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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Ray my friend, go ahead and start your Amazon of the Month, I don't know how long it will take me work on the Zon/week. Go for it, can't wait...Jay
  2. Jayd

    RIP Xandir

    This baby new your love, as we all do...Bless you..
  3. Thank you Dan, I know how close this subject is to you. I've sat back and watched Dan pursue his interest in this subject, the research he's done, the questions he's asked, he truly has become a expert on this subject. I'm in total agreement with Dan in this area, when he speaks he speaks for me also. Dan, thank you. Jay Please make this a sticky...
  4. nice crisp looking mash! I like the color and the use of flax. I have never used hemp. Thanks for that post...Jay
  5. Jayd


    GREYT thread....that is too cute...thank you. Keep us informed! Jay
  6. Hi. our sleeping cages are 23"x23"x23", they will usually stretch one wing while resting, our fids are in their cages for a very short time...If your parrot is caged a for a long time, it needs to be as large as possible ... Something else to consider is what type of feeder your Grey is, Spock was a ground feeder, Joe is a perch feeder, long or tall cage? Thanks Jayd
  7. Let's see, if you wish to argue, please go to another site. A 6yr old cannot raise a family. A 6yr old can not fend for themselves, A 6yr old can not forage and survive on its own. Besides, a 6yr old can not fly.LOL....I won't go into the mental and advanced intellectual differences at 6yr old...Thank you Jayd
  8. Hi, Maggie here; read your post to Jay and he asked me to find this in his files fot you... The best seeds we found for sprouting or just giving to your parrot is TOP's http://totallyorganics.com/ [Jay]Please use Organic Apple Cider Vinegar instead, it's safer.....Thanks Grapefruit Seed Extract Dangers Jun 7, 2010 | By Karyn Maier Grapefruit seed extract is marketed as a natural preservative and dietary supplement. While the name suggests this product is natural, it really isn't. In fact, the majority of grapefruit seed extract preparations are actually synthesized by chemical catalyst and high pressure or heat using pulp discarded as a byproduct of grapefruit juice production. If you use grapefruit seed extract, you should be aware of some potential dangers. Chemical Processing The production of grapefruit seed extract begins with the dried and powdered pulp and seed, which is then dissolved in purified water and distilled to remove impurities. The resulting slurry is slowly dried using low heat to form a concentrated powder and then combined with glycerin and subjected to heat once more. At this point, natural grapefruit extract is achieved. However, in commercial production, the active phenol compounds undergo further catalytic conversion with ammonium chloride and hydrochloric acid to form quaternary ammonium chlorides. In short, the "natural" product you see on the market is actually an artificial chemical compound created in a laboratory that may present health risks. Kuraray EVAL ™ Oxygen Barrier for Food Packaging. Improve shelf life & reduce cost. http://www.eval.eu/foodpackaging Sponsored Links Benzethonium Chloride Contamination In a 2001 analysis of commercial grapefruit seed extracts conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, benzethonium chloride was found in some liquid samples in a concentration of more than 8 percent, with even higher concentrations in powdered samples. In the Interpretive Summary of this study, the authors state that benzethonium chloride is a synthetic antimicrobial agent that is approved only for topical use and that its inclusion in products designed for internal use is "troubling in light of its toxicity and allergenicity." Other Questionable Ingredients The U.S. Department of Agriculture study, led by researcher Gary Takeoka, cites additional compounds commonly found in commercial grapefruit seed extracts that are added as preservatives, such as methyl paraben. Like other parabens, methyl paraben is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers. For instance, in the July 26, 2008 issue of Chemical Research in Toxicology, a team of Japanese researchers published the results of a study that indicates that topically applied methyl paraben may react with ultraviolet radiation from the sun to promote skin aging and DNA damage in skin cells. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/141607-grapefruit-seed-extract-dangers/#ixzz21o9wJFPr
  9. Maggie here, using Jays log-on. Okay, Joe's at it again. We always say "Got to go bye-bye" or something like that when we leave, Now when we say that Joe asks, Where ! We tell him and he reply's "Okay, see you later"...... Thanks Maggie....lol
  10. Your so right, thank you...
  11. One of the possibility is sexual attention even though their not mature till around 4 yr's old. It's a combination of different actions like Dan said, done together which shows the parrots intent. If it's non-sexual you can cuddle and pet your baby all over, under the wings, bend of the legs etc. I stay away from the lower rear end. Thanks Jay
