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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. 200% CORRECT...............................................................................Humans of different origin can be attracted to each other, but parrots where it's not genetically possible, is not even incorporated in their mindset. Whats truly amazing is that when a Grey bonds with a human, it's truly love in it's deepest sense..
  2. Jayd

    Clipped or not

    This is wrong and a very bad opinion...Think about it, don't clip, clip, don't clip, what kind of message are you sending to a parrot who is emotional based, a being that thinks what their next step or movement will be, one that is completely aware of their capability's. This would be abuse . The training you give your Grey starts the day you bring them home and doesn't end until their gone. If you want to clip your Grey, then do it, [but realize what damage you might cause]. This is scientific fact, and many years of personal experience with many parrots. Just because it worked for one parrot doesn't give it credential. I'm so sorry, but I've personally seen on a daily basis what can happen [at times] with the ending statement "It worked for me"... Jayd
  3. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190024-Ah-the-joys-of-parrot-mating-season!
  4. Sunlight,UVB2 Full spectrum Lightning is a necessary requirement to the health and and life of our parrots, no exception. Here's a starter thread on the subject, this we'll make you aware of how important it is.. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?157511-UVB-LIGHTING-IT-S-IMPORTANCE
  5. People can say, "I like this bird or that bird" there's no guarantee on how any bird will turn out, what do you want? A DYH , Yellow- nape, are supposed to be the best talker, they cost more. My favorite is a Mealy, one of the plainest Zon's there is. Blue-fronts are very popular right now. A Zon takes up to 12 years to mature. Once a Zon fledged, is the day they start developing their personality's, habits and good and bad trait's. The Amazon room has a lot of personal experiences available for you to learn from, utilize it....Thanks Jayd
  6. Thank you my friend. I advise you and those interested to go to the archive and read Katana600 threads and posts.
  7. Humans are very capable flock animals, and love to add twists and claim second hand knowledge as their own, Monkey say, monkey do, so at times we agree with one side or the other with out doing reserach, this leads to stereotyping as in, all blk dogs bite, etc. Some of us have found out that sometimes what is held as a truth is nothing more then something some one heard.The only way we know truths is from experiences and research. My gift to you: In these gifts I give to you ,[or anyone else interested] you can find a truthful and honest answer to your questions. I'll give you my answer to start, No 2 parrots are alike, it depends on how they were raised, personality of both the human and the parrot, the past the present and the future. Scroll down the pages of the Amazon room, open what sounds useful, Ray p, Talon Janet etc You'll find your answer and be a much wiser person...I would not hesitate to buy or own a DBLYH. Thanks Jayd
  8. Thank you, Please don't stereotype lol...Thanks Jayd
  9. Hi, Markings tell it all. SOME[?] say the DBLYH is the best talking Zon, I have never met a Zon I didn't like......... and Panama. Yellow-head or their old name is Single-yellow head, A sub to these is a Orange-winged which is what our Salsa is. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190343-Amazon-of-the-Week-Index In most cases they'll ignore each other, I wouldent worry about it, a Grey is a very note strong parrot.
  10. Pellets are man made, most are chemical based with corn being there main ingredient, in most cases they are completely artifical. Most Grey forum members don't rely on pellets but do the opposite of what your Dr recommends. There still trying to find Pellet trees in the Congo to no avail. [joke] What they do find is Greens, orange veggies, seeds, red palm oil, fruits and nuts grains, riverbank mud, etc. A good diet would be : seeds,less sunflowers,pellets 24/7/365, green veggies, orange veggie, legumes,nuts, pasta and rice[grains] Red palm oil, fruits etc. Nuts alone provide EFA's [Essential fatty Acids] Omega 3 etc, Beans and rice make a whole protein. Each of these food balance each other providing what is truly necessary for our fids to have a healthy mental and physical life. There are hundreds of great thread on this forum, please check them out.
  11. Spray your baby with aloe vera juice, available at Walmart etc, 3 times a week. Red palm oil is Great.A Grey need s 15 minutes a day[minimum] of natural sunlight or 4 hres of indoor full spectrum UVB lighting this is the only way they get VIT D3......
  12. Hi, greetings and welcome. Your baby is expressing new found feelings, if he's just beaking, don't discourage it, just say, don't bite...If he's biting, don't let him on the shoulder. Now, one of two things are happening, he's chosen your husband, [in the wild, Greys don't bite,when they play, they get a mouth full of feathers] or, he's chosen you and telling your husband to back off. Take some time and see how it plays out, if he starts biting, stop it.
  13. Thank you, and your breeder sounds really great, but, neither I nor any other breeder can say how any parrot especially a Grey will be after leaving their birthing home. A Grey in the wild stays with their flock and parents for up to two years or more before going out on their own, and then they continue in most cases to stay with the same flock. In the case of a captive grey in a matter of a few moments will be thrown into a totally new environment with new smells, sounds lighting and new faces with nothing recognizable since birth. This is a very hard time for a Grey, a time where they need lots of attention to overcome this shock. Being Laid back helps, but a Grey chooses and decides for themselves who they bond with. Bonding, Grey are known to bond singularly with disregard for any other member of their home which could involve biting. The sales person was suggesting another bird for your son to give him something to do and learn from while the adults are coping with the demands of a new Grey. At this early stage you son will be involved from a distance, it usually boils down to one major adult for the next few years. Least we forget the terrible two's your grey will go through.
  14. Jayd

