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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. . The drive home was long and tiring. Arriving home you see that there are some chores to do, the kids need your attention and the boss has given you some homework. Exhausted, you notice the hour is late and if you are lucky, you might catch five or six hours of sleep. Waking the next morning you still feel tired, out of sorts and cranky. Even the weekend brings no relief with a busy schedule of household chores and family events. It will not be long before your sleep deficient grows to the point you are always tired and in a perpetually bad mood. During the course of the average day, we humans are bombarded by visual stimuli. Messages from television, radio, cell phones and all manner of electronic gadgetry fill our senses. Artificial lighting and seasonal changes in natural light has a profound affect on many of us. The effects of this sensory overload are well documented in both humans and animals. Not surprisingly, your pet parrot can be adversely affected by lighting and noise. Things that the average human may take for granted, might pose a problem for the average parrot, or other per bird. With a possible lifespan of over seventy years, there are certain behaviors that are deeply engrained and one is the need for sleep. Owning a pet of any kind brings with it tremendous responsibilities. Beyond providing the basic like food water and shelter, certain animals, especially need special attention. Depending on the species, animals, including parrots have specials needs to which humans must adapt. Think of it as a kind of reverse adaptation. Parrots in live in an environment vastly different from their homebound cousins. The fact is that all parrots are wild animals and are not domesticated like dogs, cats and other types of house pets. Your schedule and living habits may include watching late night television or leaving the lights on until you go to bed. Like humans, parrots need a certain amount of sleep. Restful sleep helps the mind refresh itself. Sleep is important to help us recuperate from the stress of the day. The same is true for parrots and other pet birds. In order to ensure that your pet is getting recuperative sleep, there are certain adaptations that you may need to make. Pet birds are completely dependant on us for their care. Therefore, it is up to the owner of the bird to provide a proper environment that is right for the bird. Since your pet parrot may not like late night television, you may need to move the television, or the bird, to another room. Reducing the amount of artificial light is another key to providing the bird a proper habitat. In the wild, many including parrots, will rest and sleep starting around dusk. That is far earlier than most human decide to hit the proverbial hay. One way to reduce the birds over exposure to artificial light is to tent the or perch. These types of products are widely available through pet retailers. Keeping the noise down is another very important environmental consideration. Allowing your bird to get a good recuperative sleep will improve his mood. Parrots are very intelligent animals and can provide us with many years of loyal companionship. It is up to us to provide everything these beauty animals need when we make them part of home and our lives. About the Author Mitch Endick is a short article writer, editor and website developer for the popular pet site petpages.com.www.petpages.com is a pet information site with free pet ads, dog classifieds, and puppy for sale info Petpages.com also offers information on cats, fish, reptiles, birds, ferrets, rabbits, mice and even pet bugs. ADVERTISEMENT
  2. Thank you for posting, I'm sorry about last night and some of the remarks made...I'm sorry we feel different on this subject... Thank you Jayd
  3. Thank you so much...Beautiful...
  4. Okay, get the soft baby foods, Try to blot the tongue wit apple cider vinegar,[for infection] it's ok if he drinks it, get yogurt and try to get 2 tbs a day. Stay away from hot foods....Jayd
  5. Thank you my friend...Jayd
  6. FYI...I checked with some friends at ParrotForums, It appears this has been going on for a while, some bad things were said about us, you'll be surprised who's members over there.. http://www.parrotforums.com/congo-timneh-greys/21064-sleep-pattern.html' Please do not respond to any more of these guest request if they make them, don't be like them, ignore them and let them be on there way please. This is just a couple of people on a other wise good forum. I personally have nothing against their forum, I don't believe any one else does either........Jay
  7. Ok , if we don't reply to her post's, she'll have no reason to continue to post. She's made her point as we have, let it be....Thanks Jay
  8. End the thread. and believe what you want, the two of you...
  9. That's correct, you take them to the vet...I'm sorry, your the one who came on complaining, no us...By the way, you stated you were leaving? You really do need to learn about parrots health. This thread is done.......
  10. Wonderful post, So glad you took the time to say hello and good-bye in the same paragraph... I wonder? While you were joining, wulfie was changing their password, funny isn't it. The info you stated is miss info and wrong. Every one hear knows not to give supplements, sorry....I see you might try researching before posting. Please give my best to my friends at Parrotforums and please have a good life.. P.s. It's a Red-fronted MaCaw not red font!
  11. No you haven't!!!!! Thank you, have a good life....
  12. If you re-read what Dave said, he never questioned your sexual orientation...That's what you need to do, is read and research for yourself, then present a question, and debate it.. We only receive what we ask for...
