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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Hola Aerial...I can't wait to paaarrrtty!!!!! The two best things in life, playing and eating. Hey Corky... we are loveable...
  2. [Pistachio] Did you find it? Yeah Buddy, it was easier then we thought, I watched Spock do it. How ya feeling Buddy? Okay, had a anxiety attack last night but okay now. At least they don't happen as often. These Big-ones won't hurt us like the other did. I know, I just can't forget. They blew that foul stuff at my beaker and I'd go crazy and fling myself and it hurt...I still hurt! I know Bud but things have been good for a while. You haven't bitten the Big-ones for a long time. Yeah [lol] you yell out "NO Buddy don't Bite". Hows your back Pistachio? It don't hurt hasn't for a long time. I heard Mama Big-One tell Papa they played like I was a daisy, pulling the feathers out one at a time saying "I love him, I love him not". After the first few times, it hurt so bad I just can't remember any more. Then I just started pulling them out of my chest myself because I hurt so bad. I wish you weren't afraid to fly Buddy. When I go into the other room, there's these big birds and they are majestic and they let me fly with them until I get tired and have to land. Mama Big-one gently picks me up off the floor and brings me back to you. You know she always brings us good food and that wet stuff she sprays on me makes my skin feel so good. Do you want me to preen you, okay Buddy? That feels really good! Buddy, why do you call "Kitty, kitty, kitty". There's no kitty here.... Hehehe...it sounds good...Anyways, that little black thing without wings comes running into the room. Once I pooped on his head and he likes the little treats I throw down for him. There's good feathered friends here......
  3. LOL Simon won't start talking till he's happy with the voice and sounds. He will probably talk when he can't see you at first....Jayd
  4. Hello, Joe here...Salsa is right behind me as usual. You know that Spock is trying to find a computer somewhere and Salsa agrees that he would be the first to thank you all if he could. After all, he is the self-proclaimed King. Salsa is nipping at my tail feathers and wants to have a shot at this so I will write more later. I call for him every day...I hope he hears me...Spock, thanks to these "greyt" people, you will always live long and prosper... Joe, your brother from a different mother
  5. Jayd


    Thanks Boss.. Tomato's Bind calcium the same as some beans, Garbanzo etc. They should be feed in small amounts. [short Example: Tomato's " bind or Clump calcium together so it can't be absorbed into the system....Thanks Jayd
  6. Jayd

    Some Babies...

    Yes, a wing flap or eye slap hurts as much as a bite! LOL Thanks Jayd
  7. Thanks, really good looking flock, love your pup...Post more photo's......Jayd:D
  8. 4 in 1st flight, there was feathers and wings everywhere.....LOL
  9. Greys like cold water, keep out of drafts and rapid temperature changes, no problem.....
  10. Jayd

    Some Babies...

    Here's some photos of babies we fledged.....Can you imagine 3 of these taking to the air in your living room at the same time?:cool::eek:
  11. :)Hi, every so often I do this post... ;)When you make a play-stand out of plastic, use "CPVC" This is safe to a point for both parrots and humans. It sold right beside the"PVC" Size is off a fraction so you can't mix them together and it cost a little more but whats important is it's safe. It use's a different cement so make sure you get the right one... When you use thecement, you only need a dab in one spot, it's highly poisonous!!! just a small dad is all that's needed at each joint...Before putting it completely together, leave a piece off and let it air till you can't smell the solvent, if you don't, it will form a deadly gas [to your parrot] if bitten through. After final assembly, drill a small hole so air can escape.. Jayd
  12. Ditto to what Dan posted and glad your okay Judy. All our fids get a slice of corn on the cob once a month. Moderation is the key........Thanks everyone Greyt Posts!!!! Jayd
  13. Jayd


    Thanks for defining this, Smile Jayd
  14. Taking on a 1 wk old Grey isn't a responsibility, it's a ticket to disaster. [ aerial this isn't against you. This is for those who try something like this] Have you ever had a bird die in your hands as you tried to feed them? Do you known how small a 1 week old baby is?
  15. Jayd


    It's funny how people so quickly forget what the word "Accumulate" means, What little bits you give you baby can at a later date cause problems or even kill you baby. The web site "Landofvos" is a "Holistic" and off the norm web site for your info, they preach many things out of the norm. A lot of there advice can kill, nothing is proven. I've personally seen what Garlic and Onions can do to a parrot, it wood break your heart..... Jay
  16. How sad, 1 week old? Is there something else you should be doing? yes, he should be with his parents.....Jayd
  17. Jayd


    To Nancy and all members: What you feed your parrot today that might be harmful, might not appear as a problem or result in death for many years.....Nancy, I'm sincerely sorry, this advice is wrong, please think about what you posted....Jayd
  18. Nancy, please explain what you post has to do with what under your cage? We use runners...
  19. Have some respect for Dave!!!! You don't always have to have the final say so!!! Bad advice......
  20. If you look at a simply box or bag description, maybe but if you compare products the answer is no. Corn, for human and pets alike are used as a "filler". Corn and oats are absorbed differently and oats have both omega acids. I've always posted, feed little corn! Feed oats not grits or corn....Thanks Jayd P.s We need to remember Birds are not human!!! Treat them as such!!! Here's some charts: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/cereal-grains-and-pasta/5708/2 http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/breakfast-cereals/1725/2 Please compare the charts...
  21. Judy is right on.. your baby is talking a little late, don't worry.. Yes it's true, whistling distracts from talking, it's easier and more natural for them... Talk all you can, normally. When they practice speaking it sounds like almost words you can't understand, their sounding the words out..It will happen... Jayd
  22. Jayd here.. Broken down for our parrots: Serving size 1/16 Cup (5 g) Amount per serving Calories 37.5 Calories from Fat Total Fat 0.1,25g 1% Saturated Fat 0 0% Trans Fat 0g Polyunsaturated Fat 0g Monounsaturated Fat 0g 0% Sodium 0mg 0% Total Carbohydrate 8g 11% Dietary Fiber .25g 3% Protein 1g Iron 2.5% Thiamin 2.7% Riboflavin 2.5% Niacin 2.5% Folic Acid 5% [% is for 2000 cal or 2500 cal human diet, null for parrots..!] As Maggie posted, no nutritional value for parrots, all hominy does is fill and distracts from needed food.
  23. The reason they throw their plates on the floor is because their Greek!... LOL
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