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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. You are a most caring, loving person. Peace, love and healing to all of you. Howardine
  2. Maggie and Jay, I was thinking it must have been about about a year. I must admit to tears welling in my eyes. What more to say except Love, Howardine
  3. Both of you are very special to me. Luv, Howardine
  4. Hi Jay and Maggie, I am feeling better than I have in a long time and am working at holding on to it. I am going north again the last week of May, the first week of June, allegedly for Tiernin's bd but we know it is really to spend some time with the Precious. lol I hope both of you are all right.
  5. I almost never change from KUSC. When I was north at Christmas (I know, a long time ago!) I found some Chanticleer recordings and played them almost to death. But such good voices and arraignments!
  6. Yeah, it worked one time! Such smarties! And the cats, too.
  7. Just for amazons??? Really now!!!
  8. Yes, I was on my way, and am only now getting to the computer. Thank you very much. The stay was good. Precious was healthy and loving, singing and whistling as always, but no new songs. She asked for her favorite foods including edemame, artichoke, apple, carrots, whatever. It was fun watching her bathe. She was so beautiful! But aren't they all? Since this is the tenth day of Christmas I think it is all right to say I hope your holidays were bright and may this year be kind to all of us. Howardine
  9. Thank you, Judy. I can hardly wait to see her. I have a flight this afternoon and will be there two weeks. I'm not taking the computer though.
  10. May you have a Merry Day whatever you celebrate. Howardine
  11. I've said for a long time the only dumb ones are humans. Other animals understand us, why can't we understand them?
  12. oh, they do learn it. They just withhold because they know you want to hear it.
  13. Precious sings Jesus Loves Me, Deck the Halls, Bring a Tourch, and whistles many tunes. When she is tired of those she makes up her own songs.
  14. Santa, dear: You know I've been soooo good all year. Please bring peace and love for my humans. And maybe some walnuts and almonds for me? Please? Love, Precious
  15. This is scary. Does someone know of something non-toxic? I would use the vet tape myself and wrap it around the wire. That would be harder to remove.
  16. Re: handwashing. Sing through "Happy Birthday" twice. Remember the underside of the fingernails and between the fingers including the thumbs. Happy handwashing!
  17. I agree. We must wait for Precious on her own time. A sprayer works well for her also. And use pure aloe vera juice, not the gel.
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