  13. The valued members of this Forum has spoken. Thank you all for your honest opinions...
  14. wulfie, pot calling a kettle black.. I agree you should move on to brighter lights, you made your point, now I'll make mine, Your not welcome here by me.... Please don't get a parrot..Sincerely Jay Please close this thread....
  15. How dare you, You don't know Dave, who are you to judge? He gave you a true honest answer, you didn't like it, that's to bad...We have a lot of fairly new members who walked in here thinking they can make statements like they know what there talking about, then ridicule the people who really do. If that's your purpose, then there is a number of other forums you might want to check out. This has to stop, it's hurting the legitimate caring members.. We have no color, we have no boundaries, some know more than others but were all equal...They'll be no more attacking, give your opinion and move on. You'd be surprised at what credentials Dave or myself and other members might have....
  16. How does that go, Ye who are with out sin, cast the first stone? My reply was a joke too.... There are a lot of good forums out there. A person has to do what they feel they have to do, Oh, by the way, I didn't It wasn't I who made the first remark! You said, People can be down right mean and offensive, including those who are [members]moderators. I'm tired of the cheap shots, I agreed and thanked you many times after your remark, seems you didn't see that! Whatever you want my friend, the choice is yours..Thanks for your opinion, again that's yours... I'm glad you're so versed on Arizona......I have a Question? By one video you judge a whole state? On the forum no one makes coments on another person's lifestyle, family, religion, country, state or origin, etc....I'm an advocate, I'm the 1st person that will tell you if your doing wrong with your parrots. I don't pull punches. So anyone else that wants to do a cheap shot, do it now. If you don't like what I say, don't read it, My help is free, my care and love for our fids is free. It costs you nothing....
  17. The problem is so many people can read a article or book, and expect people to think there a expert on parrots let alone Grey's......
  18. :)For those of you who don't know this wonderful person, take time and read her post's from a long time ago on Juno and Kopi. All that comes first to her is those in her care, she researches and researches again while at the same time takes on a full load doing all the other things just to live, love and family time. I don't know how many hours of lost sleep this lady has endured, I know both Maggie and I love her. It's so hard for me to read her post's she knows why, but if you notice she never say's this is what you have to do or it worked for me...Thank you my Friend....
  19. ;)You make a good point, we all should be more concerned with other members likes and dislike's. Being that a forum on the internet is 2 dimensional and members can't see if I'm sticking my tongue out or not, we use "Word's" etc,to explain ourselves. Most everything you said fit's me to a "T". [#1] So, instead of trying to offer advice or a opinion, even if it's wrong, and lacks facts, I'll correct it. [#2] That's not my problem... [#3] Sorry about "Greyt, Fid's And Parront's" I'm sorry, 13 yr's old was a good year. [Did I mention something about trying to express something in 3d in a 2d environment? I'll correct this ! [#4] Sorry about my education, another member recently stated that people in Arizona were backwards. [#5] I think I posted something about that? [#6] That one I agree with you on, a members ego, I've noticed lately some members were more concerned with making statements [flaming etc] and ones like yours in stead of responding to those that are asking for help. The shoe fit's me perfectly, To keep you [and others from going "Bonkers"]You can offer advice and help the members instead of me. But if you had read my posts, [#5] I was never afraid to use someones name instead of "If the shoe fits.... I'll stop all the faults I have that you pointed out... I'll stop posting any advice and only post photo's etc.....That includes replying to any made to this thread... It's Been Greyt!!! Your all Greyt Parronts and have wonderful fid's... Sincerely Jayd
  20. Notes: Always cook anything your going to freeze "Adente"[beans,pasta,veggie etc], when you thaw there will be extra water which will make the food mushy....Beans are the first to gas or spoil, which can happen in under 2hr's after cooking...Cooked and frozen Broccoli develops a strong taste...This is why we always serve fresh... Thanks Jayd
  21. She's just playing that's all, when and if she growls, you'll know it. In the wild, they also use a growl to warn another Grey they're too close to their nest..... Thanks Jayd
  22. Jayd

    Here's Bubba!

    In the wild, it's called "Love"....Courting.....Jayd
  23. Something I'm surprized no one has mentioned is "Sleeping Cages" ,If your set up in a way that your Grey can be free most of the time, you can use a small "Sleeper". With a rescue or a re-home, they should be kept in there original [if possible] cage until you decide to move them. Our Joe came with his original cage, Tango [10yrs old] and Freddy [20 yrs old] don't care, Spock, from a egg, cried bloody murder if he saw anything new......Thanks Jayd
  24. Nancy, this info is wrong. True, Greys don't like change, but they will and can accept it...... Jayd
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