It is extremely light, user friendly and in many ways.. the perfect travel cage.{Love-0002011D}
As mentioned... the cage is very well made... but the canvas is another story....When I purchased this back pack I only had my little Sachi. I purchased it last January and only started using it in May. Sachi has seen many wonderful places in it.
Now the dome portion of the canvas is attached by by these snap like buttons... and after a while they are very likely to become loose and fall off just through NORMAL USAGE and it left a hole in the canvas too:( . In my case... Emma finished the job off with one quick motion when I brought her home in it in Sept.
What I did a few weeks ago is I brought the pack to my shoemaker and explained my predicament. I also explained what needed to remain in tact in terms of performance and design. What he did for me was amazing. He removed all of the cheap shoddy buttons and replaced them with VERY good quality ones but not before he lined all the insides where the buttons are with strips of leather. If you look at Emma's picture you can see a bit of what he did.
It looks GREAT, performs great and is a far better quality product. I am very psyched about using my adventure pack with my girlies this year.
Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/29 02:18
Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/29 02:19<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/29 02:21