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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. If I may say so, Try using Vinegar, It's far more safer then bleach, etc... With Vinegar, you can use it at any dilution you want, or straight, right beside you pets and birds... The proper dilution for bleach is 3 drops per gallon...The vapor from bleach can kill a parrot...
  2. This is a very complicated subject... A Albino, lacks all color, including eyes. In a Grey, the color of blue is missing, hences, "Albino". You can also have a breeding mution of a "White Grey" Which would have normal eyes, red tail, this is not a albino. Lutino, means the lacking of the color Green/yellow, as in cockatiels, Amazon's etc. Red eyes, white color, or the mutation of white body and normal eyes. So, a green/yellow bird, no pigmentation, red eyes, is a lutino. [in cockatiels the word is use as a body color mutation] A white Grey, no pigmatation is called the same as the human counter part, a Albino....Thanks Jay d
  3. My favorite subject, Almond, walnuts, peanuts, are high in "EFA's" [Essential Fatty Acids] This is necessary for the health of our Fid's. 1/2 tsp of shelled sunflower seeds [white-striped unsalted] or 1 to 1/2 tbsp shelled sunflower seed are a excellent source of needed nutrition, grey't treats. Note: if you mix sunflower seeds or nuts into there daily food, instead of giving as treats, they'll eat them first....As a second side note. LOL: read the ingredients in your favorite pellet, you'll be surprised that there main ingredients are: Corn, [little nutrition, used as a bulk filler] Seeds, nuts, and man-made perspectives and vitamins....Then there processed wit heat, which destroys some of the man-made nutrients they added. Like anything else, moderation.... If you feed your fid's Pellet's or Seeds, you only feed them a small amount, there diet should be mostly Veggies, legumes and grains,[brn rice and beans make a complete protein] a little fruit, egg, chicken/turkey/fish nuts etc. Each species have a different requirement for the amount of Fat, Protein, etc. A 1/8 cup of pellets and the same of seed's plus all there fresh food is a good starting point....Jay d
  4. As a side note, make sure any bell is a "safe bell" enclosed or deep clacker, so the Fid can not reach it with his beak...Jay d
  5. Yes, isn't that wonderful it has no man-made preservatives, like some others, it has natural preservatives, one of them is rosemary. We treat it as all our fresh foods, we feed them what they'll eat, then give them more if they want it. No day old food lying around...Jay d
  6. Jayd


    Greywings speaks the truth, 8 to 12 hours is best and most nutritious, some sprouts get more bitter the longer this tail, lots of rinsing is a must, you should rinse with organic apple cider vinegar, some people use "GSF" [GRAPE FOOD SEED EXTRACT] Thanks Jay d
  7. Fresh veggies are always the best. Some veggies, like corn should be cooked to remove any fungus if present. Carrots, if lightly steamed enhances them. Potato' must be fully cooked and given sparingly. Corn also should only be given occasionally, it has very little food value....Thnks Jay d
  8. I love TOP's, all our fid's love-um, I think it's the best prepared food on the market. We use all there products, [our opinion only], we also toss all seeds and pellets daily..Jay d
  9. There's a lot of contagions, all aren't related to parrots. Pigeon poop is more acidic then parrot, pigeons transmit some diseases that parrots can't. Histoplasmosis, In California, is called "Calif Tb", very similar symptoms to TB. [i've had it yuk] Thanks Jay d http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps019
  10. Thank you, I know you will.... Jay d
  11. Roflol......You should see when our big 'TOO, does that.....
  12. Jayd

    garlic ok?

    As Judy said, "It's best to Err on the safe side!" A lot of things are accumulative... Garlic, Salt, to mention just a few...
  13. If I may ad, a Grey on one foot can mean contentment, especially with quivering chest/belly feathers. Puffed feathers can mean there mad at you,[like when you leave] and also fear.[to make themselves look larger....Jay d
  14. Hi, and welcome. Thanks for the photo's, Quite a few Timneh's have a blue tinge to their feathers, if you notice your baby doesn't have a maroon tail. Jay d
  15. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    Your a big Man, Thank you, it was a simple mistake, Bless you Dan....Jay d
  16. Happy Birthday my friend, I don't have them any more, I can't count that hi.....Jayd and Maggie

  17. This is really good, Skip may never step-up, but his palm hop-up might be his thing, sounds good, open palm, say "hop-up"...YEA...Jay d
  18. Welcome, My opinion, Greys can be taught to be not destructive of things that don't be long to them,[most of the time] also there not quite as loud as other parrots. You can live a fairly normal life routine working etc, remember, a Grey also likes having a routine. A Grey needs on the average of 10 to 12 hours of sleep time daily, this is in a dark quiet area, not a cage cover with a TV going. Thank you for taking the time to research before buying a Grey. My reply will be just one of many suggestions from a Grey't bunch of people. Thanks Jay d
  19. You did great, our Tango 'TOO, when we play "American Indian [flute] music", does the same thing, he'll lunge at Maggie, it took us a little while to figure out what was causing the problem, Don't play the music, no problem....Good job....Jay d
  20. Thanks for taking in this baby. We have Grey's and 'Tiels, [and other large and small birds] and they all fly. We have a bird room for the smaller birds, the large birds get the whole house.LOL They are separated,, but there door is left open, and no one bothers no one, they stay in there own room. There could be a problem and then again there might not, Spock loves our Sun conure. I might suggest, shut all the doors in one room with both cages in it, invite a friend or two over, let your Grey out first, talk with him, then let the 'Tiel out and see what happens. The 'Tiel, might go for your Grey....Nether bird is a predator, so you never know. This is only a suggestion....Thanks Jay d
  21. Thank you Val for re-finding this thread, maybe we should re-fined[?] every so often...Jayd
  22. That's wonderful. each day will bring you new rewards......Jay d
  23. Oh Sir, I'm so sorry, there's so much you have yet to learn about these wonderful birds, Dan is very right, "No laughing Matter". What our professions are, other then, " The Keepers of the Grey", doesn't really matter, we have ditch diggers such as I, as well as intellects with outrages IQ's, on this wonderful forum, and each knows a lot about something's, and very little about other things, that's why were all here.. "A human brain, if normal, has a great deal more potential and complexity.", Yes, this is true, after the age of five, give or take....Jay d
  24. Roflol...............Does Nilah call "BIRD, BIRD, BIRD".......
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