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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. :confused: I can't honestly answer that, we keep our temperature at 72-78 year round, Now she's in a house and everything is different, Did she acclimate, being outside? I can't say, I know you should never have a rapid change, our fids look distressed if the temp rises above 83..... Jayd
  2. Yes, their temps should be in low 80's, our outside night temp is 100+ and our days are in the 130's... We don't take our fid's out above 87... 85 AVG is a nice temp,....Sound's good, Thank you, Jayd NOTE: A1/2 teaspoon of sunflower seeds a day plus a couple of almonds...
  3. If I may, take all out of the cage except the food/water dishes, at night or if he's in the cage alone, put a towel on the bottom, put layers of paper towel on top of that, place one perch 2" high and another 1 " high. have nothing he can fall on.. wrap towels and put them at the sides of the cage, as he climbs better, move the perches higher, has he flown, doe's he fly, if he hasn't the can stay clumsy till they learn to fly, getting there footing is part of the learning to fly process... Thanks Jayd
  4. Thank You for you being you.....
  5. As Dave said, she's at a good average weight.. If I may, Give her very little white potato, feed her a half teaspoon of Skippy's natural peanut butter 2 times a day,[they love it from a spoon, Cook her a white or orange sweet potato [ cut in half add half water and cook till mush in microwave.] It's not unusual at her age to notice her keel bone. 2 to 3 times a week give her well cooked white meat chicken [only], salmon and or tuna in water, low sodium. Only Low sulfur craisin's raisin's, cut down on most of the fruit, and I'd cut the egg to 3 times per week, as well corn, very little food value in corn. 1 Bean's and rice makes a complete protein...I'm sure your keeping her temperatures in the 72 to 82 range.. Jayd
  6. Jayd


    We give or fids 1/4 to 1/2 slice GOOD whole wheat, yes, Peanut butter is great, you can also put Almond butter....Jayd
  7. Here's Jackson, what a baby.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]18981[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]18982[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]18983[/ATTACH]
  8. Your doing a grey't job, knowing that this takes time is half the problem, keep doing what your doing, your doing good...Jayd
  9. Jayd

