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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Please take your baby back to the vet. And do keep us infomed.:dry: :unsure:ohmy:
  2. An excellent link! It gets hot here so fast, even in the shade, I won't take Precious out. But that's my decission.
  3. Congratulations to Oisin! Precious is molting, also. :ohmy:
  4. Besides going to the vet, you could try misting with pure aloe vera.:ohmy:
  5. According to Wikipedia potatoes contain glycoalkaloids, toxic compunds, which are partially destroyed by cooking. :sick: :ohmy:
  6. Talk about a look to kill!! Thank you for sharing.:lol:
  7. Please get your baby to the vet as soon as possible and keep us informed.:ohmy:
  8. Our skin is the first line of defence. Thank you all for emphasizing the handwashing and the lotion. This is what I learned those MANY years ago. :ohmy: :cheer: And thank you for the information on the cellular receptors. Knowledge empowers!!! :)
  9. Thank you! I know there are cross species infections but I'm really glad to know that it is unlikely I'll give the common viruses to Precious. :cheer:
  10. Our 110 degree temp was in June. Even though forcast hasn't materialized again--yet!:huh: :ohmy:
  11. I wondered if anyone used masks.:lol:
  12. Yes, the down is everywhere!:laugh:
  13. Good pics! And good ideas for bathing.
  14. M2MM, Smart. I'm in a townhouse so can't vacuum at night. My vacuums are loud, both the small and large ones.:ohmy:
  15. Ive done the shoulder exercises every day, even needed to ice one night (felt good) but no real walking. Does walking at Wal-Mart count? Did some gardening though.:ohmy:
  16. It's part of the AKC standard if one is going to show.
  17. Oh, yes. And sometimes she slides down the stand and starts walking towar her bedroom.:laugh:
  18. Precious tells me by saying, "Do you want to go to bed? Turn out the light. Good night. I love you." Not all of this every night, but often enough! :cheer: :lol:
  19. All of you seem to have a lot of fun with your birds on your shoulders! We didn't do it after reading about the dominance thing, however. There are times I wish we had.
  20. Welcome! Congratulations on your baby. I have found everyone very friendly and helpful. I think you will also. :cheer:
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