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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. A human medical person, has nothing to do with avian medicine. There is always a risk in anything you do, even walking down the street. By all means take you parrot to a avian vet, yearly and when ever needed....Your parrots life can depend on it.....
  2. Jayd


    TOPS is a great product......
  3. Last smoke,09/2004, Last breath? ? ? And you?????? What's the outlook? Hearing you have COPD can be incredibly tough, and there is no cure. http://www.lung.org/lung-disease/copd/ http://www.copd.com/understanding/index.html?google=e_&rotation=1906&banner=10107&kw=120
  4. He just doesn't want to go to bed, your being challenged, always cover and call it a night.......
  5. Beaking and biting, to different thing, one more way a Grey communicate with. When your beaked , your being told something, ie: stop/don't, more, yes, no, etc. To respond say something like "I don't like that!" "Okay" etc, never No or stop it...Immediately repeat the same jester with your verbal response, with time, the pressure of beaking will lesson, remember, when one bird beaks another, they only beak feathers, not skin. they must learn.....
  6. Chickpeas, [garbanzo beans] are good for our fids in moderation, they bind calcium, so just a couple at a time every other day or so.....Thanks Jayd
  7. Very little cheese, it's not the same as yogurt. Don't worry, he's getting enough water...Keep up the good work......
  8. Jayd


    LOL, This can go on forever..Right now, let it be, it could be like a microwave beep or a phone ring. A grey will practice sounds before they speak, she could also be annoyed or just doing it for attention. If you want, every time she does it, you can respond with "Hello" or "I Love you", just don't let her know your upset. A Grey can sense your emotions even if you think your hiding them....
  9. To me, this is probably one of the most truest and important posts on this forum.....Thanks Dave....
  10. Hi, think of tree rings, look for thin lines running across the width of the red tail feather..[most common]
  11. Thaks for the rescue/rehome, theirs a special place in mour heart for you...Jayd and Spock [Maggie]
  12. Jayd

    Poor baby

    Prayers, please keep us informed.....
  13. Jayd


    Cleo's just a baby, she's just learning, just vocalizing, enjoy it....Thanks Jayd
  14. Hi, here's some good reading: Birds, Humans,Horses...... http://www.africangreys.com/articles/nutrition/sunflower.htm http://www.livestrong.com/article/254436-nutritional-value-of-sprouted-sunflower-seeds/ http://www.livestrong.com/article/335551-the-nutritional-value-of-the-oil-in-raw-black-sunflower-seeds/ What Are The Benefits Of Eating Sprouted Sunflower Seeds? | LIVESTRONG.COM http://www.ehow.com/facts_5529776_nutritional-value-sprouted-sunflower-seeds.html http://www.nutrition-and-you.com/sunflower-seeds.html http://www.understanding-horse-nutrition.com/black-oil-sunflower-seeds.html
  15. 3 tbs of white-striped sunflower seed a day are good for our parrots, Sprouted are even better, remember, small tail, and rinse with organic apple cider vinegar, not GSE.....
  16. Keep counting, feed yogurt...........
  17. Thanks all, please don't forget the dark green leafy veggies. When a parrot reacts to a outside stimulus, it's to fly, not fall....[night fright etc] Keep a eye on your baby and you might consider a vet visit...
  18. Thank you my friend. You can use PVC [we don't] just make sure its wrapped or covered etc...If the parrot is a chewer, they can ingest it..A lot of stands etc, are made of it....With CPCV, there's no worry, that's why it's used in houses and mobiles/trailers.......
  19. Hi, do you own a Grey, or are you planning on getting one in the future? We have a great Amazon room and rooms for other birds if you don't own a Grey, please check them out....Thanks Jayd P.S. We love photos.....
  20. I highly recommend you read Dan's tread from start to finish [All Members]Grey Cognition and language abilities http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189638-Grey-Cognition-and-language-abilities/page41 You have a lot you can post there.....,You will also find as Gracie gets older, you'll be spoken to in: parrot, expressions and movements and in Gracie's slang........Thanks Jayd
  21. Hi, A sunflower-less seed mix should be left in the cage 24/7, a couple of good brands are Volkmans safflower blend, and Royal large hook-bill safflower. Sunflowers can be given to your fid, about 3tbs white striped [in shell] a day. If you like pellets, they should be kept 24/7 also. [No colored pellets. A parrots main meal is at sunrise and dusk. Fresh food is best, as long as you know what your parrot needs, never give any supplement or vitamins unless a vet tells you to. There's many threads and post on the forum on this subject...Thanks Jayd
  22. :)Hi, PVC isn't really safe for parrots especially if your parrot chews , CPVC is the safe one, it's safe for hot water as we'll as cold, you should only use CPVC.....Glues: When using the solvents, only use a dab, that's all that's needed, use a small brush or stick and apply a small amount at one spot at the joint. When assembly, drill a 1/8 hole on the underside of the last fitting, [top of project] fit together and leave until you can no longer smell the solvent..... Do not sand perching surface of PVC/CPVC, always wrap with rope/twine or Vets wrap....Remember, PVC can kill:(....... Thanks, Jayd
  23. Please continue with the plain yogurt........
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