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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Thank you, Princess, his mate and all our 'tiel's are kept together, she was a little lost yesterday but seems ok today..She's eating good...Jay and Maggie
  2. Our deepest and sincerest thank you to everyone...You are all making this a little easier and giving us renewed hope....Luv and Maggie
  3. :whistle: Sorry, forgot to mention that he still gets his "smash", carrots and 39-50cc's formula to...Jay
  4. Spock's holding his own, he's whistling and talking at daybreak again although he is still not putting on any weight and his breasts and crop are quite sunken. He stays with Maggie and I constantly. Through out the day, we take Spock to a different room so we can give attention to our other fids so they don't become stressed. Salsa plays and eats and doesn't seem to be too concerned. Freddy and Tango seem to live in their own world but all three of these call out when they want attention or something picked up that they threw on the floor. Spock is still flock-leader..he doesn't mind us giving the others attention...he stays on our shoulder. Joey, our older CAG is always calm. He'll call out to Spock, "Spock, come here". Spock will fly over to within a couple of feet from him and they will talk to each other and touch beaks. At 8:30 to 9pm every night, Spock flys over to his cage and want to go to bed and be covered. At the dimming of the lights, that is Joey's cue to fly over and sit with us on the couch for his attention. It is also time for one on one with Freddy, Tango and Salsa (one at a time of course). (We forgot to mention that in the last few weeks, Spock has bitten off all of his red tail feathers.) Spock's Treatment: Since the discovery of Spock's illness, he has been receiving a combination of both conventional and holistic treatments. As you know, most vets lately have gone this route. The conventional treatment includes antibiotics and tests. Holistic treatment is basically diet, consisting mostly of vegetables and some herbs that compliment each other in the absorption of nutrients into the body. He's given probiotics to counter any destructive action from the antibiotics. He is receiving high protein and good fats and foods with high calcium and D levels. He is getting some nuts including sunflower and safflower seeds in small portions (more than normal). His mash is heavy with rice, grains, legumes, cilantro (to aid in any heavy metal removal), milk thistle, dandelion and aloe vera juice for detox of the liver. Everything that he is being fed is in extremely small portions and bird-safe. We are also feeding him leafy vegetables, high in beta carotene, eggs and he has a treat of a little rice milk with 6 or 7 cheerios. It sounds funny when all this is mixed up and given to him, he only eats a teaspoon or two at a time. After all this, he still gets his small amount of organic peanut butter with palm oil in the morning to start his day... This conglomeration was researched and designed by Maggie and I, a veterinarian, and our C.A.S. and the hardest thing is giving him his shot. We will keep everyone posted. We thank you all. I think your prayers are working. Jay and Maggie (And Spock) P.S. What we have written above is "not" a recommendation or even a suggestion for some one to use with out checking with a vet !!!<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/04 02:41
  5. Been a bad week, Spock sick, and last night we lost Prince, one of our oldest 'tiel's. He was a Cinnamon pied lutino, very friendly and a good father, his mate is Princess, a Lutino, and we have one of their boys..It appears he fell or crashed during "night fright", most all our birds are flighted...Going to miss him... Jay and Maggie
  6. Our prayers and hopes are always with you and yours, now and forever....My friend
  7. Ecko's so beautiful and a good boy to... Spock says "HB to you, HB to you, [we have the same eye's..Spock] Luv ya... Spock, Jay and Maggie [Karma]
  8. Thank you, it means so much... Spock doesn't like his antibiotic shots, 6 more days of them.... Jayd
  9. Thank you all so much...we go between tears and prayers. We hope the new antibiotics he started today will help with secondary infections. Thank you, Jay and Maggie (And Spock)
  10. Thank you all so much! It has been a hard day today but you all have made it a little easier. Spock had a cornbread muffin for his bird-day, he was also started on Baytril injections today (7cc's once a day) for 7 days. Ouch!!! He is not a happy camper! Thank you, Jay and Maggie
  11. Thank you all, Spock sat on our shoulder while we read all your nice posts...He took his meds like a good boy, going to give him a warm bath today... Spock, Jay and Maggie We'll keep you all posted!!
  12. Prayers are the best cure, Thank you Talon and all the rest of you wonderful people...Jay, Maggie and Bird-day boy Spock....
