To be honest, Emma does not like bananas in their natural form. Ever since I discovered that she LOVES oatmeal... I have snuck in all kinds of fruits and vegetables. It is a GREAT way to get vegetables and fruit inside of them stealthily. She really never knows how her oatmeal is going to taste that day.:lol: :lol:
If you interact regularly, often and consistently with your parrot.. its chances of talking really start to increase. That's just my opinion.
If I just take a look at my own situation. My pionus is quite a loudymouth or very quiet. She has some very loud sounds which my african grey knows how to imitate, however my african grey also started talking english about 2 months ago also. I think that if you have a good relationship with your grey the chances that they will try to imitate you increases also but there are really no guarantees.
Thanks guys. The funny thing now is that when I am cleaning her cage, bringing her food or just cleaning in general she now says Good job! It's kind of funny and encouraging at the same time. I think I will teach her how to say thank you too.
I personally bring the water to a boil, dump the frozen vegetables in, put the lid on and turn off the heat and let it sit for a bit, then drain. I agree that I don't think that I would ever just put frozen vegetables in their bowls and just leave it to thaw.
Sounds like a bit of competition! I remember that when I first brought Emma home, my pionus who is usually reserved and affectionate only on her own timetable, suddenly developed into a real love sponge. Jealousy.. I think.
Well thanks to that thread that resurfaced last week, I received free samples of Harrison's bird food for my girlies! Thanks again.B) <br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/21 01:59
This really took me by surprise.:blink: . It happened yesterday and today I removed that toy. I really don't want to exacerbate this behaviour and regurgitation makes me want to :sick: .
Here is Emma's first day of saying these phrases. I was really wondering whether she'd ever learn to say Good job! After all, I've been saying it everyday and regularly since the day I met her. I just figured that she knew how to say it but thought it was too BORING to repeat! She really surprised me with this.
Hope you enjoy this small clip.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/20 16:51
Hi and welcome to the forum. You'll have to be patient with Coco. He will talk in your presence when he is absolutely comfortable with you. You've only had him for a very short time so it would be a very good idea to let him get settled in to his new environment and become familiar with his new family. It may take a few days... or it may take a few more weeks. It's really up to Coco.. So just continue being nice, gentle, interactive and patient for he will definitely:) come along.
Up until now the interactions that I've been having with Emma are very short. For example....
Emma: I love you!
Me: I love you too.
Me: I love you.
Emma: Sure you do.
Me: I love you.
Emma: Whoa!
Today the dialogue was a little longer than usual. I went shopping for a few hours - when I returned this is how it went.
Me: Hi guys, how are you?
Emma: I love you!
Me" I love you more.
Me: I'm serious, I really do.
Emma: Sure!
Me: So what were you up to today?
Emma: Went shopping!
:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
At that point all I said was - Ok. So who's being a smarty pants?:blush:
That was the end of that conversation.