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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. What a wonderful Sweetheart, Love those Zon's, Why don't you tell us more about your Baby? Thanks Jayd
  2. Thank you, you are correct being the main care giver and imprinting yourself strongly on Diego, but don't forget These Zon's and Grey's, 'TOO's etc, Can change their allegiances in a heart beat. Don't ever stop sitting down and thinking, Your good at it....Your Friend Jay d
  3. Most likely your mystery bird as others have said, is a Yellow mutation Indian Ring-neck Parakeet, [wrong color beak] common and beautiful, their not a heavy bird, but quite long.
  4. Welcome, Ditto Judy, we love photo's.......
  5. As always my friend your correct, you must balance your times together. Let Diego see that you sons are part of the flock, not a threat to your bond with him. Divide the choirs equal between all of you...Jayd
  6. To repeat myself from your other post Quote: Hi and Thank you. The road to recover can depend on your bird, You have to start from scratch to regain her trust. Leave her cage door open, sit by her cage and read, talk and sing to her, no sudden movements. Only you can judge when to try something new, like giving her a scritch or stepping up. The scare she had plus the clipping, can be very devastating to a 3 year old Grey, plus she's starting to mature....Be patience, time will guide you...UnQuote...
  7. Hi, to start with you need to quarantine for 30 days your friends birds from Yoshi, sorry. Yours or his could/can be carriers with out showing any outward signs...Only putting them together will let you know how they get along...Our Sun's get along with Spock, but not Joey...Jayd
  8. Hi, what we have here is "Bonding", the aggression toward your sons, is because there his closest rival....He senses a difference in emotion you show to them then you do to others, adults. He's stakeing his territory, your his, period. This is to be expected from a Zon...This is Bonding, not Hormonal. Doing what Janet said and what your doing is fine, most likely, you'll have to keep you son at a distant from Diego, at least for now, and hope things calm down with time...Your sons might only be able to approach Diego with you out of sight. The Days of Our Lives... Jayd Note: In Janet's case, it's "Bird against Bird, a lot more direct.
  9. Things are good and getting better. A Amazon is very good a speaking more then one language..A Grey thinks about what he's going to do next, and weigh's every thing before moving, A Zon is more interested in the here and now, and what he's going to get out of it, not afraid to test the water. Things happen soon with Zon's, I don't think you'll have to wait long. I'm glad Ana Grey is being cool about this, you know how much Spock loves her nd what he thinks about "Greenie's".....Jayd
  10. You have to do what you feel is right and your heart tells you to do. If we could be there and see first hand, it would be so much easier to give advise, each bird is different as are each Vet. It all depends on what you feel you need to do, my advice, follow your heart..........
  11. Please keep us informed, and bless you.....
  12. The best and safest thing to do is buy from a bird safe store. It takes so little to hurt our fid's, the savings isn't worth it...
  13. Amen...................................................................
  14. NikB, excellent response, and CocoaRocks, GOOD question....If I may, one of the best disinfectants, is Apple Cider Vinegar, it's used to clean :Hard toys, Cages, Perches, and we soak all our Fids Veggies in it, and rinse their dishes, it's 100% safe. Thanks Jayd
  15. Hi, PVC is poison unless it is completely wraped, you can use "Vet Wrap" which you can get at almost any "Feed Store" Go to a Knot tiring sight on the net. Safer then PVC is ' "CPVC", it's sold at the same place you buy PVC, sfe for pets and humans and it doesn't need to be warped... Glue: when you build it, leave one end open for the vapors to escape, Use a Q-tip and apply just a drop on the inside [female fitting] that's all that's needed!!! the last piece don't put on untill all odor is gone, rough-up the male-end and jam on the last piece....Jayd http://www.google.com/images?q=tying+knots&oe=utf-8&rls=com.yahoo:en-US:official&client=firefox&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=n4p-TJv4HYy8vQPw2vWFDg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CEEQsAQwAw&biw=1366&bih=641
  16. Thanks Dave. Our vets said the same thing as Dave and your Vet, Also that Spock was over preening, Do what Dave advises, it's good...Jayd
  17. Thank you Tweedle. I'm sorry, I've seen so much hurt and loss by accident or incident on a daily basis, sometimes the fear and heartbreak gets the best of me....
  18. I'm so sorry, a clipped winged bird, with a slight breeze can lift off like a glider, then get caught in this lift, they automatically start to flap, these two things together create lift, next thing there on a tree limb, they jump and hurt themselves, or they are blown against a wall or fence. Please believe me this is fact.....Every time you take Diva out side with out a harness or cage you risk the chance of losing her. You can research this on the net and the forum.. Jayd
  19. You have know worry We all know these creatures you take care of and love mean so much more to you, they are part of you, forever. This is your life...Jay d and Maggie
  20. Please don't tie anything to her legs or any where else, you can do so much damage!!! A bird with clipped wings can still fly!!!! Please don't take her outside without a harness or a carry-all!!! If a breeze comes up and she flaps, she can lift off, and you could lose her or worst, she could fall and kill herself!!!!
  21. YES!!!!!!!!! You've got a good one.. Might be good for Sully.[?] From now on, be prepared to laugh....
  22. Salsa has a plastic chain, [large links] we got at a pet store, and we put a 3" birdy Wiffle ball on the end, he has more fun with that.. He also loves to eat whole leaves of Kale, Dandalion, mustard greens etc...Louie is adapting good. Keep us informed on how Ana Grey is doing, maybe a little stuck-up at first, They'll either get along or leave each other alone,LOL
  23. All sounds so good. It will all come together soon. As opposed to Grey's who fly gracefully, a Zon, flys more like a helicopter, tail down, lots of wing movement, and is only interested in getting where hi wants to go. But wait till he gets to entertaining himself, a true acrobat!! Thanks for the pictures.....
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