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Everything posted by lovethatgrey

  1. Wonderful toymaker who is very conscientous about make toys that are Fun, Stimulating and Safe! http://sites.google.com/site/pollyoopiepettoys/home
  2. This is happening at Blu's Bird Toys. Very generous offer. http://www.bluesbirdtoys.com/
  3. http://mabelserendipity.blogspot.ca/2012/03/no-such-thing-as-attractive-severe.html
  4. What exactly is provoking these concerns for you? Would there be a particular reason why your son/daughter returning to live with you should have an impact on whether you bring home an african grey or not?
  5. Fantastic Foraging Blocks have been the best foraging toys that I've ever purchased for Emma. http://www.parrotenrichment.com/products.html
  6. Thanks for Viewing! http://mabelserendipity.blogspot.com/2012/03/emma-african-grey-turns-4-years-old.html
  7. Fantastic Foraging Blocks can now be purchased at Persnickety Parrot too. http://www.persnicketyparrot.com/New_c_161.html
  8. Talon .. Here's the Skywalk perch. If you decide to order it, I STRONGLY recommend that you email Susan directly so she can build it to fit your size parrot so they can crawl in and out of the hole with no problem IF they want. She customizes everything. Emma also LOVES her Soap Box Perch. YOu can also ask for Stainless steel hardware too. Do tell her that Emma, Sachi and Mabel's Mom says HI!
  9. YOur're very welcome! I hang it the way you saw Emma on it in the other thread. For your Amazon, I strong recommend these types of foot toys. She will go NUTS trying to get the pretty bead out of the Blossom! Definitely the Star Cannon foot toy too. For your Greys, I would strongly recommend the Chunky Monkey Toys. Emma's favourite is the small sized ones. YOu're going to be addicted to Oliver's Garden Toys! Since you're already paying for shipping. Make your order worth it is what I say. [video=youtube;1v-c2sOKl4Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v-c2sOKl4Q
  10. This is not heavy at all. YOur're going to love it Talon! Much nicer on the toes and just beautiful to look at and LOADS of fun to use. Alot of parrot owners also hang it Hammock style too. Just email Susan to add it to your order. This one is a large Sized ones. Here's Emma on her Oliver's Garden Rescue Rope. Since you are at it.. Do order a platform perch. YOu won't be disappointed.
  11. YOu are right. It is an original and exclusive from Oliver's Garden. It's mostly a fishing community in Nova Scotia, Canada and this wonderful gym is ALL Hand Made. Do give them a try one day. YOu will NOT be disappointed by anything you buy from them. I am confident about that.
  12. This is where I purchased it Talon. http://www.oliversgarden.com/crawlers_nets.php
  13. Yes! Very popular with my flock but I'm not crafty enough to make one.
  14. I'd say these sites will be pretty informative as well as this forum. I don't know of any book that would be as as good. http://www.africangreys.com/articles.htm http://www.goodbirdinc.com/ http://www.parrothouse.com/pamelaclark/greymatters.html
  15. Here's a pretty interesting article by Pamela Clarke too. http://www.parrothouse.com/pamelaclark/doesntlikeit.html
  16. I'm from Canada too. My grey eats lots of raw vegetables, sprouts, fruits, unsalted nuts example almonds, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, pecans. All organic. I also make my owner mashes and purchase Avian Organic cooked ones too. They are also located in Canada. In terms of pellets I offer Harrisons High Potency Coarse. For options where to purchase Pellets in Canada I recommend the following. Great service and great prices. YOu can just email your order in english at ouellet4@hotmail.com if you aren't able to read in french. The owner's name is Jacqueline and she is really wonderful to do business with. I think Most avian vet offices also sell Harrisons too. http://lesjouetsrosie.com/magasin4/index.html Here are a few other links for other places in Canada as well.. http://www.parrotdiseperch.com/parrot/index.php http://www.featheredaddictions.com/
  17. Here's something I posted a long time ago.. Like many other african greys, Emma is a bit of a trickster. Sachi and Mabel don't do this but Emma applies this once in a while. She'll bend her head down and verbally ask for a head scratch. If I am gullible enough to oblige she'll reach over to bite the finger that scratches then looks up and say "oh oh!!" Then she'll bend her head down while asking for another head scratch in which I'll reply FORGET it!! She seems to get a kick out of this sneaky and devious tactic. Thinks it's greatly amusing to behave in this rotten way. The african grey bait and switch tactic.. Here's a great article by Maggie Wright who addresses this issue. http://www.africangreys.com/articles/behavior/biting.htm
  18. Always Fresh!! Never anything pickled or in some kind of sauce or grease.
  19. I recommend looking up Positive Reinforcement on this site... http://www.goodbirdinc.com/
  20. Personally I do not feed Nutriberries. I used to but not anymore even though they are Vet approved. Do look at the ingredient list and you may understand why I've chosen not too. As mentioned, they also aren't meant to be used as a staple. Merely an *occasional* treat.
  21. Hot peppers in moderation are very fine.
  22. I personally worry that people will forget to thoroughly sanitize these bottles on a daily basis or not bother. Then there's the possibility that they may get clogged too. I know a few owners who use them but also provide stainless steel bowls of water too. Water is crucial. More so than food.
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