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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd


    Most all nuts and seeds are ok, in small amounts, a almond a day can do wonders for your parrots, 3 table spoons of sunflower seeds in the shell are real good for a parrot' there just not complete in all nutrients, and are high in sat fat. A parrot will eat only sunflower seeds if given the chance, but given as a treat there really good for them. Nuts, [most] are full of EFA's [Essential Fatty Acids] which our parrots need. Remember, peanuts are legumes, not nuts....
  2. LOL, No such luck, Salsa's a female but it still shows through, my neck is sore, sore fingers and anywhere else she can grab a hold of. If Joe's on a shoulder Salsa will fly to the other shoulder and chase Joe off and give me a nip.......Then she'll turn around, land on my chest and cuddle under my beard, tail held high, when I don't touch her, she nips me and fly's off....Thank you Mother Nature, my feet don't fit no perch!!!!! OUCH......
  3. Hi, what did the vet say?
  4. Caged Aviary and Poultry Specialising in Real Bird Taxidermy Mounts Including: Rooster Hen Bantam Fowl Duck Turkey Quail Goose Pigeon Dove Crow Chick s Game Bird s Aviary - Canaries Parakeets Lovebirds & Some Native Bird s etc All Coming from a Large Mixed Bird Farm and Taxidermy Auctions here in Australia
  5. A favorite part of his day;)
  6. Canary's, parakeets etc.............. http://myworld.ebay.com/naturaltaxidermybirds?_trksid=p2047675.l2559
  7. Lead or zinc poisoning can happen quickly or build up slowly over time depending on how much of the metal a bird ingests, how much of the toxin is present, and other factors. Objects in the Crop,[bag] will pass on into the system unless there is blockage. Heavy metals can harm the kidneys and liver and leave the bird susceptible to illness in the future. Depending on the type of metal, it can take a long time for symptoms to appear. T
  8. Jayd


  9. Good opinions and responses from both personal experiences and research have been presented. Maybe we should move on to other subjects and threads.:):):)
  10. Jayd

    Sick TAG

    Our heart goes with you and yours, please keep use posted.......
  11. Reproductive Tract Female In female psittacines only the left ovary is functional. Birds of prey and the kiwi have a right ovary. An inactive ovary is miniature, somewhat triangular shaped with white follicular material present. An immature ovary could be mistaken for the adrenal gland or vice versa. An active ovary can be quite large, containing numerous follicles. In cockatoos, some macaws and some conures, the ovary will be black (melanistic). The oviduct is a single tubular structure divided into 5 parts. The proximal portion is the infundibulum, which receives the ovum and where fertilization occurs. The magnum is the largest part and secretes mucin/albumin to cover the ovum. The third portion is the isthmus, which is a non-glandular connection. The uterus, or shell gland is the fourth region and covers the egg with shell and pigment if present. The final portion is the vagina which connects to cloaca, receives and may store the semen. Male Male birds possess internal paired testes, epididymis, ductus deferens, and in some species, a phallus. The testes vary in color from white, yellow to brown or black in cockatoos. The testes vary in size according to breeding state; immature testes are extremely small, while a bird in breeding condition will have immense testes. When out of season, they will reduce to a smaller size, but never as small as immature testes. http://www.4parrots.com/Basic_Avian_Anatomy.htm http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww33eiv.htm MALE: Although most male birds have no external sex organs, the male does have two testes which become hundreds of times larger during the breeding season to produce sperm.[16] The testes in male birds are generally asymmetric with most birds having a larger left testis.[17] Female birds in most families have only one functional ovary (the left one), connected to an oviduct — although two ovaries are present in the embryonic stage of each female bird. Some species of birds have two functional ovaries, and the order Apterygiformes always retain both ovaries.[18][19] In the males of species without a phallus (see below), sperm is stored in the semenal glomera within the cloacal protuberance prior to copulation. During copulation, the female moves her tail to the side and the male either mounts the female from behind or in front (as in the stitchbird), or moves very close to her. The cloacae then touch, so that the sperm can enter the female's reproductive tract. This can happen very fast, sometimes in less than half a second.[20] The sperm is stored in the female's sperm storage tubules for a week to more than a 100 days,[21] depending on the species. Then, eggs will be fertilized individually as they leave the ovaries, before the shell is calcified (for species that produce hard shells) in the oviduct. After the egg is laid by the female, the embryo continues to develop in the egg outside the female body. FEMALE:
  12. Hi, please check on going threads, Zupreem has a recall on it's fruity blend, color in pellets are not the best choice, try a number of different pellets,, but fresh is best, with one piece of fruit a day, and a good seed mix less sunflower seeds 24/7......Give them a few sunflower seed as a treat......http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?197165-Zupreem-voluntary-recall&p=270823#post270823
  13. Our fids are definitely empathetic, but, [Nancy get well] if we get sick, it's always best to keep our distant from our feathered friends.
  14. Hi, we have a wonderful room for introducing yourself and your parrot/s, we'd love to hear about you and we love photos..... Welcome & Introduction Room We also have a nice Classified room for things for sale, Classifieds Room For Trading Or Selling Bird Item. And there's a ongoing Holistic thread for holistic info...Thanks....Jayd
  15. You couldn't get better or more honest advice than these great people have given you. A couple of question? What was the results of the blood tests? CMP?...Zupreem has had a recent recall on their Fruit blend, Seeds are a essential need for a parrots health and diet, [Fresh veggies, legumes are, pellets aren't] there are many threads and posts on the Grey forum about this subject....Stay away from colored pellets and a small piece of fruit a day is all our Greys need. Prozac?, a little chamomile tea a day won't hurt a thing....A lot of bird people and vet's recommend small seeds for large parrots because there time consuming to eat, in turn they believe it keeps the parrot occupied instead of plucking.....
  16. Hi, our old stand by is vinegar water, in your case you can use your water system, just warm it and scrub, rinse, all your birds and pets can be in the same room, After cleaning, fill one spray bottle wit your water, and one with hydrogen peroxide, spray cage with one than the other, doesn't mater which way you spray, let air dry..For those that don't have a water system like yours, just use white vinegar..... The vinegar/peroxide is a fantastic disinfectant.........
  17. Hi, great job your doing and so much wonderful advice...If I may, your baby should be on a feeding schedule for the formula, example: same time each morning when you rise, and just before you put em to bed, feed all other foods though out the day. As Dave said, Abundant feeding is very important, scheduled feeding will provide this, this way your baby knows what and when he's going to get the formula, this will help em decide when to wean from it....Thanks
  18. Great thread, FYI, a Orange-wing Zon, is the only Zon with the color orange.
  19. All reply's are top notch, as a side note only, after cleaning, you need to disinfect, this is where the Vinegar really shines...Thanks all....
  20. Jayd

    New Bird

    Correct..... http://www.avianweb.com/princessparrot.html
  21. Our hearts cry for you...
  22. The safest way to clean and disinfect your parrots cage is to scrub it down with white vinegar, then get 2 spray bottles and fill one with white vinegar and the other with hydrogen peroxided, [the kind you use for mouth wash] spray the cage with one than the other doesn't which one first, safe for parrots......
  23. Yes, this is correct....Doctor Foster and smiths, and Pet Solutions, both online with free shipping over $49.00.........
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