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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. How wonderful! That all birds could be so blessed. All of them are beautiful and appear to be happy. Regis is fortunate to have a new brother who is so very handsomer.
  2. Good one! I like spiders but I don't play with them.
  3. You say what you have done is "little." Not in my eyes or mind! All of you who are rescuers and rehomers are angels.
  4. My hope is that you will continue to experience the memories, even when they bring tears. Some day they will include smiles, even if it is years later, at least that is the way it has been for me.
  5. I am very sorry as well. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  6. They are beautiful, whether they are "buff cheek" or "golden crown." Very special. Thank you.
  7. Dee, I would be exhausted! The darling Miss Gilli Girl proved your prediction wrong, or is she just waiting to give you the stink eye? My thought is she just trusts you to keep your promise.
  8. That is a lot to sprout, even so. T agree. The babies are cute and my heart goes up into my throat at the thought of free flight.
  9. I am sorry she was so stressed as to chew again, but she will know everything is alright when you are safely home again. Yes, Ray, she surely has me "in a bag under her wing."
  10. I continue to be amazed because of this little girl.
  11. Thank you for this heart warming post.
  12. I thought of Dee immediately when I saw the condition, and I too, thought it was the human who was unstable. I cannot help but wonder if child protective services would leave a human child in that home. If not, why is animal protective services not removing this abused baby?
  13. Hi Tyler, welcome. After reading other threads just before this one, I'm thinking maybe the question really is, "Am I right for a grey?" Other people here are much better qualified to help you with your decision, but I was just wondering. By the By, being owned by a grey is one of the most awesome experiences anyone can have.
  14. I was much too judgmental. I apologize. I so do wish I had the ability to care for one of these fabulous, awesome, intelligent beings we call birds.
  15. Yes, it is very sad. I don't understand people who can discard animals as if they were but a scrap of paper.
  16. I don't understand people who get an animal of any species and then think they can ignore or discard it as if it were a scrap of paper. No comprehension of the soul of these creatures.
  17. No doubt about who is the boss! Loved watching them.
  18. Have a wonderful play date! I agree with Dee. The macaws are beautiful and awesome, but the baby grey! Oh, what a sweetheart!!! How do all of you manage with multiple birds??????
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