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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Mark, If you can, please hang on. I know a little bit about exhaustion, having had chronic fatigue-fibromyalgia for 20 years as well as having two daughters and helping to raise five grand children (one set of twins). I know about the joy of a Grey also, having given a temporary home to one more than fory years ago and now having one for six years today. It does take a lot of LOVE and PATIENCE. The others are much more knowledgable than I but don't hesitate to contact me if I can help at all. kittykittykitty:)
  2. Mark, If you can, please hang on. I know a little bit about exhaustion, having had chronic fatigue-fibromyalgia for 20 years as well as having two daughters and helping to raise five grand children (one set of twins). I know about the joy of a Grey also, having given a temporary home to one more than fory years ago and now having one for six years today. It does take a lot of LOVE and PATIENCE. The others are much more knowledgable than I but don't hesitate to contact me if I can help at all. kittykittykitty:)
  3. Hi Mark, and welcome. Hold on if you can! kittykittykitty
  4. Good to know your llamas have a good home. I think they are very interesting animals. Anything that can live in the Altoplano must be special. Love the photos. kittykittykitty
  5. Maybe no one will read this, but just in case, there are wild parrots that live in Redlands, California, the city next to Loma Linda. They called to my husband the evening he was dying. It was really special. I was told they were Mexican parrots, but I don't know. There is a flock in Anza-Borrego also. I don't know how they survive in the desert. kittykittykitty
  6. I'm glad you left this on. Besides, I got some good laughs.:laugh: kittykittykitty
  7. I thought it was hot here (Inland Empire), 103 today, but at least we don't (usually):laugh: have the humidity kittykittykitty
  8. Oh,no!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: kittykittykitty
  9. Hi, Jenny, I'll be looking for your updates with CoCo. He's lucky you have him now. kitykittykitty:)
  10. Hi! I want you to feel as welccome as I do. kittykittykitty:) :cheer:
  11. I'm really glad I found this site! Thank you everyone. kittykittykitty
  12. Just found your photos. They are beautiful!!! :) kittykittykitty
  13. What do you all do when you can't sleep at 1, 2 or 3 in the morning (local time)?:unsure: kkittykittykitty
  14. Oh, these are funny! :laugh: Thanks for the laugh. Congratulations to Susan. I bet I'm older than you. I have five grand kids and a just turned three gr.gr.daughter. Have lots of fun with your new baby! kittykittykitty
  15. Glad you like the name! :laugh: I had three kitties. That's why it's kittykittykitty. The Turkish Angora was killed in March by another animal when she went over the fence. The other two died of old age one week apart in May. Maybe I told you more than you wanted to know.
  16. I hope every Grey has a vet. What is difficult is having a good one and that one moves or becomes ill. Both circumstances happened to me. If one needs a diplomate it may be necessary to do a lot of driving, at least here. kittykittykitty
  17. Patience, love, kindness and read the books. It seems to me that she is experiencing enough change without trying a new name. If absolutely necessary put the two names together for a long time then drop the one you don't like. kittykittykitty:)
  18. Thank you for the invitation to join and to those of you who have seen my profile and to those who have sent me messages. I don't have a digital camera so there are no pictures to share. I hope to become friends with many of you. kittykittykitty
  19. I'm so sorry about Smoky. My thoughts are with you. Thank you for sharing. It makes me very concerned about my CAG's nutrition also. kittykittykitty
  20. I'm so sorry about Smoky. My thoughts are with you. Thank you for sharing. It makes me very concerned about my CAG's nutrition also. kittykittykitty
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