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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. As a side note: Aloe Barbadensis is the one that has the greatest nutritional and therapeutic properties. A little messy yes, But the vets and I felt it would benefit Spock the most. When we bathes Spock, any residue is removed. We only apply it to the area of the heaviest chewing, and never to a open wound... This is just our opinion..... Thanks all. Jayd
  2. Here ya go...... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?47809-lighting http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?188081-Calcium-Food-or-Sun http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189219-Full-Spectrum-lighting-Again
  3. Any UVB bulb has to be above and to the side of the bird...Thanks Jayd Here's the link.. http://zoomed.com/Library//ProductDBFiles/aviansun.pdf Thank you for contacting us. The Reptisun 5.0 is actually exactly the same as the Avian Sun 5.0 bulb. You can use the Reptisun 5.0 in place of the Avian Sun 5.0 as long as you follow the instructions that come with the Avian Sun bulb. For your convenience, I have included a pdf copy of these instructions as an attachment. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Kind regards, Ashley Rademacher Customer Service Zoo Med Labs, Inc. 3650 Sacramento Dr. San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Toll Free 888-496-6633 Fax 805-542-9295
  4. A possible cause is a fungus on the feathers caused from oil from your hands and transferred through over-petting. We wash our hands with "Ivory" hand soap when we handle our birds..If any ones Zon's have this, please let me know.....Jayd
  5. Jayd


    Oh thank you, such a pretty baby, Have a story for us? Jayd
  6. Jayd

    My confusion

    As Caroline said, I don't recommend birdtricks!!!! As a side note, some Greys never enjoy being touched. Out side of there cage, they feel free and no longer have to do what you request to get out of there cage. When a baby goes through there terrible two's all kinds of strange things happen!!! Caroline is good at baby training.....Jayd
  7. Jayd


    Here you go. Janet [Luvparrots,] has one.... http://www.avianweb.com/eclectus.htm
  8. Jayd

    My confusion

    Be calm, he's testing you, have a outside perch, away from the cage and practice step-up, from there. A Grey doesn't always do what we want, especially stepping up on command....Jayd
  9. Jayd

    Hi all

    Again, diet, no sun light, over preening, needs a blood work up to see what she's lacking, probably D/CALCIUM. While waiting for vet, get the baby sun, nut, maybe some Pedialyte,...Was the baby in a small cage or with tiny bars close together?
  10. Jayd

    soya nuts

    I've never knowingly fed our fid's Soy, I still don't, I feel it's better to err on the safe side...Thanks Jayd
  11. Thanks...You can get this at "Petsmart" or any major pet supplier.. If you can't get "Avian Sun 5.0" you can get this, it's the same thing..No need to clip. Health food store for 100 percent aloe, Walmart for Aloe Vera Juice, and a nursery for the plant...Here's some threads on lighting.... Thank you for contacting us. The Reptisun 5.0 is actually exactly the same as the Avian Sun 5.0 bulb. You can use the Reptisun 5.0 in place of the Avian Sun 5.0 as long as you follow the instructions that come with the Avian Sun bulb. For your convenience, I have included a pdf copy of these instructions as an attachment. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Kind regards, Ashley Rademacher Customer Service Zoo Med Labs, Inc. 3650 Sacramento Dr. San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Toll Free 888-496-6633 Fax 805-542-9295 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?188081-Calcium-Food-or-Sun
  12. Aloe barbadensis [Curacao aloe]..... In this case, use a soft towel or paper napkin and apply it thick to the ruffled area....[maximum saturation] [No Juice]....Good for bird if he gets any in his beaker....lol Thanks Jayd
  13. Hi, welcome back the two of you, you were missed.. Cut down on the baths to 2 times a week, Get a Aloe plant or 100 percent Aloe Gel and wipe on the area, Increase sun and/ or Full Spectrum UVB/UVA time... He's over preening, could be a nutritional or lack of vitamin [D3, sun/UVA/UVB] With out knowing more, that's all I can say.....Jayd
  14. Yes, this is a little one, let her eat..........Try everything, Caroline and the others always have good advice.. They love swings and things they can hang on..Young Zon's sometimes get a wing fungus, if any black appears on her wings let me know...CONGRAT'S Jay d
  15. Jayd

    hyacinth macaw

    There large and majestic, and if they haven't been mis-treated, their so gentle...A proper cage is half as big as a small room...LOL Jay d This is worth seeing.... http://www.google.com/images?q=hyacinth+macaws&oe=utf-8&rls=com.yahoo:en-US:official&client=firefox&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=Wn6eTKz-F5P0tgPmuZnWAQ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CDYQsAQwAA&biw=1366&bih=641
  16. The best eggs for our fids is a egg that has been scrubbed with Apple Cider Vinegar, then over hard boiled, when cooled, cut in half [length wise] and give to your baby in the shell, they forrage and eat what they want. Another way is scrubbed, put in "Birdie-Bread" well crushed shell and all.... Just a suggestion.....Jayd
  17. This is wonderful!!!!! This is a Sticky.......Jayd
  18. Jayd

    hyacinth macaw

    Very good response and thank you, Yes Scarlet's are known for this. Like all birds, they each have known traits. The Hyacinth is called "The Gentle Giant".. They have a high mortality rate while hand-feeding. There cost: sometimes higher then $15,000.00....Thanks Jayd
  19. Jayd

    hyacinth macaw

    A Hyacinth macaw is probably one of the best choices for a first Macaw, as long as its not a breeder. Diet is of the main concern with any Macaw. For further reference, in selecting a Hyacinth Macaw you must be certain the were fed the proper food while being raised, there requirements are different then most parrots, there famous for being Stunted if not fed properly and abundantly fed through their youth. Over the years there have been many Hyacinth and other Macaws we've taken in and finished fledgling because for this reason. I fell Macaws give the best body language of all the parrots, with ample warning. That might be because of the difference in the handling when hand-feeding, which is something I don't recommend unless your a really experienced it....We just finished caring for two 19 year old brother and sister Macaws, You'd hold one on each arm, and they would lay their heads on you chest.... Thanks Jayd
  20. Hi and thank you, Have you read this thread? Basically the same question as yours, please read all of the Amazon room you can. All Amazons don't have a aggressive attitude, some get more hormonal then others.... I don't recommend a double Yellow-head, my personal recommendations are: A Mealy, a Lilac-crowned, or a blue-front, and last a Yellow-nape...Mealy s are wonderful birds, so are the rest, and please only get a well weaned bird... Where are you located?...Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190341-For-a-beginner
  21. You might wish to read post#37 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page2 And anything you can on body language...Jayd
  22. Welcome Cobi and Neptune, we hope you can help us learn more to, We love photo and story's, Welcome.....Jayd
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