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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. Thanks guys. Yes... Emma is very active and thoroughly enjoys playing. It's quite wonderful to watch her entertain herself:) . She had a way of reminding me to not be so serious.
  2. I was just wondering how are things coming along with you and Beau these days.
  3. What a great view and a pampered TaG.{Feel-good-00020114}
  4. His little sister looks like a little lady!{Feel-good-00020114}
  5. Wow! That looked pretty awesome. I wish you a speedy recovery. There is NO way Emma would let me give her a scritch while she decides she is done or else you get bitten at your own risk. :angry: Eating for her is sacred and everyone else needs to backoff until she finishes. That is neat that Gizmo allows you to scritch him at the same time.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/16 03:32
  6. It does look pretty good from the picture.
  7. It does look pretty good from the picture.
  8. Definitely do NOT put a second bird in Bonek's cage. That would be a very BIG MISTAKE.
  9. Glad to hear that your little one is on the mend.
  10. ooh!! That's pretty exciting!! If you're up to the extra effort... then I think it would be a great idea. They will be able to provide the kind of companionship to each other that you could never provide.. especially when you aren't at home and I LOVE the name that you would choose for the little grey girlie! Keep us posted as to what you decide.{Feel-good-00020114} P.S I know that I am completely biased but seriously speaking Grey Girlies ROCK! Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/16 01:51<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/16 01:51
  11. Here are some Canadian sites as well as some American sites. http://www.boutiqueperroquet.ca/index.php http://www.lesjouetsrosie.com/achats/index.html http://www.greyfeathertoys.com/ http://www.pionusparrot.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2_43_66 {Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/15 14:32
  12. I thought I'd just share what I've been doing with my samples. I've only been using the Harrison samples because they have expiration dates on them. The rest have all gone to the wild birds in the park. I hadn't thought about doing that before I received the samples, it only occurred to me when I was checking it all out. I appreciate the free samples however I just can't take any chances like that on my feathered loved ones.
  13. Today I went to the outdoor market to purchase stuff for the birdie mash that I will prepare for my girlies. I am just missing millet and squash and then I will be all set to prepare it on Thursday. I just can't wait.
  14. Every day Emma has certain moments during the day where she vocalizes alot more and there is a lot of physical activity and wing flapping on her part. Close to bedtime she spends alot of time preening she is pretty quiet and very affectionate. She knows that sleepy time is close by.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 16:27
  15. Sounds like you had a pretty nice time together. Congratulations.{Feel-good-00020114} Thank you for writing this post. I had already decided that a harness was not something I would purchase. Your post helped to solidify that decision It made me realize another reason why the harness thing in general is not something I will purchase for my parrot. First of all there are so many uncontrollable factors when you are out in public, there is no way of knowing what is going to scare or freak them out. The risk of getting bitten by them is higher in my opinion because they might bite out of fear or even in order to protect their favourite human {meaning ME}. The other thing is that I wouldn't feel completely comfortable having my parrot fully exposed in public like that. You never know what type of people are paying attention and getting evil ideas to do something unscrupulous. I guess it's the same as being careful about who you invite into your HOME. I used to be really naive about this stuff and then someone who is alot older and alot more experienced than me spoke to me about being EXTREMELY cautious about who saw my parrot on the street. Sometimes it gives dishonest strangers the wrong idea and they may assume that you are very wealthy and who knows what else. All of this is just my humble opinion that I wanted to share. On the other hand as I type this I think using a harness just for walking around in one's private backyard sounds like a much safer idea. Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:19 Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:20 Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:26 Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:27<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:37
  16. Hello there! Welcome aboard!{Feel-good-00020114}
  17. I wouldn't use potpourri, or any type of scented anything at home now that I have my beautiful parrots i.e candles, deodorizer, air freshener, incense, febreeze etc. I really used to enjoy all of those type of things.. but now it's all for the health of my parrots. They have extremely sensitive respiratory systems.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:02
  18. Do any of you use it for your greys? If so what brand and where do you purchase it online?
  19. I have fed my pionus parrot salmon before and she really liked it. I would do the same for my grey but I just haven't felt like eating fish for a while.
  20. <br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/12 22:13
  21. Sorry.. a double posting.:whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/12 22:14
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