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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Hi and welcome from kittykittykitty also. I'm really glad you are researching before hand. There are too many throw away pets of all kinds, but it really gets me when I see it happen to a grey. As for breeders there is an excellent one in this area, but it's a long way for you.:huh:
  2. He put a smile on my face. :) kittykittykitty
  3. Thank you for the pics and may I add my welcome, also. I really enjoy this site and think you will too. kittykittykitty
  4. Good news! So glad for you and CoCo. kittykittykitty:)
  5. Thanks for the photos. I enjoyed them! kittykittykitty:)
  6. Yippeee! So glad you rescued Winslow, and welcome. kittykittykitty
  7. How adorable! Thanks for the pic. kittykittykitty:)
  8. Hello! I think you will find the people here to be the friendliest and most helpful. I have. kittykittykitty
  9. So glad you reposted. You are one busy gal. kittykittykitty
  10. It seems you all have a lot more wild parrots. An old article in the Press-Enterprise identified three of the parrots in Redlands, but I haven't founf anything for Anza-Borrego. Does anyone know? kittykittykitty:S
  11. Jenny, I don't give peanuts at all because of Aspergillus. I do give a few almonds for the calcium, and walnuts and pecans occasionally. I buy only human grade food, mostly organic. Kittykitttykitty:)
  12. Welcome! Fortunately Marly has you now. The people on this site are very helpful and friendly. Most have much more experience than I. There is a wealth of information and support here. kittykittykitty:)
  13. Lauri, I live on the opposite coast but I found my vet on the AAV site and she is good. There are more than 30 listed in New York state, several board certified. Maybe you could see which ones are closest to you and ask about those specific ones. Sorry I'm not good enough on the computer to forward the list to you. I, too, would rather have personal recommendations but this worked for me. kittykittykitty:)
  14. {Nature-0002009A}I'm very sorry it didn't work out. kittykittykitty:(
  15. I thought all parrots, Greys included, expressed a preference. It's good to know height has a lot to do with it. One book I read advised to not allow the bird to sit on the shoulder because of the dominence issue. kittykittykitty
  16. Oh,my!!! :lol: :lol: I can just see it! Especially since Precious still does it at age six, I hate to tell you. I have screw on dishes as well as sit in ring kinds. My husbad had used a Rubbermaisd plate for her dinner so I still do. And why does it happen when one is in such a rush! Greys are SO intelligent there isn't much they can't figure out and do. kittykittykittty
  17. Thank you. Southwest's site says no animals in cabin or baggage hold except for completely trained service animals. That's the only airline from ONT, (CA) to OAK or SMF (CA)where I usually fly. So---:unsure: :unsure: kittykittykitty
  18. Congratulations! :cheer: kittykittykitty
  19. Congratulations and welcome to the new grandson!:cheer: kittykittykitty
  20. Hard choices. This is an example of "nothing is black and white, only shades of grey." kittykittykitty
  21. Every bird is different. Precious doesn't sleep if a night light is on. kittykitttykitty
  22. Do any of you travel with your Grey by plane? If so, what is involed? Do you buy a ticket for the bird so it can have a seat and be buckeled in? Any problems? Southwest is the usual airline here. My vet recomended taking Precious with me. So far, I have stayed at home, not willing to take any chances. kittykittykitty :unsure: :unsure:
  23. I use an eight ounce spray bottle with purified or filtered water. Should I use aloe vera or half water, half aloe? I started calling it "rain" and misted very gently. Now Precious comes with wings spread and dances when I say "rain" and show her the bottle. I can do both top and underside. I don't remember any fear or anger. Maybe I was just lucky. kittykittykitty
  24. Hi, Lauri, welcome from kittykittykitty also. These people are absolutely the best I have ever met! :)
  25. Mark, If you can, please hang on. I know a little bit about exhaustion, having had chronic fatigue-fibromyalgia for 20 years as well as having two daughters and helping to raise five grand children (one set of twins). I know about the joy of a Grey also, having given a temporary home to one more than fory years ago and now having one for six years today. It does take a lot of LOVE and PATIENCE. The others are much more knowledgable than I but don't hesitate to contact me if I can help at all. kittykittykitty:)
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