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Everything posted by she

  1. I am so relieved Spock seems to be doing much better.Please give him a kiss from me
  2. I have insurance for both my birds,and what a God send it has been.I very strongly advise anyone to take out insurance,In the last few months I have spent close on £500 in vet fees,all covered by insurance. Over the years, I dread to think what vet fees have come to,probably close on £2000,counting Crackers metal poisoning and Charlie's injured wing and now his feather follicle infection. I sleep easy knowing they can be cared for properly without having to worry about the cost.
  3. I think it is just a moult . Many are going through this at the moment.Keep a close watch but at this stage I would not worry too much. He may well be flying before October,it depends on how he moults.
  4. Spock You seem to be much better.Brilliant
  5. As you will know all out air space is grounded because of the eruption of a volcano in Iceland. I have kept my two birds inside as a precaution. People with breathing difficulties have been advised to carry inhalers at all times so I am worried about the affect on the birds. Am I being paranoid or am I doing the right thing. It is a shame to keep them in as the weather is perfect.
  6. They do get along very well but I am always very close by to keep a careful watch on things.
  7. yes its crackers seed but dont worry he soon got rid of Charlie. I was cleaning Crackers cage and he goes nuts if he doesn't have food close to hand,don't know why , its just one of his little quirk's
  8. Charlie and Cracker try and decide whos dinner this is.
  9. she

    Indy Is Plucking

    I hope indi gets sorted. I am having a plucking problem with Charlie and the vet has diagnosed a feather follicle infection. Please rule out any physical causes , It payed off in my case
  10. she


    Hear is a picture of Charlie taken a while back. We have just been to the vets and she is very pleased. He has new pins coming through and she thinks they look far healthier than the ones he has been pulling out. He is to stay on his medication and go back in 3 weeks. The thumbnail is one of Blue
  11. Thats great. They really enjoy getting out in the sunshine. I had Cracker in the aviary today but told him not to fly incase his engine got clogged up with the volcanic ash lol. Harvey looks great,well done.
  12. I can't do anything either jill oh and I'm 13 as well lol don't mind that though. Better than being my real age lol
  13. Love the video. She is a real star.
  14. I would have a vet check it out,the eyes are very sensative so in my view any problems need checking out.
  15. great update. I am so glad things are going well
  16. looks like you all had a great day
  17. I am not actually going to the course just that I live near by. I don't watch racing for the reasons you all give. Having had horses myself it saddens me when these magnificent animals are hurt. I also believe their life isn't as good as it's made out to be.i do get caught up in the atmosphere of the city though during the national meeting.
  18. I live just a few minuites away from Aintree race course where the grand national takes place this saturday.I will give you all a wave if I get on tv lol.My tip for the the race is a horse called Hello Bud.Simpley because I always say that to Charlie and he says it to me . PLEASE DONT PUT YOUR LIFE SAVINGS ON IT THOUGH LOL.
  19. This looks like a brilliant product.The only concern I have with using it is that Charlie has some open wounds on his skin from chewing,not many only about 3 but it would worry me putting this on such delicate skin that still has infection. It looks like I may hang on till all the infection goes and then use it to stop any further plucking,the vet has said plain water only for baths.It looks a really good product though and with all your recomendations it is one I will try when his skin heals a bit. Thanks.
  20. Thanks everyone.I think really it is a case of clearing the infection first and for most and then see what happens. The vet did say it would be a long job.I use the aloe juice it is the pure aloe with nothing added.He just wont tollerate it. He looks quite shabby at the moment but some of that is due to a natural moult.He has his next vet visit on the 16 of April. Thanks again.
  21. As you know Charlie has a feather follical infection that has caused him to pluck.He is being treated with anti biotics and pain killers.My worry now is that he will now always pluck because of this. He is on medication long time and I am doing my best to keep him entertained to keep his mind away from his feathers.He is out in the aviary at the moment getting some much needed sun shine. He has also gone right off having a bath which he loved. I am guessing his skin may be tender. He will not tollerate aloe vera anywhere near him,as mad as it sounds it seems to sting him so its plain water only.If any one has any advise or ideas please chime in.I need them all lol.
  22. Charlie is in the aviary at the moment but I will test this out when he comes in later.
  23. ohh two reasons,Pepper biting and the picture of Marguerites injury for not letting them too neat your face,even the most mild mannered of them can inflict a nasty wound.
  24. I am so pleased things are going so well,I know you have been waiting a while for Hawkins. The outing sounds like it was great fun for everyone.I wish Charlie was as well socialised as a baby,he is 7 now and a harness is out of the question with him.You will all have great fun.
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