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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. I have a feeling that it all depends on the grey's personality and the environment that they grow up it. Not sure gender has anything to do with it.
  2. He is gorgeous! Evidently you think so too by naming him Beau.
  3. The cement perches are safe although I personally do not use them for my grey. If you wish to use it, I recommend placing it where the water cup is. It will help to keep her nails trim and provide a different sized perch for her to excercise her digits on. On that note, please do not let it be the highest perch in her cage or if you must place it high, please make sure there is also a cotton or wooden perch placed at the same height that she can roost on at night. The concrete perch shouldn't be the one she roosts on. The cement is quite irritating to their skin and she really should not be perching on it for long periods of time. This does not only apply to african greys. It applies to all parrots. Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 22:05 Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 22:07<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 22:08
  4. http://birdbrains.ca/ http://www.oisellerielavoliere.com/perroquet/boutique/index.php?language=En http://www.birdsafestore.com/
  5. Today I went to pick up my birdy samples that Lafeber had sent me. Boy was I so surprised. They sent me all of this minus the basket! Thanks so much Lafeber! Lafeber's phone number is 1800-842-6445
  6. ZivaDiva wrote: That is wonderful that she says that. When I tell Emma she is too loud..she says "shh!":pinch:
  7. Joolesgreyuk wrote: Thanks. Emma is 13 months old this month. What you see above is a parrot treat cage. I purchased it at this site. http://www.birdbrains.ca/en/products/all/sstc.html
  8. This was a very good purchase! I can stuff it with all kinds of goodies i.e toys, nuts, vegetables and fruits. It is also made out of stainless steel and washable. Best of all is... that Emma LOVES it! A busy beak is a happy beak! Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 16:31<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 16:34
  9. caitb2007 wrote: Thanks! She seems to enjoy being either on her back or upside down. Reminds me of a bat sometimes.
  10. Just keep offering them to Ana grey on a regular basis... eventually she will come around to really enjoying them. What a good Momma you are!
  11. I personally haven't had Emma vaccinated for this particular virus and at the moment I do not intend on having her vaccinated either. I keep a VERY clean home and the parrot cages, perches, and food cups are washed thoroughly with Oxyfresh every week. The toys are washed if they come in contact with droppings. I do not intend on adding to my 2 parrot flock and both of my parrots have received a clean bill of health after having had a full blood workup with their avian vet. My parrots also do not come in contact with any other parrots/birds. On that note ...as a baby she did receive some type of vaccine that they have when they are babies.. I don't remember what the name is.
  12. Thanks guys... yes she likes to blither about with this song and what's funny is when I play this same youtube video she makes the very same sounds at the very same moments too. Isn't that wacky?:huh:<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 05:14
  13. Ooh!! That is so exciting!
  14. Woohoo for you and Jenna! Let the outdoor adventures begin!{Feel-good-000200B9}
  15. Last night when I got home from work.. I took Emma out of her cage to hang out with me a bit. She sat on her swing while I was on the computer..suddenly she said in a very sweet voice... Are you hurt? I really love you. I was so stunned! Of course I was fine but to hear her say something like that was a very touching moment. I just love her so much. How did I get so lucky.{Love-0002011D}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/10 02:27
  16. thanks to this post... I have received from Harrison's, Lafeber and Roudybush{Feel-good-000200A1}
  17. Here are some pictures that I took of my girlie grey today. She is very talented!{Love-0002011E} <br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/09 17:20
  18. Here's a sound video of Emma listening to one of her favourite songs - If I only had a brain... She likes to yak along. I didn't film her because I knew she wouldn't yak as much with the camera in her face http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3IeqbUg4-I
  19. {Love-0002011D}Here's one of Emma
  20. You are still welcome to stay! Glad to hear that you figured out what is right for you and your family!{Feel-good-00020114}
  21. Welcome to the forum and good luck on your your thesis. What a great accomplishment.
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