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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. All our prayer's are with you and Smokey......
  2. Happy Birthday Sir.....Jayd, Maggie, Spock, and the flock

  3. LOL HaHAhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH, Thanks Dave..........
  4. Diego's in love with you, he's sending off pheromones..[lol] The musk odor actually emitts from the Zon's "Ceres", they will also emit this when there excited.......
  5. In choosing live wood, or wood from your yard, you must be careful of: exhaust fumes, pesticide's,[they saturate the wood] insects and there eggs, other bird droppings, urine etc.....
  6. I've never noticed a odor from our Grey's or the one's we've worked with. On a duck, it's the oil gland that dog's smell, different than a Grey...
  7. ;)Happy Bird-day Sir, We need you to have many more. Your the 'Rock of this Forum":) All the Best, Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock!!!!!
  8. You have every right to be proud, Louie is beautiful, and he'll stay that way thanks to you.....
  9. The are short distances flier's, and very adept at flying in the bush. Amazon group in large flock, they don't travel the many miles in search of food as Grey's do,more in feet, they scurry from branch to branch, limb to limb under the cover of leaves, they also like to live by natives, who they learn there language and become "Group Pet's", the coloring is also a main safety factor, try holding a large branch of green leaves above your Zon, they really blend in...A Grey, being a ground forager is the same, when the flock is on the ground, they blend in with the dirt and clay, being almost the same color, and are hardly noticed from above.....Thanks Jayd
  10. Hi, Glass filters out 90% of UVB rays, even 15 minutes of sunlight a day will help, for indoor Full Spectrum UVB/UVA lighting, much more is needed, Any-ware from 4 to eight hours daily. Besides a good diet, lighting is one of the most important factors in a Greys health... Don't you just love Timnehs.....Here's a link to useful info, including "Lighting" Thanks Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  11. What a beautiful Zon Louie is, he's a large bird, I noticed how cautious he is, Is he weary of something? did his previous owner have a cat? Or does he just doesn't like Cameras? Thanks Jayd
  12. Thank you so much for what you want to do and for your open mind. If I may suggest, if the rescue bird has any problems, especially mental, I would advise not to select them, even though the desire to help is strong. I'm Going to suggest you select a Amazon parrot, they are known to coexist with large groups of people, they are independent and play by themselves, they can be corrected the same as children can, they talk well and can be taught to answer question's, and importantly, there low maintenance easy to feed, and like a child they have to be taught what is good for them. [they tend to get fat] really their just green children. A 8-15 month old Yellow-nape would be a ideal bird, a Blue-front is also a good choice. Conures, are some what excitable and can be nervous birds. Here's a couple of link to a useful Zon info...Thank You Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190343-Amazon-of-the-Week-Index http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190341-For-a-beginner
  13. Yes, this is normal, Zon's are "Limb Hopper", and fly only in a straight line..Always keep a close watch on their weight, they should have a little cleavage, when you press their breast with you finger it shouldn't be to soft.. Suggestion, unlike a Grey you can be more forward with a Zon, be a little more demanding with Louie, a little more forceful, tell him you want to hold him, pick him up, he'll squawk and try to pinch you, say sternly, "I don't like that", as long as there not hurt, [which you'd never do] this won't disturbe the trust you have built. Jayd
  14. Thank you so much for your rescues, you've done a wonderful thing. Our Grey's love the ice water to. If you didn't know, a Grey needs a higher Fat/Protein diet then a Ekie, Grey also absorbs very little D3 from food, Sunlight/indoor full spectrum UVB/UVA is a must for them. Greys have a oil gland near their tail and when they preen the oil is spread which in turn helps the body absorb D3 and calcium.....Also there diet is mainly veggie's and very little fruit, a bite every couple of days....Thank you, Please some pictures of all your flock.....Jayd 12-15% PROTEIN....
  15. Thank You All, for making this room what it is. Each and every one of you contribute's so much to our learning, laughter, tears and smiles. Every time some one writes a thread or makes a post, were all rewarded... Thank You, each and every person....Your Zontastic!!!
  16. What a wonderful thread. In the wild, Zon's are always on the look out for predators, there a nervous bird to begin with, then storm's, winds,new noises, they really stress, then they run for cover.... What we do, is cover part or all of the top and down to perch level on 3 sides of there cage, a place, security, we also some what ignore them, unless they call for us....Thanks Jayd
  17. As I've said before, Zon's are part Monkeys....lol
  18. jshendrix. Your Grey's are beautiful and thank you for there photo's....Jayd
  19. I hope this might help, posts numbers, 28, 33, 36,......http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page3
  20. This is a open forum, it's open to debate and comments, and opinions that do not require asking permission. Photobucket is a great place to post photo's with out worry of comments....Jayd
  21. Question? Is your patio enclosed or just covered? If it's not enclosed, they are in great danger. You are not the first person I have said this to, and I'm sure not the last. My comments weren't against you, just a heads up.. I'm sorry, I have to stand by the statements I made, this is a open forum, if said in private, it wouldn't benefit our members. What has been said, is said, I'm glad you let me know how you feel about me, but please reconsider taking you fid's outside un-harnessed or un-caged, a photo isn't worth it....humility has nothing to do with my sincere concern. There's no question in my your a Grey't parront. Jayd
  22. This list is ok....Read the Maple warning!!....http://www.mdvaden.com/bird_page.shtml
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