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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. If you don't have the time to fulfill the desired needs for companionship and love/attention a TOO requires, then a TOO might not be a good choice. I'd like to mention that a 'TOO is the most loving and affectionate parrot as far as parrots go, with the highest level of cuddling of all. In return, they can require as much attention and love from you which can be very demanding. What Dave has said can be completely true or completely wrong depending on the particular 'TOO. It goes back again to what training the 'TOO had received. Some 'TOOs only screech at sunrise and dusk, giving thanks to this wonderful world. It all depends on the type of 'TOO and the upbringing and training it had received. A good analogy might be a Two-year-old child that is very loving and affectionate and a tag-along which never leaves your side. But then again, they can be no different than any other parrot, depending on species and how they were raised. A TOO truly is a love child. The worst thing a person can ever do is to take one in and find out that it might be too noisy or demanding and then re-home it again. I've seen many a TOOs with a broken heart and it is devastating. Always remember, when choosing a parrot, we choose not for what they can do for us but what we can do for them. A re-homed TOO can be one of the happiest or saddest experiences there is. Thank you. Jay
  2. Thank you so much, both names had 3 out of 5 of the same letters, lol....I can always count on you to cover me......Thanks Jay
  3. Jayd


    I believe this is probably the best responce I've ever heard. We personally don't believe that punishment is reward but a abuse. If you don't try you'll never know.
  4. There are many illness 's that can be transferred between parrot and human and visa-versa. It's very important to keep dirty/used utensils away from our fids, always use a clean spoon when feeding them. Ebola [e-coli is correct] and Salmonella can be deadly to our companions...A cold in general may not affect them, but secondary infections can. When washing your hands use hand soap, not Anti-bacterial soap because you have both good and bad germs, and your fid could have a reaction to the ingredients in the anti-bac soap.
  5. Sorry, when you go to edit, click "Advanced" to change the title.....
  6. Dee, we hear whispers of pride from Juno and Spock.........
  7. Hear, hear...............................
  8. Thank you....Go to the post, on the bottom of the post it we'll say "edit" click that and add or delete what you want, they click save......................Thanks Jayd
  9. Just thank you for taking in this wonderful African Grey parrot. I can't even spell my own name so don't worry about it.......Thanks
  10. You have been given a lot of good advice and opinions, when it comes to putting a parrot to sleep regardless of the reason, the chances of full recovery is 50/50 regardless of what any particular vet might say. There are many factors determining the outcome. This comes from scientific fact and my personal experiences. The distant or cost of what a option might be for us has nothing to do with what's best for our parrots. Only you can decide.....
  11. Hi, and welcome. How old is your young lady? and thank you for re-homing. I have a question? I'm having a hard time seeing your photo's, from my vantage point it appears the tail is grey/red, and the beak is black and horn colored? How much does your baby weigh? Is it possible your baby is a Tag? I mean nothing bad, it could just be the way my computer is showing the photo's.
  12. This is a very common occurrence especially with your more dominant Zon,s, your Double yellow and Yellow-nape family. It's what I like to call "Overdrive", in a situation like this they become "Dominate" and defending of what they perceive as being theirs, ie: those they are bonded to. They take the attitude of reminding you to stand back and they'll take care of the problem [they'll take care of their turf]. This is the same response they have when playing hard and all of a sudden taking a nip out of the one they're playing with...A Grey has what I call "A love bond", A Zon has a "Territorial family bond"
  13. Judy is right-on, during the winter months the air is much dryer, more dander, also don't forget the bath times and Aloe Vera juice spray a couple times each week. Cool water, no drafts, and towel/air dry....no hair dryer.....
  14. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jayd and Maggie Joe and the flock, and a special yes from Spock...............
  15. Your doing good, keep it up. When we question "How much?" does our parrots eat a day, we need to take into consideration "How much food do they need?" A good way to determine this is size comparison, :Compare the amount of food to the size of their brain, 2 tbls of mash at one meal is quite a lot, 50-60cc per meal of balanced food is good...Add to this everything else that we feed to our fids in a day, is probably to much. Seeds: Keep a 1/2 cup of a good quality seed mix in the cage4/7, remove the sunflower seeds and give them about 2-3 separately as treats. Don't forget nuts, legumes, greens, and only a small piece of fruit a day.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Fpad20Zbk
  17. Hi, thank you for the update, please don't wear a glove around your baby, they don't like them and as long as he relates it to you, you'll have problems. You shouldn't keep him in your bedroom, it's just pacifying him, both you and him need your own space. On a second note it's really unhealthful to have him in your bedroom, as you know greys give off dander, while sleeping you inhale it more so then in a group room, inhale enough and you can become sick or even develop a allergy to it. His head-bob is great. What I would do is not to worry about holding right now, he knows your affraid of him, sit back, talk, read' sing to him and become at ease with him, you'll notice a positive change in time......
  18. Hi, It appears to me that the blue coloring is on the tip of the feathers, as Dan said, it looks like they rub against something blue, the shaft area is clear. Red factor Greys are rare, unless bred in capacitive,. A F2-pied has a broad red band across the chest. Most scattered red is caused by nutrition or medicine reactions and molt out. The blue mutation turns the red tail and rump white. Since greys are grey and hence lack psittacine, they don't actually turn blue. Albino (no pigment) Lutino (yellow pigment) Incomplete Ino(mostly white, but with small percentage of melanin) Grizzles (soft pinkish scalloped found in its feathers) Parino (very light scalloping found in its feathers)
  19. Hi and Greetings. The responce Talon gave was appropriate, a opinion and a request for clarification. I have a question? What does Clipping Wings have to do with putting your fid in their cage? there are far less drastic ways of accomplishing this task, hundreds are posted on this forum. I'm sure you've noticed that the majority of the members don't clip their fid's wings. Thank you so much for your response and opinion. My reply is my opinion and only mine.......
  20. You are doing the best you can for your baby, it's not your fault. They can get zinc from the exposed bolts and wing nuts/washers that's used to hold on there perches. Feed your baby yogurt, plain, low fat, keep warm, this takes time.....
  21. You really need to do some reading, What kind of formula are you using? what temp are you heating to? Feed as much as he'll eat, do you know what crop extension is? There's so much info needed so much info you can only get from someone showing you in person how to feed them. Always have food available in the cage at all time, don't worry about water, he should be on 4 feedings a day, same time every day to suit him not you. [example:6am, 11am, 4pm, 9pm]. Some eat 50-60cc's EDIT: What I'd like to see happen is for you to find a breeder who would finish feeding and weaning this baby. I'm so worried that the baby might be stunted or be malnutrition-ed. You need to weight the bird each morning after the big poop and before the first feeding.......
  22. Judy s right, your baby will let you know.
  23. :DIt is indeed Thanksgiving just to be able to see the smile in all the children's face's and being able to say I know you, with no boundary or boarders my grey forums friends......
  24. Jayd


    We allow all our birds on our head and shoulder, they beak but not bite.....
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