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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. We cover, otherwise Precious doesn't sleep and neither do I when I am visiting. She begs to be covered by saying, "Do you want to go to bed?" Hint, hint.
  2. I saw it here, also. Trader Joe's is my usual source for organic produce.
  3. Dee, you are not only the feather, you are the wind beneath the wings of everyone you contact, including this special spirit called Miss Gilbert Gilli Girl GG Swamp Queen. You surely lift me.
  4. I am very glad you have found a new forever friend. She will not take the place of your darling Oprah but will help you heal. Welcome to the forum where you will find very special human friends as well as a wealth of information.
  5. I, too, am challenged. It goes with the age (86) I have been told. I just saw a new definition of SOS: Slower, older, safer.
  6. I tried, also. So sorry I was too late.
  7. I am sure it must be a relief to have the braces off. I know from my sister's experience that using the retainers is very important. I do wonder if Miss Gilbert's hair pulling/chewing isn't a reaction. Her intelligence really shows equating hurt and the word "ouch," as well as the sentence making and comprehension. I think she is on the level of Alex, maybe even beyond him.
  8. Your fids are beautiful! I agree that you have a very special gift.
  9. Inara, you are such a beauty, so special. May you have a very long, happy life with your loving parront.
  10. Thank you, Inara. Yes, it is love.
  11. I hope your finger heals soon. David may need to take a clue from your bite as well, even though she seems to love him dearly.
  12. I agree with the remembering. Precious knows she hurt me and remembers my anger. I did lose my cool and I regret it.
  13. Even this thread would make a delightful book, Dee.
  14. I am so very sorry about the feathers, also the wood chewing. It's almost like the World Cup; attack, defend, find an opening, GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL.
  15. Complex and confounding she surely is. Mental Illness? Maybe PTSD? Having worked the field I am very reluctant to hear a label because it sticks forever, even for Miss Gilli Girl.
  16. Interesting she didn't say "sorry;" the little stinker! Precious bit me at my next to last visit and I didn't feel very forgiving to her either.
  17. Dee, it really is your three years of hard work. Ryan was the beneficiary. So is David. Also Kelsey and you. Miss Gilbert is the most fortunate of all.
  18. Now wouldn't you just know it! But it does show how far Niss Gilli Girl has come. I think I love her as if she were my own.
  19. Unfortunately, organic does not guarantee aspergillum free.
  20. Your description is absolutely priceless! It reminds me of my two human daughters as they were growing up.
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