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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. Oh my! I love that picture!!! May I have a copy?
  2. Oh.. he is quite the talented chap. Incredible mimicking.
  3. She LOVES this song!! I love it too.
  4. I agree that my parrots do learn from each other. I'll offer something to Emma. She'll snubbed it or immediately drop it... but if she sees Sachi savour it... she automatically wants to eat or participate too. This technique works very well on both parrots in my opinion.
  5. I'm looking forward to reading it too. I'm a member of another forum so what we are doing right now is - The Alex and Me book - all around the world. A member purchased it, read it:) and now she is passing it on to another member. Once that member is done with it ... it will be mailed to another member and so forth. This book will travel to so many countries and we will all sign it. It's going to be so neat when I receive it... the same book will have touched so many african grey owners.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/14 02:00
  6. Msvoluptous wrote: Lmaoo I think I might need a Bong after the day I had and I guess my baby is gonna need a boing too rofl {Feel-good-0002006E} This is where I purchased Sachi and Emma's Boing and Atom. The Large sized Boing in my humble opinion is the perfect size for Emma as it will be for Miracle. My biggest advice when purchasing toys and accessories is to buy QUALITY. It will last longer and perform better. In the long run, saves you money as well as aggravation. below is Emma on her Boing after her shower. http://www.motherpluckinbirdtoys.com/ <br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/14 00:33
  7. I can't remember where I read this but I do remember reading that as an african grey matures they will often turn against the person who is closest to them and bond with another person even if they weren't necessarily close to the 2nd person in the first place. The reason being that the african grey knows instinctively that it is time to go search for a lifemate.... and they can't have that relationship with the person they were already close with for that would be somewhat incestuous. Something to do with ensuring the survival and procreation of the species. Kind of like a a rite of passage. Very often it's just something the parrot owner has to accept, understand and respect. I'm not sure if this is the case with your situation or if there is anything that can be done. Unfortunately alot of grey get rehomed because of this lack of preparation or knowledge of the owner. I'd have to go through my literature. As I write this I it occurs to me that our parrots probably don't see us as human beings but more as extension of themselves. Haven't really been preoccupied with any of this because Emma is just a year old. Sorry for being so long winded.:blush: Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/13 23:55 Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/13 23:57 Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/13 23:58<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/13 23:58
  8. I would still offer the Tropican pellets along with a seed mixture if that's what he will accept. The seed mixture is just not adequate or acceptable on its own for your african grey. I hope you do something QUICKLY... because dropping weight is a very bad sign.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/13 20:18
  9. Yes I throw the peanuts out too. Perhaps I will offer human grade peanuts one day.
  10. What a funny visual:) ... but I agree it's not that funny either.B)Glad to hear that your Keeko is back to his regular self.
  11. Have you taken Ollie to the vet to rule out medical causes? Has there been a physical change in your appearance that wasn't present previous. I would think back about the first time he lunged at you and try very hard to remember what happed before that. They all have their reasons for biting. It isn't always obvious but it is our responsibility to figure out why. So is he 5 years old?<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/13 20:34
  12. Ahh! Thanks for sharing! They look precious!
  13. I definitely would NOT place a newcomer grey in the same cage as my pre-existing grey. Especially not one with a whole wack of issues that I have no clue about. I am extremely certain that it would be VERY stressful for both parrots. With that being said after the new grey has been in quarantine with a full blod workup I'd have no issues placing them in a SEPARATE cage in the same room as my existing grey but a fair distance apart. Perhaps slowly bring the cages closer to each other but only week by week.
  14. Msvoluptous wrote: That is a fantastic idea. They don't stay looking like babies for long so if you have those pictures it will help to serve as a reminder that they are always your baby especially when they are being quite the naughty one.:woohoo:
  15. Hi Lisa and Harley! Welcome aboard!
  16. It looks beautiful but it sure makes Mr. Juice look small.B)
  17. she wrote: Nah! I think that it is so wonderful when parronts try to provide the very best for our parrots. For the most part they didn't choose us. We chose to have them in our homes therefore we owe it to them to do all we can to make them comfortable.
  18. Preening takes up ALOT of their time. Only you can gage as to whether it seems excessive. If so I would suggest giving her lots of shredder type toys, foraging toys, preening type toys, etc to keep her occupied. Regular showers help provide moisture and comfort to their skin too. Also provide food rich in essential fatty oils like almonds, walnuts... but not too excessive either. Also make sure she gets a good 10-12 hours of darkness and quiet time Hope some of this helps.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/13 02:12
  19. redkim wrote: Can you imagine?!!
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