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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Thanks, this is what I suspected, It's possible that your Baby has bonded with your glove. The glove isn't like a disposable toy or one that you trade out every month or two. Your baby has substituted the glove for you. Please remove the glove, it will be hard but you have shown so much patience, you all can do it....
  2. I'm sorry, I thought Kiki was a Amazon? My mistake.....
  3. Hi, everything sound ok, and normal,,he's picked your husband, talking alone etc, is ok, especially for a re-home. Greys carry a lot of baggage, some never UN-pack. This isn't a matter of Taming, but of training and renewed trust.Continue doing what your doing, but please lose the glove, Greys hate them, just continue taking your time. Thanks Jayd
  4. Our forum is so loaded with facts and help, thank you truly for researching it.......
  5. QUOTE=NewBird;275735]I do have a Care Credit card already, but there is not enough on there for a specialist yet. Trust me, my critters always come first (hence the $5000 emergency surgery for my dog). I am working 2 jobs to get me back on my feet. I just wanted to clear things up a bit - he only pants after flying and/or running up and down the boing, so he's not just sitting quietly and panting. He's a pretty active little guy, it's just when he flies around more than just from 1 spot to another is when he starts to pant, but he recovers quickly. I wasn't sure if this was normal or not. I truly wish from the bottom of my heart the best to you and your Grey, I deleted my posts, they were just to negative, you need all the support now. My feelings stand but it's more important to be positive now. The best will happen.....Jayd......
  6. Welcome and thank you for taking the time to research. I can tell right now that you are going to do great! When will you get your baby and what name have you chosen? Jayd
  7. Jayd


    Fluff, from now until eternity lol get use to it, a never ending cycle......
  8. Please do this, I'm sorry for being so blunt, this is a life and death situation which can bring much suffering to your parrot and with your symptom description he could be suffering already. Make me wrong please.....
  9. You've done right just by caring.......Beautiful baby.......................
  10. Jayd

    Clipped or not

    Truthful words well spoken....................
  11. Jayd

    Clipped or not

    What I stated is fact, Searched the net, clip/trim, same thing, I have never said clipping is "abuse", my statement was to clip, let grow, then clip, this is abuse.......There are times that it is necessary to clip.... Your opinion is always valued.....
  12. Jayd

    Clipped or not

    Please everyone, make a decision to either clip or not to, let the baby fledge as long as possible before clipping, don't flip/flop, remember there is always something missing to a parrot with clipped wings. Most people will have one bird, two at most and the whole time they have their bid, clipped or not, their never exposed to the differences. What I say isn't opinion, it's fact....My apologizes to all members, I have to stick by what I believe in......
  13. The best think you can do is what your doing right now, listening and reading this forum, and there are no stupid questions. At this point don't change his name.....
  14. LOL This is a good question, we've done it both ways, we tended to put them to cage last, some times they would go on their own 1st, lol
  15. Hi, Dan's reply is very accurate and I concur completely, leaving him alone as Dan has said is foremost right now, let him be in his cage. He will need a vet check when stable. Please no more grabbing a foot, let him come out of his cage on his own......
  16. You always post such useful questions. Pellets are not necessary for a healthy parrot, a lot of the members treat them as a snack or treat. Your diet sound very good, sweet potatos are extremely good as is carrots, dark greens leafy are number 1, don't forget legumes and rice/grains which are a complete protein..... If I may say so, very little fruit is needed by our parrots, it has no nutritional value, it fills them where they'll eat less of what they need and it causes their poop to be runny, it dos not sustain them.
  17. Why does a Grey or any parrot need good solid sleep? The reason being these creatures think and interact the same way as humans do, they have a large brain that burns a lot of energy, they have a high metabolism, and their body temp is in the range of 103-105degrees. They think, therefore they need rest..
  18. We had two we cared for a while back, as adult you could carry one on each arm and they would put their heads on your chest. Their diet consist of Red Palm nuts, they are somewhat expensive to care for. We had a problem in 2009-2010 where the breeders didn't feed the parents enough Red Palm Oil [VitA] and they would grow out Stunted[large heads] . We went on a campaign contacting breeders in this area of this problem, which was basically adding additional olive oil to their diet.
  19. This is a wonderful looking Zon, I would say this is a fairly young bird, younger than 2.5 years old, it's a Amazona och Belizensis from the Berlize area,which is a sub speices of the Dbl Yellowhead Amazona ochrocephala oratrix, which is the one people refer to as the DBLYH Zon. Their slightly more calmer then some other DBL's. More red should develop at the wing bend with yellow pants, and the wing should darken [green] around the back. Jay .
  20. Happy New Year, Yes, it is advised to replace them on a yearly basis. Everything depends upon how many hours they were on etc, I don't have that info, and you can't tell by looking. What you can do is use them in your bird area as a general lighting. Good post Jayd
  21. Having a Zon and a Grey is like living with Laural and Hardy or Bub Abbot and Lou Costello... lol
  22. Jayd

    Clipped or not

    What you're doing is fine, it's when you offer your fingers in rapid succession with no treat and no purpose other then frustration on the part of the bird, is wrong. Asking your fid to step=up to finger to finger or hand or anywhere else with a treat or not is good training... Striking a bird, dropping a bird to the floor, isolation in a small cage or carrier in a remote location, placing the bird in a bath tub or other inappropriate place as punishment, covering the cage as punishment, laddering, intimidation through staring or glaring are some worthless and counterproductive acts of punishment.
  23. Jayd

    Clipped or not

    Being able to fly three rooms only, has nothing to do with clipping/trimming! It is a limitation caused by some other reason/problem. A bird who is clipped can not fly or obtain altitude, let alone flying to 3 rooms. With clipped wings they should be able to fly out and down about 15' with excessive flapping. In some cases, with severe clipping, they'll drop straight down. If any member is paying someone for clipping and is told their bird will be able to fly for 3 rooms, they are being ripped off. Your statement, quote: First, they should be fully flighted, then trimmed during training, then fully flighted again. :quote, This statement is an indication of a form of "Abuse". Another example : Laddering, having your bird stepping up from finger to finger, repeatedly is considered "Abuse". All statements I've made can be verified though simple research. Jay
  24. In the parrot world there's no "Alpha parrot/dog" each parrot is the center of their own world. A Zon doesn't know how to quit or say no. When a Zon goes into overdrive like this they get over excited and with their determination to win, they become over zealous. You can not punish a Zon when they've been over played, they can't understand what they've done wrong.
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