I have decided that I want to refine my training techniques with my parrots. I purchased Barbara H's E-book on wednesday and downloaded the material to my computer and ipod.
In the past I used to ask them to step up, for the most part they would comply but IF i happened to be in a rush OR if it was INCONVENIENT for me that they choose NOT to step up..
I used to force them into stepping up and place my hand in front of them and push towards them. Sometimes, I would even have to swallow a bite from them for being so bossy. I don't wish to do that anymore UNLESS there is some kind of emergency like a fire. Being late for work does not mean an emergency.
Now I want to train my parrots, to walk over to me... and then Step up for me because they want to obey me!!
It's WORKING with Mabel. I'm so happy and just have to share with all of you!!
Now I just need to remember to be Consistent 100% of the time.
FYI.. this is the one I purchased!!
Good Bird Parrot Training eBook - Training to Step Up