Caitlin, What a WONDERFUL thing you have done rescuing this little gem...Quakers are so much fun...I love thier little voices too, too sweet.
What an AWEFUL person for saying she was going to let him go, I would of rescued him and called animal control on her, lol Its a shame that so many animals fall into the hands of totally STUPID idiots that just dont care. I am so glad you found him soon enough. He will flourish in your home....How does Ecko like him? I mean I am sure he is quaratined right now so he doesnt get Ecko sick if he has anything...So I guess you wouldnt really know, haha, Stupid question I guess.
My quaker doesnt touch fruits and veggies ethier, So I just put them in birdie bread and he LOVES it then, lol So maybe try that.
Oh and I am sure you already know, But Quakers are prown to Fatty Liver Disease, So they shouldnt have any sunflower seeds in thier Diet Since they are so high in fat. But oh how they love them, lol....I will give my Quaker (kokomo) one every now and then for a treat. But thats it.
Its good he is already talking in your home, He must feel very comfortable there
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