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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. You might want to pad around his cage so if he falls he won't split his breast, He could be nervous because he wants to fly so bad. He's reaching out to you...He doe's want to be picked up, he knows your not ready, he can feel you fear and emotions.....Jayd
  2. Jayd

    Handling baby TAG

    Thanks Dave...................
  3. To answer your last question first, Your right, he knows what NO means...LOL... This is a very good question, I'm going to reply from personal feelings, from what others have to say and from what I've personaly experienced.. Most people agree that Grey's plan what they say and are going to do next, they instigate and act to a preplanned course of action to get what they desire. Most people say a Amazon is smart, and one of the best mimics... Now, how doe's a Amazon who is raised by a Grey person or someone who treats the Zon as other then a clown and bird who can mimic a large vocabulary of word and sounds? A Zon is smart and extremely intelligent, not to the extent of a Grey, due to there life in there wild habitat...They live by people in the wild so they don't have to travel as far to get food and water. In there captive world they learn to do what ever to get exactly what they want and also know how to say thank you, again to be sure they continue to get what they want. They talk and sing to please, and receive social rewards from this, I could go on and on, this is intelligent..... To answer your question, Yes, to a point.They know what works and what to do to make it work. They may not know what a certain word might means, but the do known if they use a certain word they'll get close to what there asking for.....Jayd
  4. Your doing Grey't, just by asking Your questions...Jayd
  5. Thank you, I can,t see anything that keeps the poop away from the birds bottom,, there is a protrusion for the poop to roll into, but as we all know this don't always happen. Another point is if you touch the bottom area when picking up your bird, the mess and moisture is pressed against him. These are experiments I've performed personally...Six hours is far to long to have any bird covered with cloth...This is wrong, you said: "i start introducing it to them even before they are completely feathered", These baby's body's must breathes... I hope you don't do this with your Grey!!! What about light absorption... Sorry, no, not a good idea....Jayd
  6. Hi, to much spinach isn't good, it has a large amount of salt, it also contains oxalic acid which inhibits absorption of other nutrients, the same is true of chard...Here's a example of what we feed our fid's, they need a lot of fresh veggies in their diet plus some seeds and nuts.... Thanks Jayd..http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update
  7. Question? Is he shivering? [Whole body] or Quivering his little breast feathers? If he's just quivering , it means he's content/happy like he's welcoming you...Thanks Jayd
  8. I've always been Leary about diaper rash, plus his poop being in close proximity to there body for any length of time, then you have the stress of changing it repeatedly and cleaning that area. As a final point, I do not believe a bird should be covered by cloth for any length of time....Jayd
  9. Thank you for following your feelings about going to a Vet. More prayers your way...Jayd and Maggie
  10. Thank you, as you know, there not bad, most members of the forum prefer the Aviator flight harness. Thanks Jayd
  11. You might want to have Leo checked for a infection or something..or check around his cage where he might be picking this oder up from...Jayd
  12. This made our day....LOL Jayd and Maggie, Me to, Spock yuck-yuck....
  13. Very good response Caroline, And Gorgiesmum, very good question.. Remember, A Amazons final coloring won't show for many years. As to the color yellow, The Double Yellow-head, Single-Yellow head, now called Yellow-nape are voted your top two talkers,[sic] from there down, Bluefront etc are classed as "not quite as good as".They do this to increase the value of said bird..... All Zon's have the potential to talk, some more so then others...Thanks Jayd
  14. :)Please try and keep the temperature as constant as possible.. a change of a few degree's over a 24hr period is ok. To acclimate means to adapt a fish, bird, etc to a new environment or temperature in this case to a new standard, not a large difference in a short period of time.. To a Grey or our other parrots, a constant temp is what's important...Jayd;)
  15. Bless you, your poor angel, our prayers are with you,please keep us informed...Jayd
  16. Georgiesmum, Dave and everyone else on the forum.. I deeply apologize for the incorrect statement I made, I had a bad day yesterday and didn't feel my best, was at the Doc's most of the day. To correct this, "Salsa's dad was a Blue-front and her mom was a Orange-wing", she takes after her mom and her brother Bartly, takes after his dad!".. My deepest apologizes. Salsa was captive breed, not wild... Thanks Jayd
  17. Hi, here's some important threads about lighting, Please take a look at them, well be here to answer your questions Than Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?188081-Calcium-Food-or-Sun http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189219-Full-Spectrum-lighting-Again http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?47809-lighting
  18. Jayd


    As a side note, some veggies are bitter, try one kind at a time. Try what I call a short sprout, do the same thing your doing for 10-12 hr's, just till the tail appears, this is when there at there most nutritious. Just a suggestion. Try seeds to, sunflower seed turn into a super food...Thanks...Jayd
  19. Thank you birdnut, you wrote: Many of the cattle breeds are hybrids which were bred to produce cattle with more hardiness and better resistance to insects, heat, etc., by crossing English cattle with African cattle (which are a different species). This is what I meant by there not be bread for any other reason then "Vanity". Our Salsa is a "Hybrid" and we love her dearly. her father was a Blue-front and her mother was a Orange-wing,[Yellow-nape,ignore please] we were given her for raising 4 of there other birds, we don't accept money for anything we do with live birds, cages, toys yes, not birds......Thanks Jayd Note: Corrected my stupid mistake,Sorry Jayd
  20. What you need is your baby vet checked first before you go to a surgeon...
  21. Thanks Dave for your truthful explanation of this sad trend. Your reply's are always useful and much needed. We can always count on you Sir. Jayd
  22. As Dave said, we keep our birds year round at approx 74 degrees, no changes, this is best for them and there health, just another part of the sacrifices we must all make for them....Jayd
  23. Most people buy a parrot out of love or the need to help or share there lives with Sir, not for "Color" or just to show off or to say they have one!!! I'm sorry, sincerely, but I firmly believe that it's wrong to do this for the reasons Ive stated..any birds, not just Macaws. Jayd
  24. Almost every book sold on hand feeding a parrot and all over the net have articles on Splayed Legs, with many home made aids for it....The breeder should have seen this, and a effort should have been made before now to correct it. Suggestion, maybe you should take this poor baby to a vet to see if there's any other problems he might have.....Kudos every one...Jayd
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