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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. David is... Fill in the blank. He surely isn't one to say "Poor me." You aren't either.
  2. You make my day each time you post. Thank you!!!
  3. FUNNY!!! I think we all must be creatures of habit. I can only imagine what it is like at your house! Is David walking already? Weight bearing? I still can't manage stairs. I do hope he doesn't need more surgery!
  4. Probably psychic. Kitties sure seem to be, so why not Miss Gilbert. Oh, my! Bones, tendons, ligaments! It is better to get them repaired before insurance changes with retirement however, I agree. I tore a ligament in my wrist in July while doing therapy. I have waited because of not having any more time in that benefit period.
  5. I tried to post yesterday but couldn't. My best to David with his surgery. My guess is Miss Gillie Girl will want him to stay home forever after this layover. She is so very intelligent I'm sure she knew where you were. Howardine/kittykittykitty (Yes, the kitties are fine, thank you.)
  6. Thank you. Cataract extraction with lens implant is a real blessing when well done. I know from personal experience. Miss Gilbert is such a sweetheart! I'm sure you disagree, especially when she takes out a piece of flesh (or calls you "MA.")
  7. I'm very glad you are safe! Best wishes for speedy recovery from the surgery. Precious has a very long memory, also. She calls frequently for one of my grand-daughters that she seldom sees.
  8. My daughter put Plexiglas behind Precious' cage. It works well. Also Method Bathroom Cleaner helps remove dried food but it might remove poor quality paint. I have used vinegar and water as well. Howardine
  9. I would have been terrified, no matter what the source (and I'm a RN, but that's for humans).
  10. I'm in love again! What a sweet wonderful girl and so fortunate to have another loving home.
  11. Inara, that is beautiful! Dee, you are the one who is mending Miss GG with gold.
  12. It is all very sad. Thank you for stepping up and being such a good friend.
  13. Are you able to talk with that neighbor at all or is she totally closed?
  14. They are so beautiful! I am very happy for his new life.
  15. Thinking of you. What more can I say?
  16. I love, love, love your baby! Thank you for sharing this growing time with us. (S)he is very precocious. Of course having such dedicated parronts has a lot to do with it.
  17. Oh, oh, oh! How wonderful to have a double happy ending. Blessings on TWO beautiful souls.
  18. While my deceased husband was growing up in Brazil 70 plus years ago they had a rehomed Amazon that spoke German. He must have been wild caught. The stories told were of a very loving gentle bird with the man of the family but he could become very aggressive with other individuals. I think every bird has his/her own personality and it is up to us to respect that and still be kind, gentle, loving in our relationships.
  19. I don't know how I missed this! As I read it I was sure it had been written for Dee and Miss Gilli-girl, until the very end. I too, am very misty eyed. I think of all the birds and dogs and cats and primates and elephants and EVERY species. And I miss PRECIOUS!!!
  20. Thank you for sharing. I am very glad you found a good groomer. Dorian must be very pleased with his handsome self.
  21. They are beautiful. Thank you for the pics and updates.
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