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Everything posted by she

  1. Nice pictures Roger.Congo does look very well and happy.
  2. I really hope all is ok Caroline.Let me know how things go on.
  3. Ben will love her time outside Bernie.
  4. Cute photo Caroline.I think Keeko is so handsome.
  5. surprise surprise its raining and freezing.
  6. she

    window gyms

    Very expensive and It would cost me a fortune replacing the window frames,Charlie would just love to make match sticks out of them.
  7. That sounds painful.I guess Cleo is off your shoulder for a while.
  8. Heather. I had Charlie micro chipped when he was anesthatised for blood tests a few years ago .No it was not at all stressful.
  9. I think it would be hard to pick a grey out just by sight.I have Charlie micro chipped and have a list of his vocabulary and know he is right footed.It helps to have a record of any little traits they have and I strongly recomend a micro chip.
  10. I would have an avian vet check it out.
  11. Great video. Charlie talks in a real scouse accent,its so funny.He will say "Ill batter ya" and its really thick accent. I have the Cyber link video editing soft ware,took me 2 years to edit some Kenya videos,Still cant get them to dvd yet.Does anyone have this ?
  12. I think now he has started to fly again he will get more strength in his wings and that will help him to fly with more skill.Practice makes perfect,I am sure he will come on now and surprise you with his skill at flying before too long.
  13. What a fantastic update on Charlie.I remember you telling me the other week he flew but it seems he has improved even more.I cant tell you how happy I am.I know you exhausted many options to help him regain his confidence and fly again.Looks like the dream has come true.He looks really well and happy in the photo.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/16 12:23
  14. Thats fantastic news Dan.Give Chloe a big hug from me.
  15. I recomend Harrisons.It is organic and has a wide veriety of natural ingrediants.I always believe in taking an avian vets advise regarding feed.My vet stocks Harrisons.Both my grey and tiel have it.
  16. I have been waiting for an update on Dino.I am so happy things are going ok.
  17. she


    The crock locks are great,they stop charlie chucking his dishes everywhere anyway.It is a funny thing about greys,they often seem to hate us being on the phone.I am not sure why,maybe an atention thing.You are doing very well,keep it up.
  18. They do come out with some very funny things,often when we least expect.
  19. Its 6 30am and its not raining.Got to get up early hear to catch a bit of dry weather.Yesterday was quite nice,the afternoon was sunny and dry, probabley 65-70 yesterday.
  20. It will be a long long time before your grey can trust again.Greys are very sensative complex birds and most often timid and suspicious by nature.You have been given some very wrong ,sad advise in the past but lessons can be learned and If you read through the threads on hear and ask any questions you need to,I am sure we can help,but be aware that this will take time and no guarantees of success.Please keep in touch hear and let us help you help your bird.
  21. she


    Charlie has picked up the McDonalds whistle from the advert aswell.It was my neighbour who said to me ,Charlie is doing the McDonalds whistle,I had not realised at first what it was he was doing.
  22. It is so hard when a beloved pet dies.I know exactley how you feel,been there too many times.Pets are indeed the best medicine around when you are going through a rough time,they dont judge,they just love.Lucky is as you say forever young now and any ailments are cured. Hope you soon feel better.
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