    Veggie Baby food

    Hi,when it comes to processed baby food, it's best to get organic, you must also check for salt, and iron, both should be low. It is far better to get a blender and make your own. Carrots should be slightly steamed to bring out the nutrients, sweet potatoes/white or orange should be cooked till mush, than feed [no skin] as is.. here's our recipe that we feed our fids from babies up, twice a day...jayd :cool:We Feed Our Fid's!!! Breakfast and Dinner: Yum, they gets, Yellow or Red Sweet-potato, [cut, put in pan, fill 1/2 full with water, cook till mushy] then we add to 1 tbsp: Natural unsweetened Applesauce, or, mashed Fresh Pear,[1 thin slice], or, 1 slice of Banana, to this we ad 1/4 teasp of "Natural Peanut Butter" [skippys], mix it all together, warm it in a microwave,[under 110 degrees]. This is served on a saucer along with: 1 tbsp each of lightly cooked, Lentils, Split Peas,[yellow or green] Orzo and Star pasta, and 4-10 Cooked plain Garbanzo beans. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update
  10. No problem, just hit some with a hammer...lol jayd
  11. Hi, everything sounds good, I'm happy for you...Question? "We took a walk today and found a nice maple tree branch that we are going to fashion into a simple gym for the living room."? Is this outside, doe's Tui have a harness, or carry cage?...A grey with clipped wings can still fly! Here's a post that you might be interested in...."Thank you.... It's sad that people don't understand that a bird with clipped wings can indeed fly, especially one with a light clip. If a slight breeze occurs, the bird extends his wings and this creates lift, the next thing the bird does is flap, this creates more lift and forward motion, the next thing you know the bird is up in a tree, he's scared, this leaves a couple of possibility's, he jumps flaps and crashes to the ground, injuring himself, he jumps, catches wind and is blown away, or a predator spots him! Not all "Vets say clip". With a breeze a flat piece of paper fly's, a glider, doe's a better job of it. Two of our rescues can't fly because they were clipped at pre-fledged! With all our birds flying around, to see the look in their eyes, yes they know what their missing. Please read their story: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...nd-your-Parrot #26, #33, #36....".Thanks Jayd
  12. Some "Red occur normally at times in Grey's, that's how they breed for the most red, I feel this is wrong. A Blue did/does occur in the wild, no problem, their stable...Jayd
  13. The Red-Factor Grey, $125,000. FOR ONE, $200,000. FOR 2..... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190285-!-RED-GREY-forsale!&highlight=mutation
  14. Always good Mama, Love to Kopi.....Jayd and Maggie and Spock...
  15. What size did you get? If there small just put them in the cage, try to see if he'll eat them dry first...Jayd P.S. They'll be a lot of waste lol
  16. :)There's a lot of good books on the market, the ones you mentioned are good, the problems with books is there meant for the general public as opposed to the forum which is a Here/Now situation, with real live people who have or are experiencing or have experienced a similar problem as you. As you said, all birds are different, a Grey ,more so, yet very similar to other Grey's, Time is the secret, patience, desire and commitment is the main ingredient to ensuring a happy life for both the care taker and the Grey. There's now set time, we have no concrete knowledge what this baby has been through, so no time limit can be set, improvement can sometimes be seen daily. weekly, monthly or yearly, it's a life time investment, all in all you'll always be his, as he is unto you...... Here's a link that might help start you on you new life, ask question's, read, listen, and you'll learn....Thanks Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  17. Beautiful name's, and I'm glad everything is going grey't..If I may, they should be bathed in cool water, a grey runs a higher body temperature, around 104 degrees normal, they like cool to cold bathes...here's the best bathing info you can find....Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...sible-method-1 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/sho...sible-method-2
  18. Your doing so good, time will reward you.....Jayd
  19. How's Onyx doing? Any new Photos? Bet he's cute Jayd
  20. Thank you, Raise your low temperature to 105,and your high to 108, to be safe.....What does his poop look like? Here's some links I would like you to read...These are real, they really do happen, even to a experienced person, to hand feed properly is to be in constant fear while feeding, and pray afterwords.. Nothing is gained by hand feeding to a new parrot owner, They don't BOND any better, think about it, A parrot leaves his parent's, [some are thrown out by them] when they wean, then they find a mate or new flock and start their life... same goes with buying a new bird, your his new life!!!! Aspiration - This occurs when large or small amounts of formula enter the baby's lungs. When the babies aren't given time to swallow or the mouth is flooded, aspiration is a real possibility. Care must be taken with the very liquid formula/water mixtures required by neonates. If a small amount of formula is aspirated, the body may be able to encapsulate it and wall it off from the rest of the body, the baby can also develop respiratory problems... If the amount of formula aspirated is large, the baby will die immediately - there is no treatment. Crop stasis - The temperature of the brooder and the formula are very important. Low temperatures can cause the crop to shut down. Unfeathered babies cannot regulate their body temperatures and don't have the reserves to heat cool or cold formula up to digestion temperature. When this happens the crop doesn't empty. Formula that sits in the warm environment of the crop can sour or become contaminated from the small number of impurities in the handfeeding formula. The formula powder is not sterile. Often the body will draw on the fluid in the formula to hydrate the body and the food can get compacted in the crop. Delayed emptying of the crop is very serious and needs immediate attention Crop burn - Improperly heated formula can have hot spots. Babies will eat scalding hot formula which can burn away the esophagus and/or the crop. If the burn is very serious, the baby will die. Some burns can be treated by implanting a feeding tube in the crop, but the esophagus must be intact for the bird to live after the tube is removed. Signs of trouble - Lack of feeding response, respiratory sounds, slight aspiration, delayed crop emptying, restless or lethargic babies, lack of weight gain are just a few symptoms of trouble. These indicators require prompt action if the baby is to be saved. With babies in trouble, the first system that shuts down is the digestive system. Very close attention must be paid to the slightest clue that the digestive system is not performing as it should be. http://www.parrotchronicles.com/features/droppings/droppings.htm
  21. Indeed, it appears at this point he/she doesn't enjoy you being around. It's only been a short time.. How old is this Grey?, Does he do the same around other people?, To start with, stay calm around him, don't let him sense that your upset, don't carry anything around him or try to hand feed him anything right now. When you go to clean his cage or change his water/food, talk to him, tell him softly wht your doing, sit by him and talk. read, and sing to him with out approaching him..Most of all, don't give up, this could take sometime....When your around him, leave his door open, but sit away from it.... Thanks Jayd
  22. Thank You, I am making this a "Sticky"....I've also added it to the Zon Index....Jayd
  23. Sorry, miss quote.."According to the label on the box where he came in, he was hatched somewhere between July 3-5.". This weight is high, do you weigh him after his first bomb in the morning? Again, if you could just answer my few questions,I'm only trying to offer my help...Do you know what slow- crop, or crop impaction is, and what to do about it? Are you aware of crop burn or aspiration? Again, what is your high and low temperture for his formula? How feathered in is he?, what is your hourly feeding times? Where did you buy him?....Thank you...Jayd Note: With out being there in person, no one has anything to go on except what you post....
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