  13. Well, Spock's a year old today, he's also very sick...I haven't posted anything because it's been to hard to talk about. It started showing up about a month ago, first, excess urine and soft feces, then he quit eating his regular food, then he started mutilating his chest and back feathers. Nothing from the vet worked, antibiotic's etc, was told "probably liver or internal", "born with it"...[non-contagious] Similar symptons to PDD. He's started losing weight and his "keel is prominent, his "crop" empties extremely fast, and at times without warning he gets violent and bites. He's down to 435-440 grams. He doesn't look very good...There's nothing they can do... We've changed his diet completely, high protein/fat, vet started him on detox herbs:Aloe, milk thistle, dandelion, leafy veggies, rice/beans, anise seed, flax seed and we feed him Formula 30-50 ml's at bed time. His stools look somewhat better, very little urate and his urine is thick. He eats a lot but it doesn't absorb into his system...In past posts, I've mentioned he had a fast metabolism, and from a baby his crop emptied too quick, he never had any excess fat. We're doing all we can, this is so hard. He's still strong and fly's all over, we won't clip his wings unless he get to weak to fly...One of the worst things is you can be holding him and all's ok, then he starts screaming and attacks you biting, and after a moment he's ok again... He spends all his time staying with Maggie or me, he' resting at least 13+ hours a day. A few months back he was on antibiotics for watery stools...We're doing all we can... We'll keep doing our regular posts and keeping the Amazon room going with Spock sitting on our shoulder, correcting us. We love you all... Jayd and Maggie
  14. I think it's just the photo.. They're not dimorphic, most Amazons aren't. Good question... Jayd
  15. Another week into the new year, time flies..This week we have a extra treat, our Amazon of the week plus 2 extinct amazons. Jayd Our " Amazon of the Week is "The Red-necked Amazon" [no pun intended] or Dominican Blue-faced Amazon, also Bouquet's Amazon . Size: 40cm (15.6 in) Adult Weight:620g (21.7 oz) Range: Dominica, Lesser Antilles, West Indies. Found from 300-800m (984-2624 ft) in the canopy of mountain rainforest, preferring Dacryodes excelsa stands. Formerly a regular visitor to coastal areas. World Population:750-800 http://www.parrots.org/index.php/encyclopedia/profile/red_necked_amazon/(Amazona arausiaca) http://www.arkive.org/red-necked-amazon/amazona-arausiaca/image-G22634. http://www.avianweb.com/redneckedamazonparrots.html Guadeloupe Parrot (Amazona violacea) Genus:Amazona Species: arausiaca Family/Sub-family Psittacidae Summary Amazona violacea, although not known from any specimens, was described in detail from Guadeloupe (to France) by, amongst others, Du Tertre in 1654 and 1667, Labat in 1742, and Brisson in 1760. It was named by Gmelin in 1789. In 1779 it was noted by Buffon to be very rare, and presumably became extinct soon after. Ecology: Nothing is known, but it is likely to have been a forest species. Threats: It was heavily hunted, and this presumably caused its extinction. The Martinique Amazon, Amazona martinicana, was a species of parrot in the Psittacidae family. It was endemic to Martinique. It became extinct due to habitat loss as Martinique was cleared for agriculture.[1] It has not been recorded since 1722.[1] A similar, also extinct parrot inhabited the island of Guadeloupe and may have been the same species.[1]Guadeloupe.It was a species of parrot in the Psittacidae family.Threats Hunting is likely to have caused its extinction. <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/01/31 02:17
  16. This is good, the bird gets the Karma!!! This is a "must see":laugh: Jayd
  17. :laugh: Exceptional post!!! Karma How wonderful, I'm from the "Riverside Cal" Area, and have spent much time in the Borrego area, luv the desert and wild birds. Thank You.. Jayd Karma
  18. Good looking baby!!!! Karma and thank you... Let's hear more and see more of this guy..... Jayd
  19. Who owned what? # Stephen Spielberg - "Blanche", the Panana Amazon Parrot # Elizabeth Taylor - Yellow Nape Amazon Parrot...:ohmy: Jayd
  20. Joey caught Salsa in his cage...:whistle: They get along pretty good.... Jayd
  21. Wow!! The net down and off-line for two days and look at what I missed! A great post with great info and new people. Karma to you! In comparing an Amazon to a Grey, you can verbally or say NO to an Amazon as opposed to a Grey where you have to use psychology. A Grey contemplates all within his realm and a 'Zon contemplates what he wants to eat and what to do/play with next...:woohoo: We love them both and would be lost without either one of them... Thanks, Jayd
  22. This week's Amazon is a Green-Cheek Amazon, also known as a Red-Crowned or Mexican Red-head Amazon. The scientific name is: Amazona viridigenalis The color of the crown and forehead is a deep scarlet. The cheeks are an iridescent light green and there is blue lilac color behind the eyes. Native to Mexico, this colorful parrot species, with the ability to mimic the human voice, has been significantly reduced in numbers due to a huge demand for these lovely pet birds, especially from the United States. Even after prohibiting the sale of these green-cheeked birds, the species are still being illegally traded across the Mexico/US border . According to the World Wildlife Federation, there are only 3000 to 6500 in the wild and the numbers are decreasing. They are one of the 10 endangered species. Size - Weight: Mature birds are about 13 inches long from the head to the tip of the tail. There are some really nice photos here: http://www.parrots.org/index.php/parrotgallery/category/C2/ Jayd
  23. Ok, missed you all!!! Something new, get your searches going, I'd like you to find and post [as many as you want, one for each post.] a trivia, fact, or something of interest about a Amazon, make it short and sweet, then if it draws interest, the person who wrote the post can do a larger post on the subject...Example: The only Amazon with orange in it's wing is, a Orange-wing Amazon.:whistle: LET'S GO!!!!! Jayd {Feel-good-000200BB}
  24. My nets been down,bad weather, Wow, a movie star/director and bird actor, how do you rate!!!!
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