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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    Very good advice....
  2. Dan and every one else, I'm sorry when ever I feel I have to prove my self. Your post reads besides shows etc:"I don't and hopefully no other parrot or other critter owner would practice limiting food to get a "Pet" to do what they want it to and when they want it to.".This includes me and every one.... Thank You Jay d Here's a reply I got from one of the Einsteins: I asked if they used Hunger to get Einstein to preform... We absolutely do not! You may be confusing our Einstein with the other African Grey who performed on Animal Planet Pet Stars a few years ago. That same parrot (also named "Einstein") does shows at the Knoxville Tennessee Zoo. I don't know what their practice is. However, I can assure you that Einstein is our pet and talks freely. She does know 5 things on Que and may perform them if she "feels like it", empty crop or not. For more info read this blog entry http://einsteinparrot.blogspot.com/
  3. No matter what, you can always count on the people of the Grey Forum's.....Were all concerned about both you and Kopi, don't forget that........
  4. You've got a Grey't start, Welcome... Jayd, Maggie, and Spock...
  5. Welcome to you and your new arrival....Jayd, Maggie and Spock.
  6. It's the same as a baby, to much iron is bad for a Grey, Iron Storage or Iron Overload Disease is characterized by the storage of excess iron in the liver and other organs. It may be caused by an increased absorption of iron from the intestine even when the body does not require it. This is called primary iron overload. This is usually caused by an inherited abnormality known as hereditary haemochromatosis. However, if iron is overdoses (over-supplementation), the body cannot expel the overload of iron quickly enough. So the body starts to store it in the liver. If accumulated in large concentrations, iron is toxic to liver cells. This can cause the accumulation of fluids in the body with difficulty breathing, and it can involve the heart and other organs. Toxicity can lead to cell death and fibrosis. Iron Storage Disease is not found in wild populations of birds; it is, therefore, considered a disease of captive birds, which supports the theory that over-fortified food may be one of the reasons of this sharp increase in occurrences of this condition. http://www.avianweb.com/ironstoragedisease.html
  7. Again, I'm sorry, Our fid's aren't hungry, and the people we work with, there fid's aren't hungry, all people don't treat there trained parrots that way. Sorry, Jayd
  8. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    Here's what we came up with on our analysis of 1/2 cup of sweet potato. Spock's dietitian did this for us...I'm sorry to disagree, but in this case I strongly feel she should stick to Parrot treats only. Sorry, I stand by my post....If a person feels it's ok to use a product sold for a dog, they might also feel it's ok to feed there bird a cat product etc..just because it sounds good. I feel it's safer to use the right product in the first place, Thank you all...Jayd Sugars, total 19.330 g Sucrose 5.490 g Glucose (dextrose) 1.770 g Fructose 2.040 g Lactose 0.000 g Maltose 7.130 g http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T6R-45JPG9D-1&_user=10&_coverDate=10%2F31%2F2002&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1489028156&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=eaa3ce856b14afaa35d87784e28740d7&searchtype=a
  9. Were all with you, each and every day.....
  10. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    I'm at a loss as to what to say, no, we don't feed our fid's dog food or Cheetos's or something that looks like beef jerky...our use stress to see how much our fid's know... I'm sorry, there are hundreds of posts and threads related to proper and safe food, and how to train your Grey on this forum, there's posts on safe and unsafe food, You really need to do some research, and stick to bird foods and treats that are for parrots.....Here's some to start with.... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?112983-Nutrition-Diet http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?137487-Top-10-Common-Foods-that-Can-Poison-Your-Bird http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?59809-complete-veggie-fruit-list http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190301-What-to-feed-Jack http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?13954-monkey-nuts
  11. You'll do it, and more... Spock and Joey both will say: Gimme a kiss, then make a Kissie sound then after you kiss them, they say, I love you.. Or if you say. I love you, the'll make a kissie sound, the love list goes on and on, just wait.....Thanks Jayd
  12. Yes, just substitute Carrot for sweet potato..If you choose "baby food" get the ones with the lowest Iron, salt, etc. Oatmeal iuse it'ss great, sometimes a young one who still requires feeding won't accept it because it's coarse, they tend to like the smooths textures.
  13. Suggestion, Visit a health food store, you can get "Hulled unsalted Sunflower seeds" if that's all your baby will take right now, experiment!! Visit "YouTube" to see some of the thing's Grey's do....
  14. After hearing Sully, I have to agree with Jenn, your baby is asking to be fed.....Some will require formula for up to a year or longer. Hi, Maggie here...here's an easy warm food smash...take a orange or yellow sweet potato/yam and boil it until soft and mushy, peel it and add some organic baby food like applesauce, pears, etc (whatever your baby likes) or smash in a small chunk of banana and add in a small amount of natural or organic peanut butter and mix well. (warm it in the microwave under 109 degrees) You can feed it to the baby or you can put it on a plate and feed himself. Try it in the morning and at bedtime. All our fids love their warm smash...LOL... Thanks, Jay and Maggie
  15. Thank you, that's Grey't, you can try Cheerio's. When training, you need also to work on their "attention span", you can do this by "singing", sing the same song each time, then when you start training, start with a few word from there song...Some of the tricks we teach our Grey's are the hand shake, turn around, bob head to music[dance] basketball, roll a ball [spocks favorite]flop upside down while on finger etc....
  16. Grey't Video, Are you going to breed them? They were definitely looking for a box.....x Jayd
  17. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    This is a big "NO-NO", It's processed and loaded with Sugar... Sugars Fructose 1.0 g Sugars Fructose 1.0 g Glucose 1.7 g Sucrose 4.4 g Maltose 6.5 g
  18. Jayd

    Picky Eater

    Yes, separate the food's, remember, very little fruit, a piece every day or two, you can mix the types of pellets and its easy to find out which he likes. Keep up with lots of veggies, a bowl full, the beans and rice and pasta,.......
  19. Jayd

    My confusion

    This is Grey't.......
  20. Yes, pasta is good, we give fid's "Rotini, and Orzo"....Thanks Jayd
  21. Strength to you, may your touch pass it on to Kopi......
  22. Once again, no Cheeze-it's, Cheeto's, salt.... You don't know your birds tolerances for salt, it can and will kill him...Sorry I'm so blunt...In that short video, you gave him 3 days worth of harmful treats... There's plenty of safe treats you can give, keep buying and trying till you find one he likes.....Jayd
  23. No Cheetos!!!, and only a small piece of hard yellow cheese, try Cashew's, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts. Start right with treats from the beginning, give as little salt as possible......
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