  12. Since some members feel this is a Complaint Thread, my turn. Read carefully, I'm not going to mention name's. We have some members who fell they are experts [could be anyone including me] who will give a opinion, or state I know what I'm talking about,and I'm a expert! These people, some don't even have a parrot or any experience other than reading something some one on the net said or from a book make this claim. They give advice as if they really believe the know what their talking about, instead of asking some on this forum for their out take on the subject. Than in turn they'll openly correct members who know what their talking about, only to cause confusion. From now on when ever this happens to me, I'm just going to delete my post, let them answer right or wrong for me. I've seen a lot of good people blasted because someones mad because the answer they received wasn't what they wanted to hear. So come-on, let's keep on replying to boost our ego's or to score point's to discredit some one because we don't like their attitude.....To some specific members, sometimes there's more than one correct answer to a question.... This is your Forum, it's what you Make it !!!!! I'm tired, all this bantering, and I know more than you do attitude is making me sick.. I'll be the first to admit I've done wrong....So instead, why don't we accept truths and quit going out of our way to hurt or discredit someone just because we can !!!!..I'm feel like I'm wasting my time, Don't waste yours any more, each and everyone of you have so much to offer...
  13. To me, this cage is a little small for a CAG, unless, both your parrot will only use it for sleeping and nap time, it's okay. Our fids are out all the time except when they sleep. [10-12- hr's] Most have small cages...Thank Jayd:cool:
  14. Go to the market and get some Powerade Zero...Its made by Coca Cola and it is low sugar and low sodium. It is better than Gatorade etc. Put some in a deep spoon and do anything you can to bring the liquid in his mouth without touching his beak. Remember, they don't need a lot. What we are trying to do is rinse his mouth. Try to do the same thing with the apple cider vinegar. It is an antiseptic. Stop the peanut butter. It is too gooey and sticky. What you want is baby food...no junior food. Beans, peas, carrots, squash, applesauce or apple-betty. Even if the vet doesn't want to look at him, take him anyway or find someone who will see the baby. Please use the vinegar. It helps stop infection.If the vet wants to give you an antibiotic for your baby, it's great.
  15. http://www.mdvaden.com/bird_page.shtml Thanks for being concerned.....
  16. Thank you for correcting me. I'll delete my post, last thing I want is to give out wrong info. It's appears I've been wrong all these years. I stand corrected, From now on I 'll be careful about giving my opinions. Thanks Jayd Note: This question has more then one possible correct answer....But by stating "Your Vet said" means that only your answer is correct, unless the poster states there are more possibly answers...
  17. LOL..Oh yes, they only turn into big stinkers when they get older...Thanks Jayd
  18. :)These actions can mean many things...Thanks Jayd
  19. ZulusMom..Read before you speak, answer in proper decor, state your feelings than move on if you see it's going to flair...You've missed the whole point, It's not what you believe but how you respond. Don't lower yourself to their level, reword your protest to teach instead of antagonize...To you, there is a difference between being opinionated and having a opinion...Your doing the same thing now, dragging it on in stead of moving on, we all understood your point a long time ago...Accusing vaguely is wrong. Now, it's you turn to act professionally. Enough, move on...
  20. Thanks, actual, a Grey has only about 400 taste buds compared to our thousands......If there's a sting, it's only for a second....lol Jayd
  21. Who can yell the loudest....Watch your language...... My 2 cents, I saw it coming, I tried to curtail it, 1st their comment then ours, I'll stand up for Dave to the Gates of Hell, but his wording was wrong.... It continued and I tried to restrain from derogatory remarks, I did fairly well. I asked our members to drop it, a couple of times, no one listened, ZulusMom I even later sent you a PM. Our responses were wrong we started it and continued feeding the fire period!!!. They asked a question even if it went against our beliefs and we attacked them, then the domino began to fall.......Yes, they were wrong but no more then us......I'm ashamed of my part in this..Since that night, I've been working hard to smooth over with the other forum this mess, I had it for a second, then "Who's Right" reared it's ugly head once again. Hey, Walk away if you can't be civil. There seems there's no more opinion, just experts. When all's said and done, A black Day This thread wasn't started as a "self serving, whining post to complain about others" It was started as one persons opinion, and as usual, we turned it around to serve our ego's.......
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