2 Grapes, A couple Pieces of Pepper, [Red, Yellow, Orange, Anaheim, etc] 1-2 Sweet Peas in pod. Once or twice a week they get their Egg, cooked Corn on the Cob, Chicken Drum Stick, Bites of Turkey and Fish. Seed and Pellets are kept in there cage after dinner till breakfast! Note: this alone, with Dark Green Leafy veggies, and Sunlight for Calcium absorption,has more dietary needs then pellets or seeds! Ad a little Protein, ie: White Chicken/Turkey/Salmon/Tuna, and a Well Done Hard boiled egg, shell and all, a couple times a week for a complete healthy diet. Keep a little pellets and seeds available, our large fid's are given approx 1/8 cup a day.:rolleyes: Hi, Maggie here...chief cook, bottle washer and Jay's other half...Thank you...it is easy. We prepare it fresh daily and refrigerate it. The cooked sweet potatoes, rice, orzo, beans, lentils last about three days. (Of course, they have eaten it all by then anyway...LOL) The night before, I mix the sweet potato with the peanut butter and apple sauce and when Jay gets up in the morning (five days a week), he puts everything on a plate (in nice little globs) and warms it in the microwave before adding his choice of fruit. Then he divides it on to 4 plates, one for each of the Fids except for Joey and Spock (they are fed from the same plate). It is so easy to prepare that we like to make them fresh. Every three days, I make the food the night before. What is so nice about about this is nutritionally, they are getting what they need along with the fresh veggies, green leafy veggies and small amount of pellets/seeds they get. And...say you have a small amount of cooked carrots or small amount of boiled white potatoes, you can add or substitute for the sweet potato. Peas, carrots, any of the good veggies can be substituted. If you have spaghetti, you can sub chopped for the Orzo. The main reason we don't freeze is some of the veggies can take on a different taste once frozen. Final note: Cooked Garbanzo Beans ( Chickpeas) we always feed them last, otherwise they don't eat their meal (they like them WAY too much...LOL) ****Beans and rice make a complete protein****
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