    Devil Bird

    All 10 of our parrots are free flighted and they have a common breakfast/dinner eating place besides what food is kept in their cages. They go to bed around the same time each night with a treat, they either go on their own or we have them step-up. Joey's always the last. Rome wasn't built in a day, If you try to force training with you hand, success almost never happens, treat training takes time but works.
  15. Jayd

    Clipped or not

    Hi, We're opposed to clipping but respect the opinion of others, we feel especially a re-home or rescue need their wings. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190512-WingClipping-Part-1-Objective-Neutral http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190511-WingClipping-Part-2-objective-neutral http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190510-WingClipping-Part-3-objective-neutral http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190509-WingClipping-Part-4-Objective-Neutral
  16. Hi, Ask Katana600 in the rescue room, she's had personal experience with this.......
  17. Hi, stick with just you Grey for right now you need to integrate him into the family. Your question is a hard one, no two Greys are a like this goes for all parrots. Three things can happen, 1, no problem, 2, some Greys dislike children due to the noise and the rapid movements, 3, Dislike of a human , child or adult. Make sure you child understand no rapid movement toward the Grey, yelling and poking or pointing fingers. In most cases the Grey will ignore a small child but that is not to say that they might bond in the future, they both have growing up to do, together. You Grey is going to go through quite a few changes in the next 5-6 years. Please be aware that they may never be comfortablr with each other, if this happens, then if your child is still interested, get a "Tiel. Most Greys dislike children toys that make noise, one of to things can happen, they can fear the object or imitate it......Remember, you'll be raising 2 six year old's. Maybe a parakeet in a separate room, but not a second attention requiring parrot like 'Tiel.
  18. A Grey practices before speaking in public, they practice the sound, punctuation etc. Lip syncing is normal. Some Greys never speak in front of you, only when your not in the room....
  19. After four years, Joe is just letting us touch him now.....
  20. Hola, Salsa here...Welcome and come visit us ZONs in the Amazon Room when you bring home your new ZON. There's a lot of difference between Greens and Greys. A Greenie travels light...we don't carry around the baggage that Greys do. We think more like live and let live...that means we're more adaptable to our environment, caretakers etc than Greys. No matter what kind of new cage there is, we take over and make it our own so go for the new cage. Where we are touchy is about toys, food and attention. We might just jump into our new cage and home, but sit back and watch what is going on for a while until we are sure of you. Sometimes we don't like to be touched but with time, we will let you know what we want. We are more self-sufficient and we play by ourselves more. With your new Double-Yellow,it is known in some cases that they have an attitude. If that is the case, just sit back longer before you try to stick your finger in its beak. Just read some of Janet, Ray P.'s and Talons posts...You can treat a re-homed ZON like a new bird unless they really had a bad home life. I promise you, us ZONs will let you know what we want and don't want...Very important...your Grey is flock leader. This means that you have to say Good Morning and Goodbye to Luna first. Luna needs to get the first treats, food bowls of food, toy's and attention before anybody else. Introduce your new ZON to Luna, not Luna to the ZON. Your ZON is not really going to care...they live in their own world as opposed to a Grey who can be touchy. In most cases, your ZON and Luna will not interact and will basically ignore each other. In our house, we had two Greys and me...Spock and I used to play together all the time and Joe never did play...now that Spock is gone, Joe just ignores me except when he tells me "Salsa, Shut up"...
  21. Lets start over. Sit back and relax, be calm, certain things are going on. The main problem is your baby has accepted your husband as prime care taker, I'm sorry your husband needs to participate in this endeavor. Your husband needs to be the prime mover, invite you over to work together to bring trust to all of you. This doesn't mean your husband will always be the chosen one, but for now that's how it is. You need to work on calming down, your baby can sense all your emotions...Don't worry about bathing, or cage door right now. Never approach a parrot from the back....I'll post more later.
  22. These posts are really good advice, remember we're not only training and conditioning a Grey, but a Parront too. We need to learn as much as they do, we are their caretakers.....
  23. Jayd


    Not a dumb question, It's simple, dollars! Peanuts are fill, fill is cheap, feed makers are not in the business to keep our birds happy but just to sell food just to sell food. Last year we food pallets of name bird seed at a named retail store which had fungus, we got the food removed....As long as we keep buying mix's that have raw peanuts, they'll keep selling them, we don't buy from company that sell them...Why Cig's, alcohol, etc, it's all in the name of money.....
  24. I'm sorry, but info on leg bans are not always useful. I've posted a number of times of incident's and even death due to bands. It's no effort for someone to snip the band off.
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