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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. It's ALOT Of toy for such a small price! Stimulating and intriguing for them!! YOu'll be happy knowing that you've purchased a toy that will keep your parrot occupied and interested.
  2. I would recommend both the medium and the large. They each have a different level of challenge. The one in the video with my Grey is the medium. The one with my severe is a LARGE. She is much smaller bird than my grey but a voracious wood chewer. I will be using each size interchangeably to add variation.
  3. Way to go! That was very nice and you both did awesome!
  4. My FIRST choice as an African Grey owner would be the Austin Air. I blog about it on here. Feel free to read ... http://mabelserendipity.blogspot.com/2011/11/got-parrots-get-air-purifier.html
  5. That's not a new swing. LOL!! We've had it for over a year and it is WONDERFUL and the perfect perching diameter for grey toes. It was purchased from Oliver's Garden. Beautiful hand crafted enrichment. They are located in Nova Scotia Canada and ship to the US by USPS. I even blog about their Soap Box and Beaded platform perch for Emma and Skywalk perch that I purchased for my severe macaw Mabel. http://mabelserendipity.blogspot.com/2011/12/fantastic-soap-box-perch-from-olivers.html http://www.oliversgarden.com/'>http://www.oliversgarden.com/ http://www.oliversgarden.com/
  6. Talon and Luvparrots, do purchase this toy for your parrots when you have a chance. I'm sure neither of you will be disappointed.
  7. I elaborate on my parrot blog.. http://mabelserendipity.blogspot.com/2011/12/awesome-parrot-enrichment-blocks.html
  8. Thanks Luvparrots! Thanks everybirdie!!
  9. I don't remember for sure but I think Width - 36 inches. Depth 30 inches. and Height 60 inches.
  10. The larger the Better!! Emma's cage is from Expandable Habitats.
  11. Passing this along so everyone can save money too. http://www.bluesbirdtoys.com/ For international customers here's what Jan is offering. For International Customers - I had also went ahead and am offering a $15. flat rate amount if international orders weigh 5 pounds or under. Choose the $15. shipping option. If your order weighs more than 5 pounds then the cart will charge you whatever the going rate is. As you see in the image below, this particular order would normally be $28.65 in this example of an order that is a little under 5 pounds. So if your order is over 5 pounds then you are not going to see or have the option for the flat rate of $15. These orders will be shipping USPS Priority Mail International.
  12. Thanks so much Dan! Hope you and yours are well too!
  13. from you know who... Wishing all Canadians Happy Thanksgiving and those in the US, Happy Columbus day!
  14. :(On no... I am so very sorry. Many Hugs to you.
  15. My custom made step up finger saving perches arrived a few moments ago and I'm THRILLED! They are gorgeous, solid and perfect! They come in 2 sizes. The small perch is 8 inches across and 15 inches long. The large perch is 9 inches across and about 17 inches long.All made out of beautiful ribbonwood from Exotic Wood Dreams! I had to phone in my order because she doesn't have internet, however I am so happy! These will protect me from any impromptu bites I strongly recommend them! Let the step ups begin!!! [video=youtube;-XXLCRyGC2o]
  16. I choked up when I saw this video. It makes me wonder whether I am indeed part of the problem.
  17. I take Emma in the shower once a week and hold her over the tub while I spray her with the shower head. She absolutely loves it!
  18. Haven't read it, but I heard it's super recommended to help deal with aggression issues and how to read body language.
  19. I have decided that I want to refine my training techniques with my parrots. I purchased Barbara H's E-book on wednesday and downloaded the material to my computer and ipod. In the past I used to ask them to step up, for the most part they would comply but IF i happened to be in a rush OR if it was INCONVENIENT for me that they choose NOT to step up.. I used to force them into stepping up and place my hand in front of them and push towards them. Sometimes, I would even have to swallow a bite from them for being so bossy. I don't wish to do that anymore UNLESS there is some kind of emergency like a fire. Being late for work does not mean an emergency. Now I want to train my parrots, to walk over to me... and then Step up for me because they want to obey me!! It's WORKING with Mabel. I'm so happy and just have to share with all of you!! Now I just need to remember to be Consistent 100% of the time. FYI.. this is the one I purchased!! Good Bird Parrot Training eBook - Training to Step Up
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GEARzEjsJsEvery night is pretty much the same routine!
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