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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Morning and thank you, Always wonderful job you do, don't worry, about eating solids so much, the last four Zons I fledged ate there formula till they were over 21 weeks old. A Zon leaves the nest at about 6 months old as apposed to a CAG, at a year old, there eating is more stable and they have less ups and downs then a Grey. I hope you'll give the soft foods a try...If you wish, you can make a "birdie muffin" and put some formula in it, enough he can smell and taste it...Jayd http://www.harrisonsbirdfoods.com/learningcenter/ac4.pdf
  2. Roflol......................
  3. If you haven't already, which I bet you have...Jay d http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?177551-An-Amazon-s-Worst-Enemy/page2 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190188-Cholestrol-and-Amazons
  4. Hoo-ray..Don't worry if his solid food eating is a little slow, soon he'll eat you out of house and home, your right, no sunflower seed, Zon's are lover of veggies, carrots, sweet pea's, Zucchini, collard greens, cooked black eyed peas, Brn rice, dandelion greens, Cooked small pasta, keep him on a low fat , high protein diet, one nut a day. We always feed our Zon weanee's [And all our fids]our "Warmed Sweet-tater Smash",[well mushed sweet taters, and a dab of natural apple sauce, or mushed pair, or banana.] At his age, you can feed it to him with a spoon, 2 times a day, when he gets older, jut warm it and plop it on a saucer...You can substitute cooked carrots for the taters. Remember, "Abundant feeding"... Please read all the stickys about them..We need photp's my friend.... Thanks Jayd
  5. He's reaching maturity. Question: Does he drop his wings and make little sounds and maybe pant? Does he act like he's "throwing-up"?[regurgitating] It's so hard with out being there...Suggestion: For now, don't pet him anywhere but the top of his head, and upper top neck. no back, wings, chest/belly or tail... Doe's he do this with both of you? or just one of you?, which one.....Thanks Jayd
  6. This is only a suggestion, Does the crop also feel full...and soft with a sqwishy feeling? If so, I would strongly suggest that he go to a vet. When there is fluid accumulation in the crop there is also a high risk of aspiration.Sometimes this can also mean a infection, fungal or bacterial.You can safely give him a 1/2 teaspoon of lowfat plain yogurt twice a day... Question? Is it possible he's hormonal? and is regurgitating? Jayd
  7. Jayd

    Baby gone

    I'm so sorry, I know all the best was done for your baby.....My heart prays for the both of you..
  8. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...ective-Neutral Clipping http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...ective-neutral http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...ective-neutral http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...ective-Neutral
  9. This is really great. Please inspect the inside of you Happy Hut often, They have a bad habit of unraveling, allowing the bird to become entangled. When it becomes to ragged or to many loose treads, toss it...As the others have said, our GC's love there rope perch....Thanks Jay
  10. My second response arrived, I sent both Einsteins a email yesterday, one came yesterday, one today. I wish to apologize to both of them, for the comments made, I feel responsible for this, I take the blame completely. Here's there reply, thank you.....Forgive me for the trouble I've caused.....Jayd Hi Jayd, I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. Einstein is fed very well every day; in fact, according to her keepers, she usually leaves food in her bowl. She is also weighed every day to make sure she is maintaining a healthy weight. The treats she gets when she performs are sunflower seeds and peanuts, things she particularly enjoys, and they are used as a positive reward for doing what her trainers ask. She loves having an audience, and enjoys the attention she gets as well. If Einstein wasn’t happy and healthy, she wouldn’t be the amazing performer that she is. And as an institution that is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), we follow strict guidelines regarding the welfare and treatment of our animals. Plus, she’s an exceptional bird and we’re very fond of her; we would never put her welfare in jeopardy for the sake of a performance. It’s all done on her schedule around here-she’s definitely our resident zoo diva. Thanks for your email and your concern about Einstein. Hope you have a lovely weekend, Tina Tina Rolen Assistant Director of Marketing Knoxville Zoo 865.637.5331, ext. 377 865.640.0351 Facebook: facebook.com/knoxvillezoo Twitter: @knoxvillezoo
  11. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    Going to try the ginger and Quinoa in there sweet potato tonight, Thank You...Jayd
  12. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    Yes, this is the end,....This statement I said and stand by it! It has not been edited out....
  13. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    I don't know why your doing this, but it's so wrong.. Say what you will about me, I'll turn my cheek once again.. This is sad Dan.....Jay
  14. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    On this post's your talking about, I did edit, I added Maltose 6.5 g!!!!!!!!!! Now, This I swear!!!!! And I know in my heart I speak the truth....Jay
  15. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    Dan, This is wrong, none of my post's were edited!!!!! NOT to feed a Parrot anything labeled as Dog treats etc. Yes, I said this, more than once, nothing was edited, re-read all my posts and quotes..... You said:"Any foods besides seeds, treats and pellet mixes labeled by the manufacturers as "Parrot Food". Your saying stay a way from it? I never said this... Jay
  16. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    Very sorry, I don't understand your question? I couldn't find where I said this.....Jay
  17. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    Once again, I don't see what's wrong or what I've said is so hard to understand...I stand by what I said....Jayd "It's ok for a person experienced or at least with the knowlwdge of what's good, safe or bad for our parrot, to look outside the normal realm for "New" things, after they learned what is right or wrong" " Learn what is right first, then make your own choices,"
  18. Jayd

    Sam's yams

    Once again, my whole point was missed, and I still stand by what I say.... ""I feel it's safer to use the right product in the first place,".........
  19. Thanks Dave. Forgive me for ever going against anything any one else might say. I stand behind all statement's I've made or make, including Aloe Vera, [as a side note, it was you who said "ANY ALOE PLANTS", ] This isn't being confrontation, it's standing up for myself... What this all boils down to is I sometime's don't agree with you or others, not what's right or wrong.. You've missed quoted me many times in this post, So, using your own words, Damage can be done by misinformation, Your post might destroy me, but it's hurting this forum much more. I've always shown my respect towards you and asked nothing in return, I'm sorry you feel this way, and if the p owers that be feels I should be banned or have this post removed, so be it.. New things are being found each day, and sometimes we have to change our beliefs, we can't be all right all the time, and I'm the first to give credit where credit is do. And Dave, you've made untrue statements about me, that's ok, I forgive you for you truly don't know me. Dan, Talon, please don't remove this post or lock this thread, It wouldn't be fair to me. Dave, when someone asks me who I feel knows much about parrots, I reply "Dave007", but I still have the right to disagree with you. I will no longer make any post's to this thread, no-mater if there inflammatory or not... Thank You Jay d
  20. You are the strength and the reason for Kopi...
  21. LOL, No problem, each Grey to his own......
  22. This is really wonderful, your a good person. Please don't rush to do anything with his bad leg, you'd be amazed how well a parrot can adapt...Thank you...
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