Sorry but I am not impressed at all.First of bands are not jewelry. They often need to be removed for safety reasons.They can be ill fitting and cause problems,the bird can become caught up in toys or cage leading to tragedy.Microchipping is very safe and yes I believe an anasthetic is best to perform this.Sexing can not be proved without dna.My vet is an avian vet and performed all the precedured you want without any problems. Yes all anasthetic is a risk, as with humans,My vet performed the microchipping while Charlie was anesthetised for a very short time while he was doing some blood tests.He also anesthatised Charlie to remove his band. He always recons it is far less stress for the bird and I trust his judgement. You were right to run.Keep running till you find a vet who you trust.The risk of anasthetic is very low.Far better than a traumatised bird.If band removal is done properly Why would the bird suffer a broken leg,one more reason for anasthetic,the bird will not be squirming while cutters are used.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/05 18:36