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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Sibling rivalry indeed! Oh, my! What's next?
  2. She is making great strides and with your sensitivity to her needs for safety and quiet I foresee much more progress. I'm glad the bleeding stopped on its own.
  3. I didn't explain very well. After I logged in, I went to Gilbert is Home and attempted to post. After writing and clicking a message said I wasn't allowed to do that.
  4. It is time for a turn around. Thinking good thoughts for you.
  5. I wonder why I can't post when I am signed in.:confused:
  6. Dee, it is with much joy I read of this darling little girl and her progress. I rejoice with you over her flying to YOU, staying with YOU. And thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who deals with overflowing drip pans.
  7. Getting the chains and wires off must be a huge relief. Is that her usual way now of releasing pent up fear?
  8. Hip, hip, hooray on the braces. Will you need retainers? I, too, wonder how Gilly Girl will respond.
  9. "Touchy," yes, but I think she has a wild sense of humor as well.
  10. How exciting for you and for us! I, too, hope for a successful new bird family.
  11. YES! Miss GG has come a long way. I still say it is because of your love, patience, consistency, dedication- what else can I say
  12. Tiernin just turned nine. She is in to all things nature. This looks like a perfect book for her.
  13. Nancy, it is now the middle of June. How are you AND Ollie? And, of course Sophie. Howardine
  14. What a wonderful, special time for you! I, too, dreamed of having of having one after I saw movies of them in the wild. It was just a dream.
  15. I have played catch-up again. This darling, wonderful Miss Gilbert Gilly Girl never ceases to amaze, puzzle and delight me. And at the same time be filled with wistful longing. Dee, I want to thank you again for your willingness to share her through your gift of writing. Howardine
  16. Ray, I am so very sorry! My heart is heavy. Thank you for all the sharing of the beautiful love you two have had. Howardine
  17. I feel for you in snow. For us, now that the equinox has come, we are experiencing cooler temperature and have actually had some rain; not enough to make a dent however.
  18. Nancy, for some reason the forum does not allow me to answer. Love, Howardine
  19. Nancy, It hasn't been very long. Meltdowns happen when they happen. It is all right. Ollie knew you needed him. I can see the picture. Love, Howardine
  20. It seems you are finding your own way to heal. Blessings and peace. Howardine
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