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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd


    Sorry all. Salsa head is medium green with 4 small yellow streaks, his cheeks are iridescent green. Salsa's under-wing has a couple of orange feathers, also yellow and blue blending. Sorry, bad thread, let it disappear.
  2. Thanks, Feed your baby some plain low fat yogurt. Ask your vet to test for Aspergillus please.....Thanks Jayd
  3. Okay, here's a challenge, Honored Zon caretakers....Describe your Zon's Head and Under wing coloring!!!!! [no photo's] Let the fun begin..........
  4. Jayd

    Behavior Problems

    Behavior Problems Playing with a caique can be a lot of fun. It can stimulate the bird to hop, interact fervently with toys and surf. However a common problem for many parrots is excitement that turns to aggressive behavior very similar to our beloved Amazons. Getting a caique too excited can potentially lead to a bite. If you want to play with a caique do so in a way that does not require you to handle the parrot until he has calmed down. This may mean playing with him on a table top, having lots of toys available he can chew and using a target to cue him to where you want him to go until playtime is over the parrot appears calmer. When you play, remember you caique can go into overdrive, stay calm, it will pass....
  5. Albino or White-faced Lutino Cockatiel? :confused: The Albino Cockatiel is not a true 'albino, but is actually a combination of a White-faced Cockatiel and a Lutino Cockatiel. The Whiteface gene removes all the yellow and orange that would be present in a Lutino and the Lutino gene removes all the black and grey. The result is an all white cockatiel with red eyes. The gene that creates a White-faced Cockatiel is what is known as an autosomal recessive gene. This gene effects the lipochromes pigment, it actually stops the the production of the yellow pigments. It doesn't change the amount of pigment, just the color of it. So with no yellow or orange present, the color is replaced by white.
  6. Jayd

    He's Home!!

    Thanks Judy, yes a pearl has spots, also some gray or orange-cheeks females have spot's on their tail area near the base of the main body, which most of the time disappear with age. This can also be true with pearls when their quite old. On my computer the photo looked as if there were spots near this area. http://www.cockatielcottage.net/cockatiels3.html This photo shows what I was refering to... Thanks sorry
  7. Your not alone and never will be on this forum. Congratulations, were so proud of you and all your doing, it takes a big person to ask for help for themselves.....We've been there, still are. Cymbalta and Xanax. etc... Jay and Maggie
  8. Sorry, I was referring to your new home.
  9. Hi, Janet is right, A Grey never clipped or not should be taken outside unless the are harnessed or in a cage. Just recently we lost our Spock, he flew away, He Wasn't Clipped, and we would never clip a parrot [except for medical reasons]and denie them they natural birthright...Only you can decide, there's a lot of good post on this subject. This one is hard to write about......Jay and Maggie
  10. That's Greyt. Remember you need to limit the egg yoke to only a couple of times a week, egg whites no problem...Greys have a problem with high cholesterol as do humans. This is what cause the death of Alex at such a young age......Thanks
  11. This is going to be a tuff one any way you look at it.....Alot is going to depend how long you'll be apart. A Grey lives in real time as we do, they experiences hour's, days, months etc. Another point, make his area as close to the one he's leaving as possible, cage? toys, smell etc.....Good luck
  12. This is Greyt, but they should have some unshaded sun and your shade that they can retreat into..........sounds good
  13. Jayd

    He's Home!!

    ;)Hi bird Mom, From the photo, I see spots,[round tail] and the tiel is bushy.....BUT IF IT TALKS, it's a Boy. [the photo has no audio?] Sorry........
  14. Thanks and I'm so glad to hear your going to a vet...Please keep us informed, Prayers and best wishes... Jay
  15. With what Janet has said plus time and patience's is what is needed. Sit back, enjoy, and it will happen...
  16. Jayd

    He's Home!!

    Little cutie, I have such a deal for you on a slightly used Macaw, or how about a Goffin cockatoo, only screams on Thursdays, or maybe? NOTE: Looks like it might be a little girl...
  17. Hi, Greys, unless other wise recommended by a avian vet should never be giver supplements or calcium supplement of any kind. They can receive a overdose which can cause all kinds of problems even death. A grey can receive all they need from a proper diet and sun light or full spectrum UVB lighting...A greys beak powers and turns whitish, if this is all it is, you can rub a very very small amount of olive oil with your finger if it bothers you. You might want to have a vet visit.... Jay
  18. This is a hard post for me to make. I would stop the Clicker training and go back to a simple life style. Sam has a phobia that stems from a previous owner/owners, it could have been the male or the female that has caused the problem, the one Sam liked or didn't like. It sounds like Sam was mentally abused, the recovery from ths can be a very long time, if at all. Listen for "Key words or phrases " that has nothing to do with his/your present life style for clues. You need to spend "quiet time" with Sam, both you and your husband together and each of you separately in a quiet dim lighted room, same one each day at the same time if possible. Just go there and do nothing but talk. Don't make any judgements right off the bat, take time and see how Sam reacts with each of you alone and together. You have a very very long road of screaming ahead of you, but stick it out, your good parronts..... Jay
  19. Jayd


    Question? Does your baby fly? Alot of rescue Greys are uneasy on their feet due to the trauma of intentional and un-intenional abuse. As you know you should limit the amount of fruit a Grey is fed, a couple pieces the size of a grape a day is more than enough. Any parrot shouldn't have very much white type potatoes, their not good for them, you can substitute sweet taters or over cook cauliflower and mash it. As Dave007 or danmcq will advise you, get Red Palm oil, it can do wonders. You might wish to have the band removed, even if there is no visible it still be irritating him You have received some Greyt advice from all. Please rethink the fruit issue.......Jay
  20. I am a vet student, I can provide some advice but... Sorry, I'm a Nobody!!! If you experience any symproms of ill health in any animal, please CLEAN THERE GAGE AND REMOVE THE FOOD AND WATER DISH FROM UNDER HIS PERCH WHERE THEY CAN POOP IN IT !!! refer to a licensed vet and not the internet. Many practices provide a 24/7 phone number you can call for queries and appointments, most get you through to an on call vet who you should explain your situation to. You can also find me at; http://www.geckosunlimited.com where I answer queries regarding geckos.
  21. Thank you so much for finding someone who could help your baby, I can see why you couldn't help him yourself, that requires some one who can except something they might not want to hear, and listen to some one other than themselves. I known you don't want to hear this, as others have warned you, you need to clean your baby's cage, he could already be dying from bacteria and who knows what, the cage is a death trap!!! I can see why you don't read "P.M's" You don't read the post that other people take time to write to offer help to you either...I personally feel your only concern is you "Ego", not your Grey. Buy a book, learn Parrot care, [like clean and proper cage's..] Remove the keyboard and learn how to read and comprehend, and please save you Grey from that death cage!!! This is strictly my opinion, not that of other members on this GREYT Forum, their smarter then I am, they wouldn't waste there time. IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, GET YOU GREY A PROPER CAGE!!!!! Thank's Jayd Was I rude? Sorry.....:cool:
  22. Jayd

    Palm nuts

    Not to much luck, here's a couple for the UK, and 1 for the US... You can check and see if they ship..They would be good for your baby as well as Red Palm Oil.... http://www.midlandparrots.com/palm-nuts-1kg-407-p.asp http://www.mysafebirdstore.com/FOOD_TREATS-PALM_NUTS.html http://www.robharvey.com/palm-nuts.html
  23. Jayd

    Blue and Gold

    What a beautiful baby! We love him!!
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