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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. paint!!!!! If you paint your cage, rustoleum is safe!!!!!, the cage must dry for 10 days!!!!!!! After the first day of painting, lightly spray with water a couple times a day... You cannot use paint stripier,it should be sand blasted....... better yet, buy a new cage!!!!
  2. Hi Jim, I'm sure your aware that not 2 minute's after you get a new baby, the same thing can happen. Also, bonding takes a long time, baby's that come to you at a breeders or pet store do so out of knowing these big creatures feed the, pet them etc, some are friendlier then others...Bonding comes with trust.....
  3. Dave and Janet speak for all of us....Welcome to you and your new little one...
  4. Happy Sweet Sixteen Tee......Jayd, Maggie and Spock..What a Pretty Boy you are..................
  5. Question? what all and how much are you feeding him?
  6. Welcome to you and yours, we love stories and photo's like Dave said...Dave and all of us here love to answer any questions you might have.....Please also stop by the "Amazon Room"...
  7. That's cute, and Bilingual on top of it...These sites might help.......http://translatorbar.com/ http://www.lexilogos.com/english/hindi_dictionary.htm
  8. LOL... Another treat for those who dare, is a "safe" pine cone, and you smear peanut butter all over in, nooks and carnies....they eat the PB and chew up the cone.......LOL
  9. Janet has hit the nail on the head...Pick a word or two to associate with coming to you, stick with that word.. Also, very important, put Paco perched high, sit on the floor and teach him to fly down to you.....The higher the better. If you live in a two story, teach to fly upstairs to down stairs.....Jayd
  10. Love those Zon's.. Some good toy's are, cardboard box's,[empty Kleenex etc] cash register rolls, empty ink pen's, cartridge removed, souffle cups with a small treat in them....Popsicle sticks, safe rope and leather strips tied into knots and the likes, this goe's on forever...lol Quote: the boys are not too keen to do this yet Unquote: Remember, Diego can sense their apprehension.. Your boy's and you are doing great......
  11. Big drum roll, love the pictures, wait till you spray Louie, they really enjoy it....Louie looks trim, not to heavy....Everyone, please update offen.....Thank you Janet.... Note: Quote Caroline: Diego tends to ignore any hanging toys that he cannot climb UnQuote...Zon's like Atom's, or hanging things they can climb on, hanging perches etc....
  12. Some grey't advice given here, and welcome...If I may ad, look at his flight feathers, at his age, they should be reaching near the end of his red tail, if there not then, more then likely they have been cut...Jayd
  13. Wonderful question. A Zon, in his natural habitat, is more like a monkey than a bird, their limb hoppers, even in the wild they tend to be overweight. Their known to fly from point to point in short hops and in a basic straight line except for landing. Again, in the wild their interest lies in playing and eating. A lot of Zon's make their homes near villages, where they can feast on the left overs, even learn to speak the language of the villagers. Captive Zons carry over these traits to a greater degree, knowing, why fly when I have some one to serve me... So, climbing, flying only when necessary and on a direct route is the order of the day, we have found this to be true in most Zon's we've worked with or raised.....Jayd
  14. Thank you... If there's any bonding between the to of you, yes there could be problems. A 'TOO, bonds with one bird or person, sporadic visits, bringing hims food or gifts, he'll relate that and look forward to your visits...We don't know how our birds measure time, we do know they don't forget. Only a suggestion, take the toys, food, etc, give it to the owner to give to his 'TOO, with you out of sight so he won't relate to you, maybe the owner will get the hint, try to educate him, you would more or less,"look in from the outside", A 'TOO, is one of the most human connected birds there is...If things didn't work out, it could lead to plucking etc.. Jayd
  15. This explains the test: http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-behavior-and-training/bird-behavior-issues/bird-behavior-issues-feather-picking/feather-damaging-behavior.aspx You have to decide, is a positive answer worth it? Colloidal oatmeal is far superior.....http://babyparenting.about.com/cs/healthissues/a/oatmealbath.htm
  16. You might want to read my experiences with 'TOO's.....Post #33 and #37...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page2 One question,?What happens if you have to leave, as you mentioned?
  17. Jayd

    Help please

    All you've said is true.....including your quote!!! I'm not standing up for what jamalbirdbiz said or doe's, I'm condemning how we react in return! So be it, who am I to question what language we use, or how we treat our fellow man, right or wrong.....There's a lot of ways to be subtle with out inflecting verbal pain, or name calling.....I won't cross that line... My part in this thread is over... nor will I join into any thread or post that resorts to name calling to make a subtle point, right or wrong...Jayd
  18. Jayd

    Help please

    I have tears in my eyes, my heart hurts. Jamalbirdbiz advice is most certainly not wise, but he's still a human being. We don't have to listen or take his advice, but we don't have to judge or call him names either. Have not each of us blown our own horn to loudly, one time or another? We were all given the ability to express ourselves with out belittling others...
  19. Good Job.......The Golden Conure's are some what solitary, not to out going, much more of a show bird, like a dove to be looked at, with some human interaction. The ones I've worked with appear to do better in pairs..There's always the exception...They kind of adapt and live their own life.. They follow the general traits of most of you large conure's. This fid, it is best if you spend time with before committing yourself. Their not the best breeders in captivity...Jayd, and thanks for the "Name that Bird" challenge...
  20. Welcome, Karcar, Gabby and little TAG, We love photo's and story's and questions...Jayd
  21. A complete change isn't normal, my concern is the amount of sleeping, plus change! I don't feel this is normal, but I'm not a vet and haven't observed him on a daily basis..... Dave and Janet are right, It won't hurt to get a check-up... Jayd
  22. Bet your glad they don't all have the same breeding season...LOL Must be hard making sure you don't transfer any diseases or possible diseases from the wild to the companions...Noticed you had a scented candle on your table, there not allowed around our Fid's....Lucky Hunter survived those bedding chips, thank God, hope he don't have any problems in the future. How about some more pictures, we love photo's.... Thanks Jayd
  23. I think it might be time for a vet check...Jayd
  24. Hi, eye color usually change at about 3 months. Give or take....Jayd
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