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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. Organic Dark chocolate Sorbet Fresh locally grown organic strawberries purchased today from the farmer's market. (Quebec is famous for their strawberries at this time of the year.) ... and a sprinkle of raw organic almonds all in my favourite Ikea dessert bowl.
  2. Perhaps in an Asian grocery store, or a health food store like Whole foods?
  3. Jacqueline is have an great sale right now. YOU all have seen videos of Emma and Sachi on their Rosie Swings. For those in North America, purchase $50 worth of products, receive 7$ off shipping. Purchase $149.99 of products and receive FREE SHIPPING. Jacqueline also ships INTERNATIONALLY and will be applying discounts when shipping overseas as well. She is SUPER nice!! I love Rosie Toys and so do my parrots. If anyone would like assistance in ordering, I'd be glad to help. http://www.lesjouets...pic2/index.html http://www.lesjouets...uets/index.html http://www.lesjouets...sin4/index.html http://www.lesjouets...hats/index.html http://www.lesjouets...oirs/index.html http://www.lesjouets...asin/index.html http://www.lesjouets...sin/index2.html http://www.lesjouets...ckel/index.html http://www.lesjouets...kel/index2.html http://www.lesjouets...maux/index.html http://www.lesjouets...aux/index2.html
  4. It's called a Buffet Ball and Kabob! Here's Sachi playing with it too! [video=youtube;7fmuMwyPh-w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fmuMwyPh-w
  5. I'm so happy for ALFIE!! She's going to enjoy it so much!!
  6. Judy, Lychee fruit is like nothing else you'll ever taste. Very sweet, smooth and lucious. I am always very impressed with how well the outer shell protects the precious lychee fruit.
  7. At Nikki's Fancy Parrot Boutique. The prices are Great right now.Even the Aviator Harness is on sale too and Star Bird Toys too!! http://fancyparrotboutique.com/foragingfun.html http://fancyparrotboutique.com/stbibito.html
  8. Baby Sassy has been found and is now home with her parents!! Thank you everyone asking about her. She was found by someone in a hospital parking lot. He was smart enough to take her home with him and searched for her parronts on CL. Thank you all for your well wishes!!
  9. Lychees are a SAFE fruit to provide to OUR parrots! Just got off the phone with the Exotic clinic. Do not offer the outer shell or the PIT. Apparently there's a grey who comes in with his lychees all of the time.. I love Lychee at its freshest and when in season. Today I went to a street sale in Montreal's Chinatown, then we went for Dim Sum. It was awesome. I purchased about 5lbs of fresh Lychee and my favourite type of Mango, the Ataulfo Mango. Emma and Sachi LOVE this mango as well. [video=youtube;WOLW-OY_U9Y]
  10. Thanks Zandische!! Very creative toys and ideas!
  11. I'm so happy with that Buffet Ball Kabob toy that I purchased for Emma last week. It's awesome and she is extremely skillful at emptying it too. Instead of trying to remove the whole shelled almond from the toy, she uses her beak to break the shell while inside the toy and then stealthily removes the almond. Can't believe how great she has become. She's completely captivated by this toy and I love being able to provide a toy that rewards her for her labour. For those who don't know about it, here it is. Paradise Toys Buffet Ball and Kabob I'd like other GREAT foraging toys and ideas please!
  12. I am posting for someone who has lost their grey. The bird escaped tonight at 9:45pm out the door. She is only 11 weeks old and still handfeeding!!! She must be found ASAP! Owner lives in Middleriver area of Baltimore, MD. You can Pm Me if you know of anything. Please cross post if possible.
  13. Happy Hatchday Mr. Tobie and many more returns!!
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