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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. Here it would be Mabellina. Emma and Sachi? Not so much. Emma not at all really. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYyr3AoL8sU&list=UUkThI7_OpWQ3pjwXbeSvIjg&index=1&feature=plcp
  2. the yakking at the beginning is all Emma.
  3. Thanks guys!! Mabel is truly awesome!!
  4. It's a HUGE favourite for snacking on around here.
  5. Mabel! Really happy with how this photo turned out!
  6. Do check out Juhi's site. http://avianangelsbirdtoys.com/
  7. outdoors at our new place. [video=youtube;-xQ9h9tY5Tc]
  8. I don't use this product, however maybe some of the rest of you do so here it is. http://lafebercares.com/voluntary-product-recall/
  9. We just moved in to our new home 3 weeks ago. She's been enjoying the nice weather.
  10. My latest blogpost! http://mabelserendipity.blogspot.ca/2012/07/my-parrots-love-tnt-bird-toys.html
  11. 10% off to orders going to Canada. I highly recommend the Alex Toy and the MotherLode toy for your african greys. For those who have parrots who are very mechanical I recommend the Dexter Doodad toy (all stainless steel hardware). Email all orders to... jmfleishtoo@yahoo.com [/url] http://www.tntbirdtoys.com/medium.htm
  12. My cage is made by Expandable Habitats. Stainless steel from the US and built in the US. I highly recommend them.
  13. For our members who live in India and neighboring contries. Here's a place for you to shop for your parrots and avoid high shipping costs from Overseas. An online buddy of mine just opened her site. The very first one in India. http://www.avianangels.in/
  14. Lots of discounts to be had. http://www.birdsfavoritestoys.com/
  15. I am very pleased. http://mabelserendipity.blogspot.ca/2012/05/sachi-pionus-parrot-wears-aviator.html
  16. I very much support Dave's comment. Leave the deep frying to the experts. If you really are in the mood for that type of food, you'll go OUTSIDE to purchase it.
  17. There will be lots of great parrot toy vendors offering all kinds of enrichment for your feathered babies! If you're free to come, I recommend that you all look for the "Wingdows" booth and stop by and say hello. Aleta, the Owner of Wingdow and Jen the owner of TNT Toys .. home of the "Alex Foundation Toy" will be at these booths." Below are Videos of Emma enjoying some of the toys from TNT and Mabel my severe macaw on the Wingdow. http://www.midwestbirdexpo.com/index2.html
  18. I recommend all material from Barbara Heidenreich.. http://www.goodbirdinc.com/
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