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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. You won't regret it! It provides additional exercise and am very glad I purchased it!!
  2. Just to add another note, I never cover the cage FULLY. I always leave one side exposed as you see in my video.
  3. Dave, I know they are both interactive. Those are my two *personal*examples. What are yours?
  4. Wingy, can't say I have that concern or issue at the moment. I suppose anything is possible in the future however my parrots love noisy and shiny toys. Especially my grey. Stainless steel is the best type of metal that I will offer to my parrots. I guess it's different than offering a mirror.
  5. What constitutes as Quality time spent with your parrot? Personally, I have 2 scenarios. One would be when I have a parrot on me and I am fully engaged with interacting with them. The other scenario does not necessarily involve physical contact however all of my parrots are out of their cages and in the same room as me (usually flying about and getting into trouble). I may be be verbally interacting with them. I may not be, however my mind is fully present with them and I am aware of what their doing and not preocuppied or distracted by other matters. How about you guys?
  6. I think she has chosen the *voice* she prefers best to communicate in. I also think that the fact that she *talks* at all is delightful and a gift. I'd just enjoy it and enjoy her as she is.
  7. @ Talon, yes. It is custom made from Exotic Wood Dreams. I gave her my specs and she make it how I wanted. I have a smaller one for Sachi too. They're made out of beautiful Ribbonwood and I am absolutely sure that it would take ALOT before Nilah could ever destroy them. I absolutely love my handsaver perches and never have STEP UP trouble at bedtime or any other time thanks to them. Don't hesitate about purchased the download. I used to be afraid of macaws and this video really helped me get over my undeserved distrust of Mabel.
  8. @ Ziggy.. I do feel that it's very important to make sure that before you turn the lights off, to make sure your grey is perched comfortably on a stable, familiar perch and has her bearing. It is my opinion that the best roosting perch is a nice cotton one installed high up like in Emma's cage. YOu can buy some Comfy brand perches or some custom cotton perches from Mother pluckin bird toys. 1 inch to 1/4 inch is ideal I'd say but not more than 1 and 1/2 Try to imagine how you'd feel if you were swinging around upside down and suddenly found the power had gone out and you were stuck in the dark? Some parrot owner like install a small night light too so their parrots aren't completely in the dark. Personally, I turn off the lights completely but leave and turn on the bathroom light on for about 5 minutes. It is located in the hallway so a bit of light still shines through. This allows my parrots to prepare themselves for full lights out very shortly and get themselves settled. With that said, this doesn't mean that they have to be in the mood to go to bed. Don't forget that our parrots are creatures of prey. In the dark they feel quite vulnerable. Doing the above will help minimize feelings of stress or disorientation for your parrot and it is called thoughtfullness on your part. As you can probably tell, Emma comes across as well adjusted. Well, she is, and I would believe that alot of that has alot to do with how we care for her and always have.
  9. She sounds very smart and knows the routine well. She's telling you that she has no interest in going to bed. The bite eventually occurs because you aren't understanding her and it seems to be the only way she can get her point across to you. Have you tried positive reinforcement and stick training? Is Nilah food motivated? I'd imagine that most amazons are:) The treat will have to be VERY high value. Mabel use to show her displeasure at bedtime by chomping on my hand too. Now she is stick trained! If she bites, the stick gets hurt not me and trust me when I say that a severe macaw's bite is nothing to sneeze at. I recommend purchasing Barbara Heidenreich's E-book called teaching your parrot to step up. It is a very valuable tool and will help you and Nilah understand each other ALOT better. Oh.. and here's what my stick looks like. This is an old video. When I ask her to step up, the stick is pointed Vertically. I love it!
  10. I haven't purchased from them but I know several that do and it is VERY economical to purchase from here. http://www.craftparts.com/bird-toy-parts-bulk-c-433.html
  11. She also loves Old McDonald.. Notice how excited she becomes when she hears the music..
  12. Here's an example of what Emma african grey likes. She was just under a year old at the time. She'll be 4 in March [video=youtube;Cl-zP7K-XLE]
  13. Calm demeanor is exact. Pionus parrots are the underrated gems of the parrot world in my opinion.
  14. You're welcome! Glad to help!
  15. 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches for all perches for my african grey.
  16. That looks awesome! JOhn does wonderful work!
  17. I would never purchase a corner cage. I feel that it limits the amount of interior space for the parrot and it decreases my options to where I can place it. When buying a cage, think LONG term. The bigger the better and the best that you can afford.
  18. I have an Adventure pack and feel that it does the job for short outings. Short meaning just a few hours. Emma is an average sized grey and it does a pretty decent job for her.
  19. This is a pretty fun toy for those who enjoy/like noisy toys. I like the fact that all of the metal is stainless steel. The only thing I do not like about this toys is the amount of exposed chain therefore I intertwined some leather lace through the opened spaces. Don't want any inquisitive nails getting caught in the chain or even for smaller birds, their beaks. One could use bird safe poly rope too. This toy can be purchased here and the service is very good.. http://www.cavalierbirdtoys.com/
  20. because... http://mabelserendipity.blogspot.com/
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