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Everything posted by she

  1. The decision is yours but I like the sound of this little female.I also believe amazons are not a skittish as greys and dont get stressed as much.
  2. I am so happy your grey baby is doing so well and you seem delighted with the progress being made.Keep us all up to date as the baby grows.
  3. Charlie would never let me near him with a harness,no point in trying,I hear the aviator is a good one though.
  4. I try and not let Charlie close to my face,I trust him to an extent but play can turn nasty in a second and the face is not a place you want bitten.
  5. I looked at the adventure pack and to me it looked a bit small for Charlie who is quite a large grey, also I just knew he would chew the canves. I went for the wingabego carrier from Northern parrots and although it was expensive I have been pleased with it,I have the large size.Have a look at www.24parrot.com.It is all perspex but you can replace the door with a stainless steel one.It is so funny when I use it to take Cracker to the aviary, he is tiny and looks lost in it.It is ideal for vet visits and could be used for a sleep cage with the steel door.I use mine daily for moving the birds to and from the aviary,its easy to clean aswell.
  6. Thanks everyone. Cracker is none the worse for his scare now and Is in the aviary with me standing guard with a hose pipe. Has anyone used the ultrasonic cat deterrants that are availablel. I have just been looking at one and am tempted. I think a dog is out at the moment. I dont think it would be fair to it.I would be getting it for the wrong reasons.Plus I dont have holidays at the moment to use for house training. Maybe in the future.
  7. Just brilliant.I love his little sparrow stand,so cute.He is one bright little bird.Hats off to you Cristen you have done an exceptional job with TG.
  8. I will have to give getting a dog some serious thought.I dont have a lot of time so as you say a small dog would make more sence.
  9. Cracker got into another scrape today.He was in the aviary and a neighbours cat decided to visit.It jumped at the aviary giving Cracker a fright.I WAS RIGHT THERE AND CHASED IT AWAY.Cracker ended up breaking a blood feather and has a few little scratches from his panic.I took him to the emergency vet who took care of the blood feather and gave him a good check over,just a superficial scrape on his wing and on top of his beak.Now any ideas how to keep cats away would be very helpful.I have thought of a VERY LARGE DOG.
  10. You hang on in there Erica,its down hill from now.Just imagine all that retail therapy:lol:
  11. Just adorable.I bet you cant believe your luck at such a cute baby.
  12. If you are worried at all phone the vet and ask for an earlier appointment.
  13. Hope you enjoy your day Baxter.I am sure Mum is spoiling you.
  14. Get him to a vet NOW.
  15. Congratulations,she sounds adorable, you must be so proud,I bet the nick name mouse sticks.Good things are in little parcels.Looking forward to some pics.
  16. Oh Pat,thats just awfull.I hope they soon decide whats wrong and get you treated.Make sure you drink lots of water, bladder infections are very painful, I had one a few months back and I was in agony,get well soon.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/12 08:18
  17. I dont think you do have much choice other than a coller at the moment if she has a large open wound.I really hope the vet has some ideas for you, fingers crossed.Dont feel too bad about the coller,she must be kept from harming herself more, at least till the vet advises.I think infection is the issue to avoid.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/12 08:10
  18. Charlie is enjoying some morning sunshine and his breakfast al fresco.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/11 19:25
  19. Charlie is so cheeky,just look at his face.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/11 19:18
  20. Hi and welcome.I am looking forward to hearing more about Casper and looking at some pictures when you can.
  21. You are doing all the right things,linking the words to actions and responses.Thats a brilliant way to teach them to talk in context.
  22. I am getting an upload error 504 message when I am uploading photoes in to photobucket.Does anyone know how to fix this?I have a couple of pictures to share and cant.Any help appreciated.
  23. Yes, how is TG getting on.I cant wait for the new pictures.I have a sparrow who lives in my roof,I have named him Sid. He has been living there for about 18 months.I dont feed him but every time I go out he runs out to look who is on his patch.They are very inteligent. Have you any idea what his /her future holds,are you keeping the little darling tame or are you going to try and release him to the wild if that is possable,my guess is he/she would be too tame.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/11 07:22
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